America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 195 Little Angels

Chapter 195 Little Angels
The new house is great and it cost millions of dollars to build; it's a self built house and would have cost more if it had been in the hands of a real estate developer.

Self-built house is good, although it costs a little money, but it is definitely much better than those unscrupulous real estate developers, this mansion is a real mansion, and it is very worth the money.

Qi Ping is very proud, this house has raised his face, and everyone who sees this mansion will be full of praise; Qi Ping is naturally very happy, although building this house cost more of Pooh and King Kong and their 'labor fees', but who makes their little brothers loyal, they don't mind their money being taken away to build houses.

King Kong and the others were not used to it at first. Although the new house was big and comfortable, they seemed to miss their old home even more.From time to time, they will sneak back to their hometown to play, and even these little guys often roar towards their hometown, especially at night.

Qi Ping and Kate were still a little worried at first, but the performance of the little ones was really worrying. They are very nostalgic and love the hometown where they grew up.It seems that they are not completely happy to move to a new home, and they do not necessarily like living in a big house.

But such worries are doomed to be unfounded. These little things quickly proved with their performance that this is just an adaptation period.Once you find a sense of belonging in this big house, you don't need to miss the old nest you grew up in. They can have fun wherever they are.

Pooh is really happy, because the new house is next to Muse Lake, and there is a swimming pool at home; so this guy who likes to play with water often jumps into the lake, and there are a lot of fish in Muse Lake, and now he can Winnie who catches a little fish often appears as a bear in water.But either there is a fish in its mouth, or it is roaring happily, anyone can tell that this fat bear is in a good mood.

King Kong is actually not bad, and living here is also very interesting for it; because there is a huge lawn at the door, it likes to do somersaults and practice martial arts on the lawn.And sitting by the small lake to wash hands and feet from time to time is also very interesting, and the generous Pooh often invites him to eat fish.

Heitan and Rudolph, they don't care; because the huge lawn at the door allows them to run around carefree all day long, and there is a small lake at the door of the house.The environment here is very good, they naturally like it very much; they can eat well and play well, so naturally they live very comfortably.

Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai, who are fluttering their wings, are now under a lot of pressure. Their hometown is at the foot of the mountain. When they come together in the morning and breathe twice, they have entered the mountain forest.But now the new house here is a bit far from the mountain. Anyway, they have to fly over this small lake to enter the mountain; moreover, this mountain forest is relatively unfamiliar to them, and they need to step on the spot again to figure out the situation in the mountain.

These two guys are really a little tired these days, moving into a new home is secondary, the most important thing is to start the forest adventure again, which is quite stressful for the two of them.Although they have learned a lot of words, and now their body length has reached half a meter; it looks like a bird of prey, but parrots are really not the overlords of the sky, they actually want to dominate the forest more often Need to be careful.

Chipping and Kate are very happy to have moved into their new home; it is a house that is completely theirs, and it is a mansion that is even beautiful.Obviously, there are not only good enough material comforts here, the beauty here makes Chipping and Kate feel full of happiness when they open their eyes every day.

After moving to a new home, the happy Spring Festival has also passed; it's just that this Spring Festival can be regarded as Qiping's family, not the whole family. My brother and sister-in-law stayed in the country with Benben and spent the Spring Festival with the mother-in-law.This can't be helped, my sister-in-law is an only child, and basically every year during the Spring Festival, she takes turns staying with the elderly on both sides.

It’s a little pity that the whole family can’t be together in the first New Year after moving into a new home; what makes people happy and looking forward to it is because the due date is gradually approaching, and now the whole family is looking forward to the children of birth.

The due date is approaching, and Kate was sent to the hospital ahead of time to prepare for the delivery; the whole family is very nervous, and Qi Ping is almost in the heart of his heart. It is the first time to be a father in a real sense, waiting A baby with his own blood flowing in his body was born, making Qiping walk around nervously, even thinking about something unclear in his mind, he is now in a state of confusion.

"Don't worry, the previous prenatal checkups were all good, and Kate's has always been very healthy. Now that we have hired such a good doctor, there must be no problem. You just wait to hold the baby, it's okay question."

Seeing his son's nervousness, Yu Lan was comforting Qi Ping; although he had made enough preparations before, the arrival of this important moment would still make the whole family very nervous and concerned.

"Although I am relieved, it does not mean that I will not be nervous. There is no way, this moment is too important to me, I really can't calm down." Qi Ping really can't calm down, such an important moment is naturally It can't be a calm posture.

After adjusting his mood well, the nurse called Qi Ping into the delivery room; in Chinese tradition, men should avoid giving birth.But there is basically no market for this kind of tradition now. Most of the time, men enter the delivery room and accompany their wives to witness the birth of their children.

Naturally, Qi Ping would not miss these. He hoped to give Kate more encouragement, and he hoped that he could see the birth of the children.So now, Qi Ping naturally ran into the delivery room, even if it was just an assistant, it didn't even have any effect at all, but as long as he could be by Kate's side, it was enough for Qi Ping.

At first, she was still a little excited and nervous, but now she only felt distressed; under the doctor's guidance, Kate breathed heavily, but her head was covered with bean-sized sweat.For every mother, the birth of a child is the happiest and most painful moment for the mother.

"Honey, I'm here, I'm here with you."

She held Kate's hand tightly, and looked into Kate's eyes tenderly; feeling Kate's current pain, she even squeezed her hand a little sorely.

But Kate is brave, even these mothers are brave. Although it is very painful, Kate just groans and groans softly.It is Kate's dream to give birth to a healthy and strong baby; choosing a more painful vaginal delivery instead of a caesarean section is enough to prove Kate's courage and responsibility to the children.

This is the first time for Kate to have children, and they are twins, which naturally greatly increases the difficulty, which will indeed make Kate suffer more pain.But Kate thinks it's all worth it, because she wants the children to be healthier and stronger, because she knows that children born naturally are healthier and stronger than children born by cesarean section.

Kate tried her best to squeeze out a smiling face. She didn't want Qi Ping to worry; although she was so painful that she couldn't speak now, she could let Qi Ping know her determination and courage.

"Kate, push harder! The baby is about to be born, try harder!"

Qi Ping carefully wiped Kate's sweat. Now is the most tense and critical moment, and the children are about to be born.Kate yelled loudly that she needed to push harder now because she knew the children were coming into this world.

With the sound of "Wow!", the little thing's loud cry sounded.

Qi Ping didn't have time to feel the joy of Rongsheng's father, because he saw that Kate was still suffering from great pain; although a little angel had been born, there was still another child who hadn't been born yet!
"Mr. Qi, Mrs. Qi, it's a boy! Congratulations, this is a strong young man!"

The nurse hastily hugged the little guy, while tidying up quickly, and continued to wait; because there is still a child, Kate still needs to work hard now.

A smile appeared on Kate's face, although she was still in severe pain; but after hearing the cry of the child, Kate felt that she had heard the most beautiful voice in the world.She likes this voice, which also gives her more motivation and courage, because she knows that another child is coming into this world.

Compared with the loud cry of the first baby, the next burst of baby cries is much quieter, a bit like the cry of a kitten.Very delicate, and it seems a little not strong enough.

"Mr. Qi, Mrs. Qi, congratulations. This is a beautiful little princess. You have a boy and a girl!"

The nurse congratulated again, which made Qi Ping and Kate extremely excited; twins, the first child is a perfect baby!Originally there were fewer twins, and naturally there were fewer twins among the twins; Qi Ping and Kate were excited now, they were so lucky and happy, these two little angels made Qi Ping and Kate extremely satisfied and happiness.

The skin is a little wrinkled and a little red, and the little guys have their eyes closed, and their wrinkled faces don't look handsome or beautiful at all.Perhaps many people think that the little ones must be ugly now, but in Qi Ping's view, his two children are so cute and beautiful!
"My dear, this is our child!"

Kate laughed. Although she had just endured great pain, seeing the two little guys next to her pillow, Kate felt that all the suffering was worth it.Because of these two lovely children, this makes her extremely proud and happy.

(End of this chapter)

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