America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 200 Live Well

Chapter 200 Live Well
It is almost in the form of decorations, and the children's full moon wine is a must; with cute twins, Qi Ping belongs to the Dazzling Baby Maniac.Shout out in the QQ group, post happiness on some of my social networks; Kate is similar, basically on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter, there are some photos of the children.

The children have a full moon, and they must celebrate; this is an old tradition, although they cannot go back to China to hold a lively full moon wine.But inviting close family and friends was a lot of fun for Zipping and Kate.And it can be regarded as showing off his mansion, after all, after moving to the mansion, there is really no big deal.

The moving party was actually not held. At that time, Kate was basically in a state of waiting for delivery. How could the whole family have the mind to hold a moving party? Taking care of Kate was the most important thing.But now there is no need to worry, and you can have a lively full moon wine.

In fact, there is still a custom in the United States called a gift party, which is actually a party for the baby, but more often before the baby is born.

At that time, Qi Ping and his family were too busy to handle, so there was no time for a gift-giving party.So for now, let's wait until the children are born.This is more atmospheric and lively; the two cute little guys are now in their arms, and they are more proud than anything else.

It doesn't necessarily mean how lively it is, but a dining table is set up on the lawn at the entrance, and some desserts and drinks are placed.Such a gift-giving party is destined not to be a lively one, but warmth and tranquility are the most important styles.This is a children's party, and adults can't use the excuse of children to join in the fun.

"You're proud now, it's pink and blue again, you've made a lot of money all at once!"

Luo Yi teased Qi Ping, pink represents girls, and blue represents boys; Qi Ping is very proud now, because his child is a twin, which makes him extremely proud.Although the two little ones are still restlessly lying in their swaddling babies, they have become the focus of attention of others.

Kate is happily unwrapping the presents, and she has this right now; although the presents are all for the children, the children are too young now, so as a mother, this is all Kate's right.She is very happy, the gifts for children are actually simple little gifts, but this is definitely the most suitable gift for children.

"Are you planning to buy a yacht? What price or type are you planning to buy?"

Kate is happily unwrapping presents, and the men are sitting together, chatting and drinking; the men still have a lot to talk about now, that is, Qi Ping is planning to buy a yacht now.It's a big deal, and one worth bragging about or discussing.

"It's not a large yacht, but a smaller yacht. It's just for swimming in the lake, and it's about $200 million. It's not going to go out to sea, and it doesn't need to consider too much space; and Miao The water in Si Lake is not too deep, so we don’t need such a big yacht.”

It can be said that Qi Ping has been coveting yachts for a long time, but he also knows that some luxury yachts cost tens of millions of dollars or even hundreds of millions of dollars.Don't say that the current flush yachts can't afford it, and even if they can afford it, they don't necessarily need it, so it's worthwhile to need these more suitable yachts.

"We basically don't have much to spend money on now, and we can't keep wronging ourselves. We have a lake, but we can't go swimming in the lake. This is a waste of money. Buy a yacht now and wait until the children grow up a little bit. It’s so pleasant and comfortable to take them to swim in the lake.”

Qi Ping is planning triumphantly. It is not too much for him to own a yacht now, and it is quite suitable.Now for Qi Ping, it is to enjoy life and enjoy the good life every day; especially after having children, it is naturally to enjoy the good life better.

"This is more reliable, and there is no need to make it so big. If you buy a villa on the beach in the future and build a larger yacht, it will be more reliable. At that time, you will have to consider going to sea. You are now in Muse Lake If you turn a corner, you are afraid of touching the shore, so there is no need to make it so big. It is good to have a smaller bedroom, and even the bathroom does not need to be too particular. It is better to have a wider deck, after all, you don’t need to consider spending the night on the yacht. "

Luo Yi's opinion is very good, there is really no need to get a luxurious yacht now; after all, it's just a lake cruise, so it's more practical to honestly build a more reliable yacht now.It is true that Qi Ping is not very short of money now, but it definitely does not mean that he can spend money recklessly. He still needs some planning when spending money. He must not be very rich and extravagant in pursuit of luxury, which is not cost-effective.

Kate was the happiest at the end of the lighthearted baby shower; she received a lot of presents and she unwrapped a lot of gift boxes.These are gifts for the children, but Kate feels that she needs to keep these gifts for the children, and she now has the need to better distribute these gifts.

That's actually what Kate does, and it looks like she's doing it pretty well.

"My dear, Alex can already laugh! Look, what a smart kid!" Kate shouted excitedly, because the children are constantly growing; Kate is extremely happy when interacting with her children, because she can play more games with her favorite children.

"My son and daughter are both smart. In less than three months, they know that their little eyes are looking around. Now they can almost recognize people, and they know King Kong and Pooh." Qi Ping was very happy, looking at his precious son Spitting bubbles and clapping his little hands, Qi Ping was very happy.

"Of course, because they have the smartest and most beautiful mother!" Kate proudly kissed the little faces of the children, watching the children grow up healthily and happily, this is one of the most beautiful things Kate feels now One, "Alex and Emily are the best kids! I'm sure they can do better!"

It's normal for Kate to be proud, because the children's growth and development are very good; maybe they don't look like geniuses now, but what I have to admit is that under the ample aura of the forest farm, the children's natural growth and development are even better .Compared with the children of the same period, Xiaoyao and Yoyo did grow faster.

Seeing King Kong happily turning somersaults in the living room, Qi Ping just felt a little dumbfounded; the children are still very young, and basically just know how to recognize people.But that's good, they are very familiar with King Kong and Pooh; although they don't know how to speak, their bright little eyes know how to run after King Kong and Pooh.

King Kong and Pooh are now used to the two new members of the family, although the two new members are still very young and can't speak or play games.But the two 'natives', King Kong and Pooh, are very warm and friendly. They often play games with Yoyo and Xiaoyao, such as somersaults, which can indeed get applause and laughter from the children.

I am in a good mood, seeing my family enjoy the good life now, which makes Qiping extremely happy and satisfied.For him, money is of course a good thing; Qi Ping is also very content, he knows that he has a lot of money now, and his career is also steadily advancing and developing.

But this is really not the most important thing. Qi Ping believes that family is his foundation, and this is also the place Qi Ping misses the most.Qi Ping is also a very contented person, running a forest farm is enough for him; don't think that running a forest farm is easy, there is actually a lot of potential in it that can be continuously tapped, if you want to fully tap the potential of the forest farm , this is not a simple matter.

Qi Ping can be said to be a somewhat unmotivated person, he feels that there is no need for him to make his life too tiring.It's someone else's business if others have a career, and there's nothing wrong with that.But it is also certain that Qi Ping feels that there is nothing wrong with enjoying a leisurely and comfortable life.

Everyone has their own ideas and their own way of life; obviously, Qi Ping thinks his current way of life is beautiful and interesting.This is enough, and my family members seem to enjoy this kind of life, which is the most important thing.

"Mom, my yacht really didn't cost much, I can guarantee it!" The yacht was about to be delivered, and Qi Ping began to be interrogated by his mother; the yacht is really a big difference, "I didn't To buy a particularly exaggerated yacht is to open it a little in our lake, bask in the sun, and go fishing. It’s not too exaggerated. You don’t know my personality, I’m still very sensible.”

Obviously, although Qi Ping was close to reassuring; but the result looked very ordinary, and his mother's suspicious eyes made Qi Ping a little ashamed.It still seems a little unreliable, and it will still be suspected by the family; especially regarding the spending of money, in the eyes of my parents, Qi Ping really has the tendency to be extravagant and prodigal.

"I really didn't spend too much money. You'll know when the yacht is delivered. It's not big or luxurious, but it's quite comfortable. It's the most suitable for our family. If I have nothing to do, I can hang around in the small lake twice. I went to learn how to drive a yacht, this cannot be wasted!"

This time, my mother seemed to feel a little 'sincerity'. She felt that the yacht this time might not be so expensive; the simplest reason is that Qi Ping went to learn how to drive a yacht, and it must not be a very high-end yacht. Otherwise, that kid Qi Ping really might not be able to play well.

(End of this chapter)

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