Chapter 196
There was a huge crowd crowding the nursery, and the bottom line was that these two little ones were just too popular and attention.The birth of the children is a big event for the whole family; even Joshua rarely went on a date, and basically came to the hospital whenever he had time. The birth of his little nephew and niece made Joshua very happy.

Qi Ping, he is very busy now, even a little out of control.

Kate has just given birth and still needs to stay in the hospital for a few days; although the flush pocket is relatively bulging, it is true that there is a single delivery room plus high-level intensive care.But the family still dare not be careless, and are always preparing to take better care of Kate.Maternal women have always been the focus of protection, and even more need to be taken care of than pregnant women.

Kate is a great hero, and she gave birth to two children at once, and they were twins!This was enough to make the whole family rejoice, and now the whole family is turning around Kate and the children.

The children are still in the nursery, and they still need some checks and the like, so they can't go home immediately; although everything at home is ready, the children have just been born after all, and they really need to be in the hospital It will be more reassuring to observe for a few more days.

"It's good that I stay with Kate in the hospital, you all go back. King Kong, they may be confused, you go back and take care of them. Dad is more nervous than me these two days, baby, if it's not because he is familiar with these people in the hospital Now, Dad may really be driven away by the security guards."

Kate looked at the two children happily. Just after feeding the children, the little ones wriggled their little mouths and lay quietly beside her; Kate felt very satisfied, and Qi Ping was also very satisfied.Just don't forget to tease my dad. Dad really can't wait to settle down outside the nursery these two days. Basically, he doesn't want to take his eyes off his precious grandson and granddaughter for a moment.

"I was afraid that you would not be able to take care of the children, so I went to help. I said, don't be dissatisfied, the baby is so cute, of course I have to watch carefully. In the past, the wrong child was always shown on TV, and here The hospital doesn't know if the doctors and nurses have professional ethics, so I feel relieved."

Qi Weihui said with certainty, in short, he just needs to look after his precious grandson and granddaughter, so that he can rest assured.

"Our baby is very recognizable. They all have black hair, unlike those children who have yellow hair or brown hair. And our baby is all yellow skin, so we can recognize it right away. Besides, I have already remembered clearly what the baby looks like, and I can recognize my baby at a glance."

Kissing his precious daughter pamperingly, Qi Ping is not worried about the oolong of reporting the wrong child; the whole family regards the precious children as treasures, and the children are almost always watched by family members.

"Emily is a beautiful kid and I think she could be naughtier than Alex. Believe me, I've watched for a long time; Emily is more of a cryr, but Alex is a very good boy .”

Another intergenerational relative is Eric, who is relatively strict with Kate and Joshua; but as a grandpa, the old guy is very kind all of a sudden.Like Qi Ping's father, these two grandparents are basically sitting at the door of the nursery with a small stool, where they will pay attention to the lovely children.

Caroline laughed, and she thought so too; although the children had only been born for a few days, she could notice some of the children's personalities and the like.

The little girl Emily is indeed restless, but the little boy Alex is not that naughty. He is an obedient boy, which makes people feel very at ease.It seems that the family will not be overwhelmed, because there are not two little devils in the world who are very naughty.

Mom, Dad, Eric, and Caroline have gone back. It’s good to have a flush companion bed in the hospital; Mom, Dad, they basically put down everything in their hands, and go back and forth from the forestry farm to the hospital every day. several times.The drivers, namely Eric and Caroline, have put down their work and are completely concerned about the newborn children.

"I think Alex might hate mum in the future, have you noticed that his features look like mine. I'm glad the kids look more like me, but if it's a boy it'll look too delicate."

Both of them couldn't fall asleep, and they were still discussing the children's topic enthusiastically.Kate is showing off, although the children's faces are still a little wrinkled and they can't see clearly.But Kate knows that the children are actually more like her than the ordinary-looking father, which makes Kate very proud and proud, showing off when she has nothing to do.

"Looking like you is a good thing, and I will be a handsome guy in the future. If I look like me, the pressure will be greater; I spent a lot of time chasing you before. If I was more handsome, maybe I would have chased you sooner." it's your turn."

Kate raised her eyebrows proudly. One of the things she was very proud of was that Qi Ping chased her; so this matter must be told to the children in the future, and Kate will 'laugh' at Qi Ping for the rest of his life.

"Have you noticed that our children will definitely cause us a lot of headaches. Especially Emily, although she looks more like her mother, her personality will be very similar to her father. Naughty, playful, and very edible! "

Kate's words made Qi Ping very embarrassed. Thinking about his precious children, they are really big eaters; if it's just a little boy, it's fine, it's normal for a boy to eat a little.But the baby girl seems to have a lot of appetite; even this newborn who weighs eight and a half catties has a bigger appetite than her elder brother, although he is a little heavier than her.

The two were happily discussing the topic of children, and gradually fell asleep; Qi Ping and Kate are actually in the stage of excitement now, this is the first time for them to become parents, and they are still a little uncomfortable with this new identity for the time being .But it's more about feeling the start of school and the anticipation that they're ready to be the best parents they can be.

"I took a look when I came over. Both Xiaoyao and Xiaoyouyou in our family are not honest children. They are the only two crying and making noise in the whole nursery."

Qi Weihui smiled openly, thinking about coming to the hospital as soon as he opened his eyes; daughter-in-law is very important, but baby grandson and granddaughter are more important.Although they brought breakfast and some simple daily necessities, the four grandparents came to the hospital and went straight to the nursery. The son and daughter were actually placed second.

"Dad, we are going back to the forest farm today. You come to see me and Kate first, so that we feel more comfortable. But these days, you come to see the baby first every day, and Kate and I are out of balance. "

Qi Ping's words made Kate feel the same, although the whole family still regards her as a key protection object; but she is obviously not as good as the children, who are actually more popular and cared for.

"You are all grown up, and you don't need us to take care of you anymore. Now it's your age to take care of us. Babies are different. Babies are too young now, so you need to watch them."

Yu Lan smiled and brought out crucian carp soup to Kate. Crucian carp soup is very important to Kate; Kate insists on breastfeeding and has two children, so now crucian carp soup, pig's feet stewed with soybeans or silky chicken soup Kind of, Kate can't finish it.

Mom and Caroline are busy now, busy making these foods that are good for pregnant women.As for Qi Ping's father and Eric, they went to the market to buy pig's trotters, and then went back to the forest farm to fish; after catching salmon and bass, they almost gritted their teeth, because they knew that crucian carp soup was more suitable for Kate.

"We have all driven the car, and the baby seat and the like have been fixed. At that time, your mother and your mother-in-law will be in your car, and your father-in-law and I will be in your sports car. We all drove out, wait When you drive, slow down and be steady, and don’t drive like before, just speeding and so on.”

Qi Ping is under a lot of pressure, just to drive a car, why is he so strict; but it is true, the children have just been born, and now they need to be more careful and prudent.Drive slowly and steadily, this is the most important thing; although the road from the forest farm to the villa has been repaired, but considering Qi Ping’s misdeeds of racing when there is no car on the road, he must be strictly supervised.

Before and after the run, the discharge procedures were completed, and the doctor's instructions were carefully listened to; the whole family was very careful and careful, and there was no reason to pretend to understand, even if they understood it, they would confirm it again and again.There is no way, who makes the children so precious now, and the opinions of doctors largely represent authority, they are experts!

Chipping and Kate did not grab the right to hold the baby. The mother and mother-in-law thought they knew how to hold the baby, so it is better to hold the newborn now.Dad and Eric are carrying big bags and small bags in their hands; the most important thing is to pay attention, don't let some reckless people bump into them, they are now the strictest bodyguards.

Kate pouted; she failed to hold her baby son and daughter, and now she can only be supported by Qi Ping carefully.This made her very aggrieved, but there was nothing she could do about it. Parents and mothers were all experienced. They were indeed more experienced and able to take good care of the children.

Carefully put the children on the fixed seats, and the mother and mother-in-law took care of the children carefully.Kate also came over, and three attentive women took care of the children.As for Qi Ping, he could only sit in the co-pilot, and he was repeatedly reminded to drive carefully.

There is no way, the children are the focus of care now, and they have just been born, so naturally they need to be more careful.

(End of this chapter)

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