America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 218 Warm Welcome

Chapter 218 Warm Welcome
"Alex and Emily learned a lot from you, maybe just playing games!"

Kate is a little bit dumbfounded. Catch the week is actually just a custom of predicting the future of a baby. It doesn't necessarily mean that it has too much meaning. It's just the good expectations of parents and elders for their children.

However, this should also be some good expectations.

Books that symbolize scholars and knowledge are not touched by children; businessmen's calculators are not touched, and neither are the seals of high officials.He didn't even want to be free and leisurely, such as coins that symbolized wealth.

The attitude of the two little guys is very simple, toys, only toys!
"I'm having a headache now. The two of them are naughty besides being naughty now. You saw it when you caught Zhou Zhou. They want the same toys. They want to join in the fun and be crazy. They will definitely want what others have. Yes, the things that people rob are actually the good things they like.”

Seeing his precious son gnawing on a small apple and drooling, Qi Ping wiped his fat son's face in a funny way.The children are really at a particularly playful and active age now. Qi Ping can be sure that the little ones are only just getting on the plane, so they will show some patience. They can eat apples, but they will soon impatient.

"Emily is a lady, you see, she has learned to dress up now, she has learned to cultivate her temperament. Believe me, Emily will be a lady like me; but Alex, I think you are right His judgment is very accurate. Although Alex seemed to be more gentle when he was young, we all know that boys will become more and more naughty, and Alex is like this."

The baby boy is indeed getting more and more naughty, little boy, don’t expect him to be an honest boy; especially Xiaoyao deals with playmates like black bears and chimpanzees all day long, and both Qiping and Kate want the children to be more lively .So I can be sure that the possibility of Xiaoyao becoming a little gentleman is really small, and being mischievous is a sure thing.

As for Yoyo, anyway, Qi Ping doesn't think that the little girl can become a lady, it's just Kate's compliment; the little girl will look more ladylike when she's asleep, or else she's just a naughty girl.It is true that Xiaoyao looks a little more naughty now, but Yoyo is definitely not much worse, they are all very naughty.

The long-distance flight of more than ten hours really made the children very uncomfortable and uncomfortable, and the little ones cried several times.There is no other way, now I can only coax the children; Qi Ping also thinks that the matter of private jets really needs to be carefully considered, the children are too young now, and flying by plane will definitely not be comfortable.

This matter must be carefully considered. In the final analysis, Qi Ping does not have too many ambitions. He just hopes that his family can live a better and more enjoyable life. He just wants to run his own small family well.He can't control the others, and he doesn't want to.

"We're going home, we're going home!"

The baby girl is hanging on the chest, and the fat son is on the back. Although the two little guys are asleep now, since they want to walk, they need their father to carry them on their backs.Qi Ping is also very happy, the children cling to him even when they sleep, which of course makes Qi Ping quite proud and showing off.

The most important thing is to go back to the forest farm. It has been more than ten days since I came out, and I really want to go back to the forest farm.

"King Kong, this way!"

When I arrived at the forest farm, I saw the huge chimpanzee at the gate of the forest farm; King Kong is now three years old. Although he can only be counted as a teenager in the chimpanzee group, he has indeed grown up and now stands up They are already about one meter high.

King Kong was happy, he hadn't seen his elder brother or the children for many days; otherwise Luo Yi's family was taking care of them, these little guys would have rebelled long ago.Although they seem to be relatively patient, they really miss Qi Ping very much. They are already waiting at the gate of the forest farm. They are looking forward to seeing the most familiar figures earlier.

King Kong started to run excitedly, and at this time a thick bear roar sounded; Pooh was actually the same as King Kong and the others, playing games at the gate of the forest farm and waiting for Qiping every day.Now that he has seen Qiping and the children, it is naturally impossible for Pooh to show nothing; he roared and ran towards Qiping aggressively. He is actually more clingy than King Kong.

Pooh is really powerful when he runs. He is already more than one meter long and weighs more than two hundred catties. Moreover, this guy eats and drinks well, and his body is chubby.The smooth, clean and thick hair formed ripples with the chubby flesh when he ran.And this guy has white V-shaped chest spots on his chest, so he is really handsome.

The children woke up, but they were not dazed or unhappy; the little ones were happy because they heard the roar of King Kong and Pooh.The little guys slapped their hands, and they couldn't wait to play games with their Uncle Pooh and Uncle King Kong.

"Look, the children have such a good relationship with King Kong and Pooh."

Kate was very happy, seeing the children cuddling and kissing King Kong and Pooh, she was very happy and proud.The children grew up accompanied by King Kong and Pooh when they were young, so there is nothing to say about their friendship.This is also the first time since the children were born that they haven't seen their Uncle Bear and Uncle Orangutan for such a long time, so they miss them even more.

"That's why I said you should educate Rudolph. That stinky deer didn't show any signs of it. We all grew up together, so why doesn't it look like children at all?"

Chipping and Kate are not in a hurry to go home right now. They are actually very happy to see the children giggling and playing games with Pooh's round head in their arms.When I returned to the forest farm and home, I felt a lot of happiness and joy, which made me very happy and proud.

"Heitan is similar. The two of them have no patience with the children. They just want to play games by themselves. Even Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai are better than them, although Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai always quarrel with the children. , but they do like children."

Kate pursed her lips a little aggrieved, she was actually very distressed and had a headache; although the boy Heitan didn't like playing games with the children very much, he didn't resist.For example, if Qi Ping or she is riding a horse with children in her arms, Heitan will walk very steadily and slowly; although this guy usually runs at full speed, when he has children, he walks very slowly.

Heitan is still very smart, but it is really playful, so the time to play games with children is really limited.But it cannot be denied that Heitan is actually a very good uncle; although compared with King Kong and Pooh, Heitan's performance is a bit worse.It's just that it's more because of Pooh and King Kong, that's the typical example of a good uncle!
Heitan's performance is actually reasonable and acceptable; as for Rudolph, although he doesn't have any resistance or hostility towards the children, he really doesn't like to approach the children proactively.Even when the children wanted to play games with Rudolph, Rudolph was perfunctory and impatient.

Rudolph is hopeless, he just wants to go out to play; the simplest reason is because he thinks the children are too young, so he needs to be careful when playing with them.So the playful Rudolph's attitude is obvious, that is, he really doesn't have much enthusiasm for playing games with children, and taking children is not his preference.

Xiaoyao leaned on Pooh's back with his little ass pouted, this is a game he learned together with Benben; Dad rode a horse and ran fast, so the children rode bears.Pooh walks very steadily. Although Xiaoyao is very small now and needs help if he wants to lie on the bear's back steadily, it doesn't matter. The children's fun is actually the most important thing.

Yoyo performed very well, and the little lady didn't run around riding a bear; the strap tied to Qiping's body was tied to King Kong's body.Now Yoyo is happily singing in a baby voice, because Uncle King Kong is carrying her on his back.Riding a bear actually requires a lot of physical strength, and the children also need to have enough strength; Xiaoyao and Yoyo can't do it now, and they can't sit still.It's better to let King Kong carry it more comfortably. You don't need to worry about falling off, you just need to sing happily.

"I'm back! I'm back! Everyone's back!"

"I miss me, I miss everyone!"

Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai began to shout at the top of their voices. These two colorful parrots were happy; although it really likes to play outside, it prefers to play with its family members.Now that he is finally home, Liang Shanbo is of course happy; he just ran out to play for a while, but he didn't know that his elder brother and the others had already returned.

The appearance of these two live parrots really made Qiping and Kate very happy. They received a warm welcome as soon as they came home. It felt really good to go home.

"Where are Heitan and Rudolph? Where did they go?"

Qi Ping felt that he needed to ask. The whole family was basically dispatched now, except Heitan and Rudolph were missing; but Qi Ping knew that he could find their traces.Not because they only play in forest farms, but most importantly because of Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai, two excellent intelligence agents.

"sleeping at home!"

Qi Ping and Kate were taken aback. Heitan and Rudolph were sleeping at home and not going out to play?This is really unscientific, Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai must have misunderstood it, otherwise they would not have stayed at home obediently.

Or maybe it was because he was sick that he didn't go out to play?

(End of this chapter)

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