America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 231 Shan Zhen Comes

Chapter 231 Shan Zhen Comes
"You two, be careful. If you find a deer, come back and tell me. You all know what I'm talking about, don't play dumb for me. You are already familiar with this forest farm, and you know what's going on here , I know where I can find deer or other animals. Please be honest with me, I want to hunt more today!"

Opening their hands, Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai cleverly landed on flush arms; but these two guys looked around absently, although they were very happy to be able to come to the mountains together, but these two guys were really not very happy. Cooperate.Qi Ping originally expected to rely on these natives to find more prey, but it didn't look like this now, they were pretending to be stupid and lazy.

"The deer, does Rudolph know? It's not that you are looking for Rudolph, but someone who looks more like Rudolph."

He is usually a smart and clever child, but now he looks stupid; it is really depressing, and Qi Ping feels that he needs to explain it to these two little guys.Since he brought them up the mountain, it was naturally to enjoy the hunting process better; although he knew that hunting would take a bit of hard work, but when he could be lazy, Qi Ping was never polite.

"Rudolph! Rudolph!"

Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai seem to have realized something, and now they are a little smarter; they started to shout at the top of their voices, and now they are not asked to go to Rudolph, but to go to Rudolph's kind.This point must be made clear, otherwise these two little idiots are really confused and confused about the situation.

Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai yelled and flew out, and finally understood what the big brother meant, and they don't need to worry anymore; this is a good thing, with the help of these two natives, plus their strength Surveillance, one thing is certain, that is, this time it will be easier to find the prey, which is a good thing.

"You are really lazy. Your family Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai must have gained a lot after they went up the mountain. It is impossible for these two guys to expect them to take care of their children at home. They have never had that patience. But if you let them run around in the mountains, it's fine, they're serious natives."

Luo Yi, who was carrying a shotgun, was under a lot of pressure. He walked around the mountains for almost a morning, but he really didn't find much; although he knew a long time ago that the forest farm is backed by the National Forest Park, the wildlife resources here are still Relatively rich.But to be honest, it's not necessarily just that you can encounter too many prey that you can win.

A tanned deer head specimen is hung on the wall of some exquisite people who often appear on TV, which is a very good decoration.Qi Ping came out to hunt this time for this purpose, and Qi Ping hoped to catch red deer this time.

Male red deer generally have horns, while California red deer are generally divided into forks, up to eight; the main goal of Qiping this time is to hit an adult red deer, which will become the best decoration.In fact, I also encountered a herd of deer, but does and fawns are generally not shot, this is to ensure the reproduction of the herd; and ordinary adult stags are sometimes not suitable.

Some deer will break their antlers when they fight, and some deer are actually not "beautiful".Absolutely don’t kill people, or go directly to the herd where Rudolph is. There are actually more than ten deer in that herd, and the antlers of the leading buck are really big and beautiful. .

Qi Ping is not a caring person, but he is definitely not a cruel existence; he is still very follow the crowd, some people like to hunt, Qi Ping will also abide by the unspoken rules of some hunters, and sometimes follow the crowd It is the best choice.

As for things like hunting that require a little patience, both Qi Ping and Luo Yi have both; although they have never been to any real large-scale hunting activities, they are really not super rookies, and they often run away with their guns on their shoulders Come to the mountains to get some game.For example, rabbits, pheasants and the like are still delicious.

"That's Virginia deer, they're a bunch of nasty bad guys!" Looking through the binoculars, he saw a herd of deer not far in front of him. Qi Ping was a little more experienced, so he was also explaining to Luo Yi that it was definitely not every kind of deer. All deer are the same. "This kind of deer has a very strong ability to adapt to the environment, and its reproduction rate and cub survival rate are also very high. This kind of deer also has a big appetite. Generally, a deer can eat more than one meal of grass and trees in a year. It is normal on the surface, and they can indeed bring considerable losses to pastures and farms."

"But it doesn't seem very good. It doesn't look like there are any guys with horns now." Luo Yi was a little regretful. He knew something now, and he also knew that although these deer were not very good, don't shoot randomly.

Virginia deer, also known as white-tailed deer, can be hunted, but although there are stags in this group of deer, the antlers are too small, which does not seem to be of much hunting value.Maybe the venison is pretty good, but Qi Ping and the others didn't come here to find ingredients this time.

Qi Ping and Luo Yi's main goal was to run towards the red deer. Thinking about hanging a dozen or so antlers on the wall, this is really a very ostentatious thing.And in such a wild place, it can really make people feel happy.

It's just that I met a group of deer, or even a five-pronged 'fawn', or some damage to the antlers such as fighting. In short, there are really no deer that can make people look at it now.This is a bit disappointing. It seems that if you want to hunt, you really need to prepare a little more.

"We hunted two rabbits or wild animals at noon. I also brought some potatoes and so on. Let's get something to eat at noon. Let's do it now. Hunting, hunting. You have to use the supplies you brought. It’s really your poohs, they are so delicious, we have to work harder in the afternoon.”

After a long circle in the mountains, basically he didn't find any prey, at least he didn't find any suitable prey; Luo Yi started to complain about it, it was really disappointing, how could he be hunting this morning? It looks more like traveling in mountains and rivers, which is a waste of time.

"Take them to hunt some pheasants or rabbits. Let's do some game barbecue at noon. Although we are hunting, we can't be too wronged. That's it. The goal at noon is two rabbits, two Just a pheasant, I will roast a few potatoes and the like, and it will be ready for lunch."

Qi Ping started to get busy, with a big bag on his back; naturally there was no tent or the like in it, because Qi Ping and Luo Yi never planned to spend the night in the mountains or anything like that.But there are quite a lot of things brought over, such as marching stoves and the like, all of which are there; kitchen utensils and the like are all missing.

No matter what the hunting result is, the outfit must be complete and the style must be correct.From hats, mosquito veils to outdoor waterproof boots must be fully equipped.Don't underestimate these things, they can really be put to great use at critical moments.As for cooking utensils and the like, it is even more important.

As for water, there are still a lot of creeks in the mountains; it is true that California is sunny, but there is no shortage of water in California, not at all.Moreover, the water quality here is quite good, and even more of these mountain springs flow into Muse Lake, which is one of the reasons why the water quality of Muse Lake has always been very good.

"I'll go hunting. It's really aggrieved that I didn't fire a single shot this morning. By the way, you can't use a shotgun. It's too powerful and it's easy to smash the rabbit. Fortunately, I brought a slightly smaller caliber Bullet, there is no problem at all. Watch me stretch out my hand, Master of Everything will lead the way, and you fools, just watch out for me around."

Luo Yi set off full of confidence, and set off with Know-it-all, Pistachio, and Angry; after a while, gunshots were heard, and Luo Yi's proud show off came from the intercom.

Luo Yi's luck was not bad, he caught a quail in three to five minutes, and after a while there was a proud show;Even Luo Yi is very lazy, because after he hits the prey, he makes Aiqi run back with the prey in his mouth, so that Qi Ping can make lunch quickly.

Luo Yi is hunting, and Qi Ping's task is to debone the prey for meat; Americans don't like meat with bones or spines, so ribs or fish with spines are hardly seen in the mall.Fortunately, Qi Ping and Luo Yi don't have such bad habits, and Qi Ping is still very good at handling these prey; just like Paoding Jieniu, he will clean up the prey after three times and five times.

Qi Ping is still very good at grilled rabbit meat and braised quail; he comes to the mountains just for such delicacies, which are the real delicacies of the mountains.

As the saying goes: 'To eat birds, pigeons and quails. 'Quail meat and eggs are delicious and nutritious. "There is nothing like a bird in a bird, and nothing in a beast like a rabbit." There is a saying that hare meat is "vegetarian in meat".

So now it is certain that Qi Ping and Luo Yi are about to feast; although they still go hunting in the mountains to get some game from time to time, it is not very frequent.The most important thing is that these two old men are in the mountains, so it doesn't matter what kind of flavor they want to make these game, after all, there is no need to consider the taste of Kate and Nina.

"Let's go deeper into the mountains in the afternoon. Just now, Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai have found two herds of deer. We have made great progress. Believe me, when we go down the mountain, we must be alone. A huge stag!"

Qi Ping is full of confidence, tearing open the potatoes wrapped in tin foil, tasting delicious food, the most important thing is that during the hunting process in the afternoon, Qi Ping is full of confidence!

(End of this chapter)

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