America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 219 Plan for the younger brothers

Chapter 219 Plan for the younger brothers
The lazy Qi Ping really doesn't want to get up very much. The sunshine in California is very bright, and it directly spills into the bedroom through the floor-to-ceiling windows, which also makes Qi Ping really feel very comfortable and very lazy.

Kissed Kate, watching Kate lazily and also didn't want to get up, but both of them knew very well that when the time came, they had to get up, otherwise they would hear the children making a fuss later.

"Dad! Daddy!"

On the cute little bed, the two little guys, Xiaoyao and Yoyo, are rolling happily, and the little guys are all awake; but fortunately, the two brothers and sisters are playing and playing games, but they are not crying again Make trouble again.But this can only be sure, this is just waking up for a while, so the little ones will not cry yet.

"I woke up so early, do you miss Dad?"

Qi Ping lay down on the bed with a smile, bullied the children with a smile, and played with the children with a smile; for him, this was the happiest thing every day, playing and playing with the children, accompanying him Children grow.

"I didn't miss my father, I missed my mother!"

Yoyo didn't give any face, the little girl giggled and threw herself into Kate's arms; Kate was of course very happy when she heard the baby girl's words, and hugged the little girl and kissed her several times.

But Xiaoyao is good, the little guy hugged his father's neck, pouted his mouth and kissed Qi Ping hard many times.This is all right, mentally balanced.

I happily carried the two little guys downstairs. Although they are walking more steadily now, going down the stairs is really difficult. It is better to hold them because breakfast is about to be eaten.

Xiaoyao and Yoyo were taken by grandma to brush their teeth. Of course, it was grandma who helped them brush their baby teeth; children don’t know these things yet, and Qi Ping doesn’t know much about them, so it’s better to be lazy. Mom is helping to take care of it.Qi Ping can still do some simple things, and he can only do these.

Qi Ping is still quite busy. For example, Pooh and King Kong have to be fed well so that they can go out to play games.Fortunately, they are all omnivorous animals, otherwise they really can't afford it. These big eaters eat a lot of food every day. If they are only fed meat, it will really put Qi Ping under great pressure.

"Can you two be honest at breakfast, don't just be naughty here!"

Qi Ping is a little funny, Xiaoyao and Yoyo are both sitting on their children's booster chairs, and now they are both older children who can sit on the table.It's just that these two little guys are dishonest. Holding their own little spoons is almost like practicing martial arts. Anyway, I didn't see how much food they pulled into their little mouths.

"Dad, Daddy!"

The little ones clapped their hands happily, without the slightest awareness of doing anything wrong; in fact, the little ones were only about one and a half years old, and no one cared about how much they ate for breakfast.Little guys, now they are actually running around with their feeding bottles more often, eating, eating vegetables, etc., which is pitiful.

After breakfast, it's time to work; seeing the fat son and baby girl happily running out of the house with their big milk bottles in their hands, Qi Ping knew it very well.These two naughty boys really can't stay at home. Now it's time to play games, and the children know it very well.

"Babies, let's go pick peaches today, shall we? The weather is very good today, let's go pick fruits together." Qi Ping grabbed his baby son, this little guy is learning somersaults with King Kong, a one and a half year old little guy It's not long since I learned how to walk, and I've already started to learn other difficult movements.

"I want big, big peaches!"

Fat son got excited, the little guy squeezed into Qi Ping's arms, and gestured with his small hands; according to fat son's standard of "big peach", maybe the watermelon is not that big.But it doesn't matter, Qi Ping nodded straight; although it is impossible to find huge peaches for the fat son, Qi Ping can guarantee to find many good big peaches for the fat son.

"Father, I'm going too! And my brother!"

As soon as she heard that she was going out to pick peaches, the baby girl naturally refused to be outdone; the little girl pulled her father's clothes in case her father would take her brother to pick peaches and not take her, but the little girl was very smart.Now Yoyo is the elder sister, she likes her younger brother very much, so naturally she will not forget to share some good things with her cute younger brother.

"My brother is too young now, and I can't eat peaches yet. It's good for you to go, it's really not in vain to hurt you. When my brother grows up, Yoyo will take my brother to pick fruit."

Luo Yi, who was hugging his son, smiled happily. This little girl, Yoyo, is really caring!

I don't bother to pay attention to that guy Luo Yi. Luo Yi, who has just had a son, is now very frightened; although his family's little Luo Yan is only a few months old, but Luo Yi is basically holding the baby and showing off for many days. up.

It's really disappointing, my baby son and baby daughter are so cute, I just show off in moderation!Qi Ping despises Luo Yi very much, dog meat can't sit at the table, Luo Yi's class is really too low, so low that people can't look down on him!
King Kong got to sit on the golf course, and it still has a mission, which is to help Kate take good care of the children; the little naughty people are not honest and honest in the car, and they need King Kong to help a little.

"Honey, do we need to consider finding a companion for King Kong. We don't need to worry about Pooh, it can find its kind in the mountains and forests, but King Kong doesn't have a companion. It is already three years old, although it is only a child now, but We also need to consider King Kong's later life.

"I know this, but King Kong doesn't necessarily need to find a girlfriend now. I remember checking the information, and it should be around ten years old when it wants to find a girlfriend. It's too young now, and it's at most a peace contract now. It's the same age as Asia, and it's just a kid. I'll think about it and find a beautiful girlfriend for it."

Of course Qi Ping would not wrong his younger brother, although finding a partner for King Kong might not be a simple matter, but it didn't matter; Qi Ping didn't care anyway, he still had some money in his pocket.Things that can be solved with money are not a problem for Qi Ping, because he has the capital.

King Kong was happily yelling and chatting happily with the children.It lives carefree now, and every day will be very happy.As for things like girlfriends, King Kong really doesn't think much about it now, maybe it doesn't have that awareness at all now, and having fun is the most important thing for it.

"Pooh has grown up now, although he still likes to act like a baby when we are in front of us, although he looks like a naughty child who can't grow up. But believe me, Pooh has become a big guy, and he often slips now Go play in the mountains, it is the real king of the forest!"

Pooh ran very happily, and couldn't help howling; this fat guy is also three years old. This guy usually moves with a slow and clumsy gait, but when he really runs, the speed is quite fast. A guy who is easily fooled by its fat body, the black bear is actually quite a flexible big guy, definitely not clumsy!
In fact, Pooh seems to know that he wants to find a girlfriend now, and the male bears actually know that they need to find a partner when they are three or four years old; Pooh is like this now, running up the mountain every now and then.Although this guy may not be very capable of surviving independently on the mountain now, one thing is certain, that is, generally no other animals in the forest can threaten it, because it is really a very powerful existence.

"They've all grown up, one by one. Heitan needs to think about finding a partner for him now. I plan to bring in one or two mares in two days. Heitan really needs it." It has found a partner, it has never had any companions, otherwise it would not be possible to mix with the deer now. Rudolph does not need to worry, he has always had a companion and has many companions."

Qi Ping feels that now he really needs to arrange the lives of these little guys in the family, especially their partners, which needs to be carefully considered and arranged.

Qi Ping really has a lot to do now. For example, Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai, these two guys have actually grown up; their personalities are a bit irritable during this period, which is a manifestation of their growth.But it's okay, although they are sometimes idle and impatient, Qi Ping and his family are very good.

Perhaps, there will be a few more small colorful parrots in the house soon; Qi Ping knows that Zhu Yingtai should be about to lay eggs, and during this time Qi Ping is also preparing to arrange a reliable nest for them, even The incubators are all ready.In the final analysis, it is because Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai have some natural instincts, but they are really immature and lack some experience, so Qi Ping needs to help them.

"Dad, watermelon!"

Yoyo happily pointed to the watermelon field beside the road, obviously she wanted her father to stop the car; now she was going to pick watermelons, Yoyo wanted to eat watermelon now.

Needless to say, it doesn’t matter whether it’s picking peaches or watermelons. This time I came out to play games with the children, and the other things are not the most important.Pick the watermelon first, who makes the children like it!

Both King Kong and Pooh have started to eat, and for them, delicious food does not necessarily need to wait until they go home to start eating.The simplest reason is that they don't need to wash hands and fruits, and can be eaten directly.

Xiaoyao and Yoyo are happily running around in the watermelon field, seriously studying which watermelon is bigger.

(End of this chapter)

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