America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 201 The Yacht Arrives

Chapter 201 The Yacht Arrives
Qiping chose Cafu Yachting, which mainly produces large and medium-sized luxury yachts; the annual output accounts for 70% of the luxury yachts in the United States.The design fully demonstrates the style of American yachts: a tall and spacious living room, a driving platform with a wide view, a comfortable and private luxurious bedroom and an open deck bathed in sunlight, just like a swimming villa on the sea.

Although Qiping does not necessarily need that kind of particularly large yacht, but it must not be too small; Qiping chose Kafu 43 Super Sport.It is just over 13 meters long, four meters wide, and the draft is only a little over one meter, which is absolutely suitable.There is enough room for movement, and there is no need to worry about being too bulky.

"I asked them to change it, otherwise our yacht would have been delivered home. I asked them to take the shower room. The water quality of our Muse Lake is so good that it can be washed directly. And it's nothing There is no need to worry about sea water and the like. And I also changed the kitchen. We don’t need such a big kitchen. We can make some snacks and put a juicer in it. We will definitely go home when we want to eat. Only then can we eat happily."

Qi Ping was showing off the yacht triumphantly, and was introducing this yacht to his family; in fact, this was an idea he and Kate came up with together, but his parents are not very familiar with yachts.

This is a flybridge yacht. The flybridge deck is located on the uppermost deck of the yacht. It is usually open-air, but it is also equipped with a folding soft canopy that can be used for sun and rain protection.

The functions and facilities of the flybridge deck are mainly for leisure and entertainment, with outdoor sun pads, dining areas, outdoor bars and barbecues.For yacht players in Europe and the United States, the deck is the best choice for holding outdoor parties and dinners at sea. They can enjoy the lake breeze blowing in hip-hop and rock music and indulge freely; .

"I think you just need to spend money. This yacht is definitely not cheap. You have a bar in the salon area, a wine cabinet and a multi-functional TV table, all of which cost money. I don't know how to look at anything else. After looking at it, you can tell that this is a teak floor, the sofa and the like are made of real leather, and the carpet is made of cashmere, which is not cheap." Although Yu Lan seemed to be complaining, she thought it was normal.

My son can earn a lot of money now, and the most important thing is that my son really doesn't spend money lavishly; although sometimes it is unreliable to buy a motorboat, a sports car, etc., but such things are really good.Definitely not a prodigal in the true sense, not the kind of profligate attitude; so there is nothing incomprehensible, this is a young man after all, and a young man has young people's thoughts.

"Get me a few more sets of fishing rods to put on the boat. I've been fishing quite happily during this period of time. The motor boat you bought is not suitable. Once it's winter or something like that, you can't go out, and it looks like It’s still a bit dangerous. This yacht is better, if it’s easy to drive, I’ll have to drive it twice.”

Qi Weihui seemed to be quite interested in this yacht, and was actively researching whether he could drive this yacht.It is still very interesting to drive a yacht to go fishing.

"No problem, it's really not that difficult to drive this yacht. Anyway, there is only our yacht on this lake, so you can drive it however you want. I'll teach you when the time comes, it's actually a little easier to learn than driving." Qi Ping was showing off triumphantly, this yacht is really good, anyway, he knows how to drive a yacht.

Qi Ping's family is very happy, enjoying the fun brought by this yacht; especially as summer slowly enters, the lovely children are now wearing cute little T-shirts, with chubby arms and legs The toots are really cute.

The fat son is disobedient, and the baby girl is even more disobedient; the two little guys have just learned a little simple pronunciation, and now they are shouting all day long.The two villains are crazy, and they like to be talked to, and what they like most is when someone takes them to play games.

"Let's go, let's go! Let's go swimming in the lake. We won't be fishing today, and we don't have all the equipment. Our task today is to take a boat around the lake!"

Qi Ping was in high spirits. After the yacht was delivered, he was eager to try it. After the adjustment, he can now take his family to swim in the lake. He really can't wait.

"I'll go to the cab with you, please drive slowly. Let your mother and Kate take care of the baby. King Kong and Pooh can't always let them run on the boat in the future, they are a bit heavy now."

Qi Weihui was cheerful. If he wanted to learn how to drive a yacht, he naturally went to the wheelhouse; driving and sailing a yacht are actually very fun.Although it may look a little older, it really doesn't matter; I'm only in my early 50s, although I'm not as young as those young people, but it doesn't mean that I can't get in touch with new things.In fact, Qi Weihui really learned a lot of interesting new things during his time in the forest farm.

"Guys, wait for me! I'm coming, wait for me, just 3 minutes!"

Both Qi Ping and Qi Weihui were overjoyed. They had just launched the yacht, but there was an anxious voice from the shore.Obviously, it's Joshua; he's a smart guy, coming all the way here in his dune buggy.Knowing that the yacht has just been transported back to the forest farm, according to Qi Ping's personality, he must be eager to go for a test drive and play.

Joshua really doesn't like going out to sea, because he thinks it's too boring; but it doesn't mean he doesn't like yachting, and now it's just swimming in the lake, a little experience is enough, don't worry about the inconvenient return journey on the vast sea.I have to come here. After all, this is also a private yacht, which can satisfy Joshua's sullen show-off mentality.

"Emily, you're like this again. You cry every time you see me. If this goes on, I will only like Alex more. He and I have a very good relationship."

Joshua got on the boat and successfully made his lovely baby girl cry. It is helpless to say that although Joshua is 15 years old, he is still a half-grown boy.He likes to tease children very much, but this kid has no patience; Xiaoyao and Yoyo often leave after crying, and he doesn't have much patience to play games with children.

"Joshua, get out!" Kate flaunted her femininity. She loves and hates this unworthy younger brother. This kid will only cause headaches. "Alex and Emily won't like it." You, I can assure you! You are an incompetent uncle, you will only make these lovely children cry!"

The thick-skinned old Joshua doesn't care about this criticism, it's just a joke anyway; the most important thing is that he knows that he is really not a very good uncle.

Joshua feels that he still needs to adapt more, adapting to the new role of being an uncle.So it's okay, it's just that he hasn't done his best for the time being; but Joshua can guarantee that he likes Alex and Emily very much, because they are his closest juniors.

"Qi, it's almost summer vacation, don't you think it would be cool to have a yacht party at Muse Lake? I know the rules, no messing around, no littering, etc., and I'll take care of the hygiene on the yacht .Actually, you can join this party too, and you'll know that I've never been a messy guy!"

After getting into the cab, Joshua started to talk endlessly; this time, besides looking at the yacht, he also had such an ambition.

"I think you may have found out that no one knows how to drive a yacht, so you thought of letting me come over. You have a good idea. But you and Kate have discussed it. I am the master of big things. These are small things. Don't let me be on such small things. It's too low-grade to make decisions." Qi Ping smiled, greeted through the intercom, and then launched the yacht.

"My God, there's never anything big going on in the house, I've always known it! If I told Kate, she might say yes, but I might have to say yes to a lot of things. Man, I'm your best man, it's you Best partner, you can't let me down again and again in such a thing!"

Joshua is helpless, is this still a multi-millionaire, and even heard many people say that Qi Ping's current worth has steadily exceeded hundreds of millions of dollars.Come on, this doesn't look like a billionaire, this is totally a henpecked family man, it's so disappointing if those Joshua classmates know.

"It's useless for you to convince me, this is the truth. How should I put it, if I bypass Kate and agree to these things, you will have no trouble, at most you will be nagged a few times. But I will be in big trouble, she Whispers in my ear every night and pinches me. For my safety, you better do something right."

Qi Ping doesn't think it's henpecking or something like that, it's respect, okay? He and Kate are very affectionate, so these things are just a little sentimentality in life.

Life with Kate is enjoyable; Qi Ping doesn't care what other people say, life is his own, and it's a good thing to be happy.Besides, getting along with Kate like this, everyone knows that it is extremely sweet and enviable.Only a half-child like Joshua would often come up with some strange words, especially when he was trying to ask the talkative Qi Ping to agree to something, there were even more strange words in order to stimulate Qi Ping.

"Let's go, let's go! Our task today is to swim the lake. In two days, we will fill up the refrigerator, bar and kitchen on the boat. At that time, our family will have a real fun and party on the lake. It will definitely be very interesting!"

Qi Ping is looking forward to it, this yacht is really great; it has enough space, and it is stable and safe, suitable for family outings.In addition, this beautiful lake belongs to its own property, so you can play with confidence and boldness!

(End of this chapter)

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