America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 213 Life and Vacation

Chapter 213 Life and Vacation

"Sam, go fishing? If you go fishing I think we might share a car, or I might have to walk to Muse Lake. The kids want to find King Kong, Pooh, I didn't know it was Zhuying just now Taiwan or Liang Shanbo has come to call the children and take them to the garden, it should be like this."

Sam brought out the recliner to rest, but Grant from the holiday villa next door ran over; these two old guys came to take their grandson to chase stars, but they made a new discovery, that is, the Fairyland Forest Farm deserves its reputation, and even they feel that it is here The environment is far better than they had previously known.

The [-] US dollars is just the basic fee. In fact, it must be more than that for staying here for a week; but they all feel that it is worth the money. Even now, these people are starting to show off and publicize in their circle of friends.

"Go fishing? It's a good proposal. I hope to catch salmon. The salmon here is really delicious. Although it's a bit expensive, I think it's worth it." Sam thinks this proposal is very good. An old wife took their children to play The game is fine, it's not their game.

In fact, at the beginning, Sam and Grant looked at King Kong and Pooh with some fear and resistance, because they are beasts and aggressive.But in the past two days, I found that they are really smart; it is not unreasonable to be loved by children, because they are really smart and cute, and even Sam and the others prepare some fruits every day to entertain these special children. guest.

Sam and Grant went fishing happily. For old men like them, such a leisure way of entertainment like fishing is very appetizing.And you can also catch delicious salmon and sea bass, which you will never tire of eating; although you need to pay for it, since you come out to play, you don't need to care about money.

"Good morning, Mr. Qi! I think the children are going to be disappointed. They just said they are going to play games in the garden. But I think Pooh and King Kong will be at home with the children today."

Sam and Grant, who were driving the car, laughed. They saw Qi Ping, a strange but interesting forest owner; they also felt very funny and envious.

A cute little girl is lying on the bear's back, and Pooh is walking slowly now; of course, it is impossible to just let that cute little girl who can't walk play bear riding alone, and Qi Ping is supporting the baby girl Woolen cloth.As for King Kong, he was holding a fat child carefully, which was naturally the precious son of the forest farm owner Qi Ping.

"The children may be disappointed. They may stay at home today. They are all smart children. They didn't take more care of the children at home in the past two days, so they may feel a little guilty and unhappy." Qi Ping smiled Looking up, he is not worried about King Kong and Pooh's betrayal now, because once their curiosity is over, they still stay at home to take care of their children.

As for Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai, I am completely desperate for them, they are hopeless types; they like to play games with children, but they are definitely not baby babies who can't walk yet.So Xiaoyao and Yoyo are ignored by these two stinky guys again and again, they prefer to run around outside.

And now that there are more tourists, there will naturally be children, and they have found new playmates; although it is estimated that it may be just a novelty, it is estimated that these two guys may really not lose this interest in a short time.They have always been very enthusiastic about playing.

Sam and Grant were a little disappointed. Although this scene was extremely beautiful for Qi Ping, for them, it was doomed for the children to be disappointed.No way, who made smart little guys like King Kong and Pooh not so easy to "betray", they have their own world and ideas, and they like to be with their families very much.

Obviously, Qiping's family is their real family; it doesn't matter to go out for a few laps once in a while, it's just fun.Now that I'm crazy enough outside, it's natural to go home to take care of my family.

"pa pa, ma ma!"

Youyou Xiaozui is not idle for a moment, although she has just come into contact with the new game of riding a bear, and she is playing with great interest; but the little girl is still busy talking, she has just learned to speak a few words, so now Naturally, he is busy strengthening exercises.I have to continue to study harder, because Yoyo seems to find that she is not clear enough to speak fluently enough.

As for Qi Ping and Kate, they have been smiling for a long time; for them, the children's childish shouts are the greatest happiness for Qi Ping and Kate.Although the children are now able to call people with a baby voice, it is not enough, because Qi Ping and Kate know that the children have reached the age of learning to speak.

Teaching the children to speak and playing games with them; this is the main task of Chipping and Kate every day now, and it is also their greatest joy.This kind of life will never be boring.

"It seems that they all like the forest farm. I believe it even more now. The development plan of the resort is a good thing, which will make our forest farm more beautiful. And we can make a lot of money. I think we should Celebrate."

Kate said with a smile that she is very happy now; although this is only the first wave of guests, the feedback she has received is very gratifying and satisfying.Although I knew the beauty of the forest farm a long time ago, it doesn't mean that the resort will be accepted by everyone. After all, the consumer price here is very high.

But now there is really no need to worry, even if it is only the first wave of customers, but they quickly fell in love with the forest farm, and even showed a tendency to linger.The meaning of this is obvious, that is, the fairyland forest farm resort is very popular, and this will be an extremely good start.

"Yes, I know our resort will be successful, I am very confident and confident, otherwise I would not have invested so much money in the development of the resort. Have you noticed that they have no intention of leaving early, it seems They will leave reluctantly only after one week has expired."

Qi Ping is very proud that he is in charge of the development plan of the resort; and now the resort is very popular, which naturally makes Qi Ping very satisfied.Although he has the confidence to make people like the environment here, the premise is that those people are willing to pay; there is no need to worry now, although the price is expensive, these people don't care.

The first wave of guests received high praise; although the forest farm resort still needs further development and more entertainment and leisure projects.But it really doesn't matter, let alone; because the resort is open, it can continue to make some money now.

It's not bad money at all, not only the resort itself can bring a lot of income, but also the output of the vegetable base, these can make Qiping let go.Now that the water test has achieved great success, it is of course to take advantage of the victory to pursue it, so that the grade and quality of the resort can be quickly improved, and a truly top-notch leisure resort can also be created!
It is indeed not short of money, and with the recognition of the market, this is enough to make Qiping have no hesitation; there is no need to worry about his plan not being accepted by the market, and there is no need to worry about losing money.So now, it is to speed up and continue to develop the resort, and make the resort a real top resort as soon as possible.

For the resort, Qi Ping actually has high expectations; he certainly hopes that his own resort will do better, but it is not just for making money.Because the resort has really been built, Qiping and his family will live more here, which will give him and his family more opportunities to enjoy a better life.

"Steve got very good feedback. These customers did some surveys, and they put forward some good opinions. For example, our resort facilities are not perfect enough, for example, the entertainment items here are limited. These are What we need to improve and pay attention to, I think these are all right. But for the environment of the forest farm, they are full of praise, and they all showed a tendency to do it again."

Seeing Qi Ping showing off triumphantly, Kate is naturally proud; Fairyland Forest Farm is actually her home, and she certainly hopes that the forest farm will become more beautiful.As for those opinions, Kate actually knows it well; because although the plan of the resort has been developed a long time ago, firstly, the funds are limited, and secondly, it is almost started from scratch.

So obviously, being able to have the current scale is already very good, because it is definitely not a matter of three or two days to develop a top-level resort.

"I also think there are a little less entertainment and leisure here. Not everyone likes this kind of leisure very much. Those people are different from us. We are really on vacation every day. We have yachts, motorboats, We can also ride horses, plant flowers and pick fruit, which they don’t have.”

Kate raised her eyebrows and said proudly, those people don't have so much power to do what they want to do when they come to the resort.Playing golf, fishing, and driving around the golf course to see the scenery is obviously not for everyone, and it may even make some people feel boring.

"The most important thing is that we have the cutest children, and we have the best friends. Our whole family is together, this is our home!"

Kate's showing off made Qi Ping laugh, and she was right; this is our home, so we can play as we want, and we don't need to worry about so many constraints.Those people just come here for vacation, while my family lives here, they are completely different moods and grades!
(End of this chapter)

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