America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 230 Go hunting

Chapter 230 Go hunting
"I said that you eat and drink well at home. Why do you want to go hunting in the mountains? There is no shortage of game at home. What's the point of going hunting. It's tiring and dangerous on the mountains, you are With money on my body, I was in a hurry, and now I have learned a whole body of strange problems."

Yu Lan complained a little, and couldn't understand Qi Ping's thinking about going hunting; this matter of hunting was really hard to understand.Now it’s good to live comfortably at home. If you go hunting in the mountains, you’re asking for guilt. Of course, you have to live comfortably, but it’s really hard to understand why you take the initiative to seek guilt.

"I'm really going to hunt some game. I usually buy a little beef, mutton, and pork, but I really need to go to the mountains to hunt rabbit meat and pheasant meat. Now that the hunting season is finally here, I also took a few. Hunting tickets, I really don’t want to go back and hunt two deer. The deer are embarrassed and can’t shoot, but the deer on the mountain don’t have any friendship with me. I just shoot whatever I want, and come back to get some venison Eat and smoke a little more. I need a dress up and a stuffed deer head for the fireplace."

Qi Ping is very ambitious, so naturally he cannot return empty-handed when he goes hunting. Hunting is naturally a recreational activity for Qi Ping, but Qi Ping feels that he can also enrich the dining table a little.There are not so many restrictions in normal times. If you want to eat rabbits, pheasants, etc., you can go hunting in the mountains; but you really need to wait until the hunting season to hunt deer.

"It would be great if you hunted down a wild boar. Wild boar is more delicious. The meat is very tender and has less fat. The fat content seems to be only half of that of domestic pigs. When you go to the mountain, pay more attention to it. The wild boar was dragged back. I haven’t eaten wild boar for a long time, and none of our babies have eaten wild boar.”

While packing up his belongings, Qi Weihui reminded Qi Ping that he was going out to work, and he didn't care about hunting; Qi Ping and Kate were the only ones who had eaten wild boar at home. It was said that Qi Ping had killed a wild boar a few years ago.But in the past two years, Qi Ping really doesn't have that ability, maybe there is also a reason for being lazy.

"Next time, I will pay more attention and try to catch wild boars. In fact, there are no restrictions on wild boars in the United States. If you see them, you can shoot them. Don't worry, I will try to catch wild boars!"

After wiping off his sweat, Qi Ping felt a little embarrassed. He really didn't think that he should now need to lead a wild boar to satisfy his family's hunger.It seems that now, Qi Ping is still not doing enough, and he is still not considerate enough to his family.This is a motivation that requires Qi Ping to pay more attention to his family.

The children ran around with their father, especially when they saw their father wearing interesting clothes, the children were clapping their hands and cheering.As for Dad carrying a gun, the children didn't care at all, and were even enthusiastic; the children were very interested in the gun cabinet, and the children lying on the stool were seriously studying these guns.

"Hurry up, hurry up, you are going hunting, okay? If you make your two naughty boys interested in hunting, then we will not go anywhere. Besides, Xiaoyao and Yoyo are like this now. Little, it's really inappropriate to talk about these guns to them now, let's wait until they grow up a little bit before talking about it."

Luo Yi, with a shotgun on his back, ran over enthusiastically. He was not as leisurely as Qi Ping. This time it was the hunting season, of course he was not far behind, so he made an appointment with Qi Ping with the shotgun in hand, and went to the mountains to hunt together. It's fun, that's how it's fun.Taking a break from busy schedules, life needs more interesting embellishments.

"Children, Dad has gone hunting, and he won't be back until evening. Listen to grandma and mother at home, and be a good boy." Qi Ping was holding two little rascals and explaining to the children, although he didn't expect them Now he can become an obedient and good boy, but Qi Ping believes that the children will not let him down.

The children don't care about this, they cheered and ran out to play games under the leadership of Kate; the children really don't care much about the fact that their father doesn't come home for lunch, although they may be a little unaccustomed, but they haven't Too much specific knowledge.As for hunting and the like, the children didn't care much; it was Dad's game, and although the children were a little curious, they also knew that it was not suitable for them to participate in now.

Qi Ping began to roll the roll. He must have a very luxurious and extravagant lineup when he went hunting on the mountain. He definitely would not go up the mountain with Luo Yi carrying a shotgun on his back.The two are just amateurs. Compared with those professional hunters, the equipment of the two is quite luxurious and complete, or it can be said that they are pretending to be aggressive.

But it doesn't matter, it's better to be prepared; the most important thing is that both of them have money, and this little equipment is just a drizzle for them, and there will be no pressure at all.So it is certain, that is, it is enough to have all the equipment, and they just regard it as a fun thing, without any pressure.

Hunting in the mountains requires not only a gun, but also some excellent assistants.

Pooh and King Kong definitely need to be taken up the mountain, these two guys are the best assistants, they are the overlords in the mountains; although Pooh and King Kong are not yet fully mature, but when they appear in the mountains, they are the most powerful presence.

And one thing is certain, their existence is not just to scare some wild animals and the like, but also because of their excellent abilities.For example, Winnie, the bear's sense of smell is very developed, even stronger than the hunting dog.So it is certain that with their existence, this will give Qi Ping and Luo Yi an extra guarantee when hunting.

In fact, it's not just that, not just King Kong and Pooh; under all kinds of "threats" from the children, Qi Ping managed to take away seven of them, the know-it-all and the sleepy bug.Although hunting dogs in the United States have rules and regulations, but Qi Ping doesn't care much; because this is his forest farm, and Qi Ping doesn't plan to kill.Bringing these little assistants is to better improve the success rate of hunting.

Even Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai have been brought over by Qiping for a very simple reason; that is because he needs some air support, and even speaking, these two guys are more familiar with Shanli than King Kong and Pooh. He is the real toubob in the mountains, who spends his days in the mountains.

"Qi, can we go on a hunt too? You know what I mean, we all want to try to go on a hunt. It's hard not to be tempted when it's hunting season. You can rest assured that we all know the rules and we know we need to prepare some What." Qi Ping and Luo Yi drove to the foot of the mountain, but when they saw some people in the resort at this time, they could naturally understand something, just look at Qi Ping's outfits.

"In principle, I have no objection to your hunting. You have come to the resort. You don't need to care about too many restrictions. Your life is actually to enjoy life better. Not enough guys, if you want to hunt, then you must pay attention to some things , that is, you'd better not do anything illegal or illegal. The most important thing is, don't hurt my friends."

Qiping has always been not very opposed to these things. Hunting is everyone's right and pleasure; this is indeed Qiping's forest farm, but Qiping will not be so stingy to prevent people from hunting.Anyway, he naturally likes hunting, and Qi Ping knows that some wild animal resources in the forest farm have been very good in the past two years, so he can actually try hunting.

Qi Ping agreed to some of these tourists' proposals, which would really make them very happy; Qi Ping didn't care so much, as long as these people didn't break the law and discipline, as long as they didn't shoot guns in the forest farm.As for hitting Rudolph and the herd of deer, this is absolutely not allowed, because the herd of deer is marked, and because these tourists who can enter the resort are relatively qualified.

I went hunting happily, and now I have a lot of outstanding younger brothers, which also gave Qi Ping more confidence.This time, even if it's not a full load, it can't be empty. To be honest, it's just to take a good chance.Everyone knows that being on the mountain is definitely not as comfortable as being at home, but sometimes you can get more joy by finding some sins on your own.

"The forest farm here doesn't seem to be very good, but the environment in the fruit forest is better. Many people outside are saying that you have a way to control the air flow here a little bit, are you now? We need to make some moves, the environment here really needs to be improved a little."

After entering the forest, Luo Yi just felt that the environment in the mountains here was not as good as that in the forest.The environment here is just an ordinary woods, nothing special at all.

As for the current Luo Yi, he has indeed heard a little bit of doubts; in fact, many people think so now, because it seems that Qi Ping has indeed mastered some great skills and can guide those very good people. Air circulation can control the development of some blessed land in the forest farm.

"Professor Bruce's old bastard is really abominable. He didn't do much research himself, he just roughly analyzed some air components, and now he's all pushing the trouble on me. Actually, I do know a little way , but how should I put it, it may not be successful every time, so I need to be careful."

Qi Ping half-truth said, there is really no way, everyone is saying that now, in fact, Qi Ping also knows something, that is, many people now think he has this ability.

In fact, this is no secret, because these good environments can only be found in the Fairyland Forest Farm, and even those blessed lands seem to have been calculated carefully, even with edges and corners.So sure, it's definitely not just innate.

(End of this chapter)

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