Chapter 229 BBQ
"These two naughty bastards grabbed Heitan early in the morning two days ago to prevent it from running, just arguing to ride a horse. Once the novelty wears off, they don't want to ride a horse at all, even if Heitan is under their noses It doesn't matter if you move around."

Qi Ping took the sausage from Kate, and now the whole family is busy with bbq, which is a happy outdoor barbecue; this time, the bbq was held under the noise of the children, and they were going to eat under the fruit tree .So now it's all right, the whole family is working hard to prepare for this small wish of the children.

"Wash the leeks for me, and by the way, some chicken wings and crispy bones. Benben will be back soon. He likes potatoes and corn, so we need to prepare some." Qi Ping is the best chef, cooking When it comes to BBQ and other barbecues, this is the time for Qi Ping to show his skills, anyway, he needs to do barbecue by himself.

"Well, I like Flammulina velutipes very much. Alex and Emily's grilled chicken legs need to be prepared earlier. My dear, I believe in your ability. If it is not because you are running a forest farm, I believe that if you go to barbecue store, we can also earn unimaginable sums of money.”

Kate smiled and praised Qiping a few words. It is obvious that she thinks her husband is the most powerful, so it is no exaggeration to say; Kate stubbornly believes that her husband can do everything well. If he is willing, it will be the world The most powerful person in the world, she is a level fan, a real fan.

Satisfied to accept Kate's kiss, Qi Ping was happily flipping the barbecue; these grilled chicken legs, grilled chicken wings, and grilled steaks all need to speed up, because it takes a little time.Lunch for a big family is barbecue, and of course more delicacies need to be prepared.

"I'm going to prepare some drinks, milk and juice that the children like, and some fruit salad we need. Mom took the children to pick fruit. I believe the lunch will be very rich. We will have a lot of delicious lunches. Enjoyed it."

Kate said with a smile that she was very satisfied with the lunch; there will be a delicious meal at home, but it is also very happy to have a picnic.In fact, it is because I met the right person, and because the whole family can be together, so that I can be the happiest, and I can enjoy a happy and happy lunch.

King Kong is very happy, now it has become a big child, so it can happily pick a lot of fruits, and now it has become the most powerful little helper.And Pooh is similar, it is carrying a lot of fruit now, but it is very happy because it is very powerful now, and because it is carrying a lot of fruit now, it is very happy to be able to eat.

"Fortunately, I can make some money now, and although our forestry farm doesn't produce much meat, there are some supplements. Otherwise, I really can't afford to support these few snacks. Half a child eats a poor man, our few The little rascals really have this ability, each and every one of them has such a good appetite."

Seeing the children happily nibbling on the beef, Qi Ping felt very happy.The fact that the children are growing up healthily and happily is quite a sense of accomplishment for Qi Ping.

"It's better to eat more meat, whether it's pork or chicken. The chicken farm in our forest farm now has a lot of output, which is enough for the children to eat chicken legs. But we still need to eat more beef so that the children can grow up." It's getting stronger." Yu Lan happily cut up the steak for the children, and handed over more vegetables to Qi Ping.

Qi Ping, who is speechless, does not want to say that there are more grilled meats, let alone pay attention to nutritional balance; Just compared with their peers.Such a sumptuous lunch can definitely guarantee that everyone will be full.

The family happily came to a bbq in the orchard. They ate happily and played more happily. This is not just a simple picnic, but also includes activities after the barbecue.For example, taking the children to pick fruit, watching the children yelling and running around in the orchard, and watching the children gesticulating and begging King Kong and Pooh to help them pick fruit, these are actually very interesting.

"By the way, the orchards in our family have grown up now, and they really have a lot of fruit this year. Next year, there will definitely be more fruit. Do you have some plans or something? If we eat it ourselves, it would be too wasteful, and we can’t eat so much. Our forest farm is good, and vegetables and fruits are willing to grow.”

Qi Weihui was eating peaches while chatting about business; the forest farm was developing very fast, and now it was not just resorts and the like, but also fruit forests.These are all prepared by Qiping two years ago, and now some fruit trees are starting to bear fruit one after another. Even if it is not a large area, it can still represent a good start.

"I discussed it with Luo Yi a long time ago, and we must let our specialty store distribute the goods first. The quality of our forestry products is very good and has been recognized by the market; the next step is naturally a good thing, although there are not many fruits now. But let’s take it slow first, and make money while cultivating the market. Anyway, these fruits must not be rotten in the ground.”

Regarding these plans, Qi Ping has already known these things in his mind, and even these things have been planned for a long time; Qi Ping is not going to do some things after he comes out, that will be too busy and tiring, and it will make people feel a little caught off guard .Qi Ping doesn't like surprise attacks. What he prefers is that everything is done step by step, so relaxed and comfortable.

This kind of model is needed now, and the fruit forests are starting to bear fruit now, so the forest farm will naturally be an extra source of income.This is good news, increasing income and reducing expenditure seems to be the best way to make a fortune; but Qi Ping is more aware that although saving money is useful to a certain extent, there is no doubt that open source is the most practical way.

Qi Weihui is very satisfied, don't look at his youngest son who is doing nothing all day long, although he does seem a little unprofessional.However, this kid arranges his work very reasonably. It doesn't matter how crazy he is at playing, because things like work have already been arranged, and there is no such thing as plaything and losing one's mind.

"Now we plan to control the sales scale a little bit, otherwise it will not be easy to increase the price in the future. The most important thing is that we still need to be a little scruples now, and we can't completely steal the market share all at once, and be hated like that. We Although the development is very good now, the foundation is still not solid enough, and now we need to be more stable.”

It's rare that his father mentioned these things on his own initiative, so Qi Ping would naturally say more; his father is usually busy in the forest farm, in the vegetable field, in the fruit forest, and in the resort and construction site.But my father never cared much about business matters, he just asked about the situation occasionally; because he didn't understand, because he didn't care about these things.

After chatting with my father for a while, I saw my precious daughter running over holding two big peaches in her hands; although the little girl is already walking very steadily now, once she starts trotting, she must be a little unstable.Although it seems a bit worrying, the little girl is really worrying, a little troublemaker!
"Father, you eat! The biggest one, you pick it!"

The little girl slammed into her father's arms, and the little girl proudly held up the peach she was holding to show off; this made Qi Ping extremely happy. Taozi then thought of bringing something good for her father.

Qi Ping kissed the little girl's face again and again, and Yoyo giggled and waved her little hands in protest; but the little girl is very happy now, this is her and her father's favorite game.As for the biggest peach, it has been thrown away casually by the little girl now; to push Dad away now, the little girl doesn't have much strength, so she needs to concentrate on it.

"Dad, I want strawberries. There are no strawberries here."

Xiaoyao, who was drooling while holding a peach, was a typical greedy person. The little guy was eating peaches and looking at plums, but he still wanted to eat strawberries.I have to say that the children's small appetites are really too big, and now they are only thinking about eating.It has to be said that now that the children have grown up, their staple food is naturally the same as that of adults.

"Then let's go home first, and we'll pick strawberries in the evening. We'll put on little strawberries and overalls, not just picking strawberries, but you can also help mom and dad take care of the flower garden. We're going to pull weeds , I’m going to pick flowers.” Holding his fat son and precious daughter in his arms, Qi Ping will not just take the children to eat, drink and have fun, but also take the children to do some things.

The children are all happy. For children, picking strawberries is of course a very interesting thing, and picking flowers will also be quite interesting.Children are quite familiar with the large flower garden at home; even if they are happy, they often pretend to be cute in front of flowers.Not to mention Yoyo, she would ask for some flowers every day.

It's a beautiful day, I don't know where to come out to BBQ, it's not only a good time to eat, but also a good time to play.Now there are more interesting plans, such as taking care of the flower garden with the whole family. These are actually quite interesting and loving.

"I'm very happy. Let's take care of our flower garden together. We are building our forest farm together. I will feel very happy and happy! We now have the best two assistants. Believe me, we can make our forest farm , our flower gardens, and our homes into the most beautiful place!"

Kate smiled and hugged the children and kissed them hard. Of course, her husband was also indispensable. This was the happiest thing for her, because the family was together.

(End of this chapter)

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