Chapter 236
"Father, let's catch whooper swans and ducks!"

Qi Ping was lazily basking in the sun, looking very lazy and didn't want to move; but the baby girl and the fat son ran over holding hands, the two little guys are absolutely restless characters, always thinking about going around blind Noisy.

"Why did you think of catching swans again today? Didn't we go to see the swans yesterday? You said you wanted to make friends with them."

Qi Ping hugged the children on his lap and sat, really not understanding what the children were thinking; it was obvious that the children had too many thoughts now, and they now had the idea of ​​going to the lake of Muse Lake.Although the children still don't know much about swimming in the lake to see the scenery, but they have a lot of experience in going to Muse Lake to play games.

"Dad, there are two more swans. They are fatter than Dabai and Xiaobai. I saw it just now, and my sister saw it too!" As soon as they heard the question from their father, the children suddenly became energetic; they were talking happily, That's why the kids now suddenly want to go swimming in the lake.

"What I saw was the first thing I saw! Dad, they ran behind our house with Dabai and Xiaobai. Now there are four swans!"

The little girl opened the chatter box, struggled to jump down, and Yoyo was happily jumping up and down explaining; the little girl was very happy, now she has a new discovery.

Qi Ping was stunned, two more swans?This is really a strange thing. Could it be that California is also a place where swans spend the winter?
There are two swans on Muse Lake, which are the common swans-whooper swans; the whole body is white, the mouth is black, and the neck is relatively long.Moreover, this kind of swan is one of the highest flying birds, and it is a migratory bird. When migrating, it takes a small family as a unit, forming a "one", "person" or "V"-shaped team.

Qi Ping and Kate like whooper swans very much, because whooper swans maintain a rare "lifelong partner system", and they always pair up when they are wintering in the south, whether they are feeding or resting.When the female swan is laying eggs, the male swan is guarding the side. When encountering an enemy, it flaps its wings to meet the enemy and fights bravely.Not only do they help each other during the breeding season, but they are usually in pairs. If one dies, the other can indeed "keep the festival" for it and live alone all its life.

Not only because of their love, but also because they landed on the quiet lake in pairs, some play together, innocent and lively; Some dive into the water and dance lightly in various poses.

There is a pair of swans, a pair of mandarin ducks and a group of ducks on Muse Lake; the swans are called Dabai and Xiaobai by the children. They are vivid and vivid, and they are good names.But speaking of it, a pair of swans suddenly appeared, which is really surprising.The weather in California is better, but this is not the place where swans spend the winter in the traditional sense.

Especially Muse Lake, if Qiping hadn’t spent money to buy a pair of swans, there would be no shadow of swans here; this is not a habitat for swans, and there was no shadow of swans here before.

"Why do the children say that they saw a lot of swans? Let's go and see them later. The swans are quite beautiful. Our forest farm is very good. There are some birds in the forest farm. Compared with the previous two years, there are more birds." Quite a few. Now the swans are all attracted here, it really is a fairyland on earth.”

Yu Lan came over with the juice, and the children cheered and ran to drink the juice; it seemed that the little ones were making a big splash after discovering the swan, and everyone in the family knew about it now.

"Well, we haven't been to the lake for a few days. By the way, there should be bread at home, right? Dabai and Xiaobai have fallen, and they come here every day to find Xiaoyao and Yoyo to eat and drink. "It seems that everyone in the family has this idea, except for the dad who is busy working in the forest farm; didn't you see Kate wearing sunglasses? This can only mean that the family has discussed it, and Qi Ping was the last to know.

"Yes, there is, but after you come back, go buy some better bread. Xiaoyao and Youyou like swans, and they have to be fed once in the morning and once in the afternoon. In the past, we kept Dabai and Xiaobai, but they didn't see them either. How affectionate they are to us. The children are the best, and they have become close buddies in just a few days."

How does Yu Lan see how cute her own children are, even if they are fooling around all day long, they are always cute.But speaking of it, the swan matter is really the children's ability; the swans and the mandarin ducks are actually equal and they don't pay much attention, but the children's friendship with them is very solid.

Qi Ping went to work and arrived at his own dock to start the yacht; Kate and his mother took the bouncing children on the yacht naturally, as for Pooh and King Kong, it would definitely be impossible to get together.They are a bit big now, although they may not be absolutely dangerous, but they are not suitable for carrying now, after all, this yacht is not particularly large.

"The children talked to me a lot, but their ability to express needs to be improved. I only know that there are two more swans, but I can't guarantee that they are swans. The children don't even know about swans, great egrets or wood storks. But one thing is for sure, that is, Muse Lake is getting better and better, and there are too many attractions here.”

Kate is very proud, because the forest farm is her home, and of course she hopes that the forest farm will be better and better.Now there are some more creatures on Muse Lake, some beautiful creatures.Of course it deserves to be happy, and this is a good start.

"I'm now worried about whether the children have read it wrong. Or whether they have remembered it wrong. Muse Lake is big when it is said to be big, but it is actually very small when it is said. It is just that I really want to find swans and the like. The answer is simple, both Dabai and Xiaobai can fly short distances now, and I am more worried that they will be attracted by those wild swans, and they will fly through the winter with them."

Qi Ping's worry is not unreasonable, a very simple reason; in the past, Dabai and Xiaobai only lived in the forest farm and in Muse Lake, and they had never seen the same kind.But the ones coming now are very likely to be wild swans. Once Big White and Little White fly away, the children will definitely be sad. They really like these two swans.

"I'm not worried at all, because our tree farm is so good, no one wants to leave. This is their home, and they will not leave their home!"

Kate is blindly confident, because she knows that the forest farm is the best, so Qi Ping's worry has no market at all, and it is simply a false proposition that does not hold water.

Rolling his eyes, he didn't bother to pay attention to his stinky and showy wife; the two of them are now chatting, chatting about their family's troubles, and some plans to make money in the future.Anyway, going out to swim in the lake is to accompany the children to find swans, which is actually a relaxing and relaxing thing; for Qi Ping, every day is a state of vacation.

Wandering on Muse Lake, fortunately, Qi Ping's eyesight is very good, plus he has a little understanding of the habits of Dabai, plus his unreliable good son and precious daughter pointing the way, Qi Ping still feels quite confident Find the swans.

"Huh? It really looks like a swan!"

Qi Ping's eyes lit up. Through the glass of the cab, he saw a group of elegant swans swimming slowly on the lake.It is indeed a swan, otherwise it would not have such a long neck, let alone such an elegant posture; it seems that the children have grown up, and they have not fed Dabai and Xiaobai for nothing these days.

Qi Ping drove the yacht towards the swans quickly, and the swans were not panicked; they had long been used to it, especially Dabai, who had long been familiar with the yacht with the cartoon image of Qi Ping's family on the hull They knew that the owner of the yacht would not harm them, so they continued to swim leisurely.

"Dabai, Xiaobai!"

Xiaoyao and Yoyo shouted happily as they grabbed the guardrail, they finally found the swan.

The children were throwing bread crumbs happily, and Dabai and Xiaobai swam over with two other strange swans.Although Muse Lake is rich in aquatic products, there are ready-made ones that you can’t eat for nothing.

Flush and Kate were now looking at the two newcomers, bright red with bare cheeks and crowns, black flight feathers and necks, and pure white for the rest of their feathers.And the size looks big, even bigger than the one-year-old Big White and Little White, and they look like adult cranes.

Qi Ping was very happy, this is a crane; although I don't know what kind of crane it is, it is not a red-crowned crane or something.But it's not bad, cranes and the like are still very popular.This time the forest farm has truly become a fairyland, and even the cranes have already taken the initiative to run over.

"Huh? No, I'll check the information."

Kate, who was looking at the two newcomers with great interest, suddenly thought of something, and then hurried to Youtiao's living room to check the information.Yachting, of course, cannot lack the Internet.

"Honey, we may be in a little trouble right now. But we may be big stars again, and these two new guys have big things to come!"

Kate happily ran over with her laptop in her arms, and proudly handed the information to Qiping.

This is really not a swan, but a crane—a whooping crane!

This kind of crane was once widely distributed in the North American continent, and there are traces of their activities from grassland to tundra.However, as humans hunted and destroyed their habitats, there were less than [-] of them left at one time, making them the most endangered cranes in the world.

Although the U.S. government quickly protected them, and now there are artificial breeding and the like, this group is still the rarest and most endangered crane species in the world.

Qi Ping was stunned, these two Whooping Cranes really seemed to have a lot of background; instead of going to the wildlife sanctuary in southern Florida to spend the winter, they ran to the forest farm instead!Even these two guys are even more precious, because they are most likely not captive-bred, but wild whooping cranes, which is a big deal!

(End of this chapter)

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