America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 214 Here comes the sale

Chapter 214 Here Comes the Sales (Please Subscribe!!!)
"Benben, bring your younger brother and younger sister. We're going to pick fruit later. Look after your younger brother and younger sister. Grandma needs to pack something."

Yu Lan was very happy, now that her eldest grandson Benben had also come, it was naturally the best thing for her; as for her eldest son still staying in the country, it didn't matter, as the eldest grandson received more attention.

"Grandma, my younger brother and younger sister are good boys. I like my younger brother and younger sister the most." Benben is happy. He is a typical example of life and vitality when he arrives at the forest farm; and now he can play with his younger brother and younger sister. Really happy.

Yu Lan is very happy and relieved; Ben Ben likes his younger siblings very much, and the two little guys, Xiaoyao and Yoyo, are even happier.Because they have met their elder brother now, and finally have a child who is about their age; now the three little guys are playing together thoroughly, this is really the happiest thing for Yu Lan.

Kate and her sister-in-law went out with her, or the mother would not be able to take care of the three children by herself; the sister-in-law brought Ben Ben to the United States first, and now she is busy immigrating and building a villa. In fact, the most important thing is to bring Ben Ben. Ben came here early to adapt to life, in order to allow Benben to study in Ramona.

I haven't been to the orchard a few times, but Benben likes to go to the orchard very much now, so that he can eat so that his belly is round.This kid really likes the forest farm; not only does he have many good playmates, but he can also eat a lot of fruits. This is the happiest thing for Benben.

"What? Now you want to give me the AmEx black gold card, but I don't want it." In the study, he lay flat on the office chair with his feet on the desk, "I've heard of the black gold card before, what kind of credit card? Wang, right? But it’s not necessary for me, the banks here are constantly improving my customer level, and the service is still very thoughtful.”

The American Express Centurion Card is the so-called black gold card; cardholders who own this "King of Cards" can enjoy top honors, customized exclusive services and unparalleled global rights and interests, including an all-day "on-demand" concierge services, VIP seats for various events around the world, and exclusive privileges at top private clubs in major cities around the world.

But for Qi Ping, he really didn't need it; the American Express Black Gold Card is good, and the reputation is indeed great, and it has even become a status symbol.But for Qi Ping, his worth is not low, and now there are many banks that want to treat him as an important customer, and the service he is receiving now is no worse than the black gold card.

"Qi, you can think about it. You should have heard how difficult it is to get some black gold cards. This is not something that can be passed just by applying. For you, having a black gold card is really convenient. When you go out for a trip or something It is more convenient; there is a private secretary, and a phone call to help you handle everything. He is not a bank, and he wants you to change to a bank or something."

Steve is persuading Qiping, he knows that Qiping is a person who is afraid of trouble; if Qiping wants to change a bank, Steve really may not be a lobbyist.But this is just to hope that Qiping can get a top-level credit card, which is no problem at all; as for this card, there will be some minimum consumption every year, which is not a problem at all; don’t think that Qiping often lives in the forest farm, but it’s a waste of money. More speed than this dude.

"Then let me think about it again. I really need to think about this matter. You should know that I am not short of money now; he said this card is a status symbol, but the card I got from other banks is top-notch. Yes. I am not short of money now, and I also have a private secretary among other bank card services, and I only need a phone call to book a car, a tour guide, etc. I will consider it and give you face."

Qi Ping naturally knows why Steve is a lobbyist, because his family is in the service industry, so it is inevitable that he has some relations with some people.In fact, Laomei’s service industry is very developed, especially for the rich; Qiping received a call some time ago, and Amex wanted to give Qiping an Amex black card, but Qiping refused.

But now it’s all right, Qi Ping doesn’t want it, Amex runs to fight a protracted war, and opens the door from Qi Ping’s friends.Doesn't it mean that such a black gold card does not accept applications? My buddies have rejected your continuous invitations here, and it is really embarrassing for the black gold card.

"The black gold card is so awesome, isn't it just an annual fee of one or two thousand dollars a year, besides, the consumption by swiping the card is 10,000+. Travel discounts, leisure life discounts, banking and investment services provided by bank service specialists and 24-hour comprehensive support, these services are amazing! And the credit card here, you are an unlimited card, there is no overdraft limit!"

Luo Yi encouraged this flush, because the name of the black gold card is too big, and it is enough to show off its prestige.

Qi Ping really doesn't have much interest in the black gold card, because he would think that such a black gold card is a bit flashy for him; why, because he is now an important customer of Wells Fargo Bank, Qi Ping now has Unimaginable convenience, tailor-made benefits, and unparalleled services, only a few invited people can enjoy the top credit cards such as the Visa Infinite Card.

Showing off is really not suitable for Qiping; he feels that there is really no need for him to be proud of a black gold card now, because there is no need for him, because he doesn't care about such a card at all.

It's just that rich people have always been the key resources, and they are the targets of competition for service companies and banks; those banks are actually very clear about how many assets Qi Ping has now.So at this time, it is necessary to compete for this big customer.

In fact, Qi Ping also knows that he is a rich man, and it is impossible that he does not need any connections; socialize with others.Especially the rich and the rich, they occupy most of the resources, and sometimes it is easier to achieve some success when working together.

"American Express Black Gold Card? We really don't need such a card now. You already have a private service secretary. I don't think it's necessary. If you have an extra black gold card, it will just add an extra dollar to your wallet." A top-notch credit card will cause some girls to wink and seduce you every time you swipe the card."

Kate squeezed into Qi Ping's arms and sat. Who said that after giving birth, you can't act like a baby; Kate doesn't care about these things, even if the children are there, she doesn't care about them, because the children are influenced by their mothers. That's why he likes kissing games so much, and why he's so clingy.

"I don't think so, just hold this card, you also need a better credit card, which is good for you and me. You know, my card is good, yours Regardless of the cards, we have never been able to distinguish them so clearly. The most important thing is that I have more cards, which will overlap; but they hired Steve as a lobbyist, and I really can’t refuse.”

Qi Ping thought of a very good idea now; the family does not need so many top-level credit cards, but it can be considered to maintain these credit cards that can bring more convenience to the family at a reasonable number.Chip and Kate, they might both consider having a top-tier credit card.

"Me? Let me hold a black gold card. I think it's really crazy. I never thought that one day I would hold a black gold card. But I think they might not agree. The forest farm is in your Although I still have a lot of money in my account.” Kate smiled and hugged Qi Ping’s neck and acted like a baby. Of course, she knew that as long as Qi Ping agreed to open a black gold card, American Express would not worry about who became the cardholder. People, as long as they are relatives of Qiping.

"They will definitely agree, you have a lot of money in your account, believe me. I only own real estate, and this forest farm; but you have a lot of dollars in your account, and our villa and our yacht can It’s all in your name. I believe that if you are willing to pay more attention to these mundane matters, AmEx may be persuading you to open a black gold card now.”

The two were laughing and chatting about this matter. For them, the black gold card really doesn't mean much now; the simplest reason is that they do have enough worth now, so one or two top-level cards Credit cards are a trivial matter.And there are some reasons, that is, Qi Ping and Kate don't necessarily like such a top credit card so much now, what they prefer now is life at home.

Qi Ping is a rich man, there is no doubt, and his assets are still increasing rapidly; this is a new rich man, even if he is not necessarily the top rich man, but he can be sure that billions of dollars Rich people may not be a problem at all for Qi Ping.

In terms of cash, funds, etc., Qi Ping definitely does not have hundreds of millions of dollars in funds; Qi Ping has indeed made a lot of money in the past few years, but the money he has earned is actually not at the level of hundreds of millions of dollars.However, in the past few years, Qiping's income has been increasing and increasing rapidly every year.This says a lot, this is a rich man with great potential.

And rich people don’t necessarily depend on how much money they have in their accounts; it is enough for Qiping to have a Fairyland Forest Farm. This made Qiping a popular fried chicken, and became the object of competition for some big companies and companies.

If we can reach some cooperation with Qiping.

I don't bother to say so much, Qi Ping is still very happy; now he is a rich man, although some "sales calls" are a headache, but being rich is nothing to worry about!The real trouble is when you have no money and want to buy something!

(End of this chapter)

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