Chapter 237

"You are not happy to make a little noise every day, are you? Look at how much noise you made after you arrived in the United States. Maybe only people from Ramona knew a little bit about buying the forest farm at the beginning. But Immediately discovered the blessed land, it is a little famous; then you are making money in vegetables and other things, and you have brought your little brothers to become famous. Now, the fairyland forest farm is famous; vegetables, resorts, There are also fruits and so on. That’s not counting, yet another peddler has been created, which has even attracted whooping cranes!”

Luo Yi felt a little pain in his cheeks, and he also felt very envious; Qi Ping's little life was really nourishing and exciting, not to mention that the movement here was getting bigger and bigger, and he made a lot of money.Forget about gaining fame and fortune, but now even wild and rare animals come to advertise for Fairyland Forest Farm.

"No way, the forest farm is so good, it's hard not to be famous. Look, how smart this wild animal is. Knowing that our forest farm is good, it flies over here."

This is Qi Ping's gesture of success for a villain, and he feels really happy these two days.

The arrival of the Whooping Crane made Qi Ping very happy, and there were also some surprises; the old bastard Professor Bruce brought some friends from the academic circle, and once he confirmed that it was really a wild Whooping Crane.The energy of this bastard Steve should not be underestimated. After discussing with Qi Ping, he notified the media immediately; the wild whooping crane appeared in the fairyland forest farm, which is a free advertisement.

The Fairyland Forest Farm is famous, and many wealthy people know that the Fairyland Forest Farm has an excellent reputation; in addition, the forest farm owner of the Fairyland Forest Farm has just made some big noises about "selling air", and there are immediately people who are greedy for a better environment. whooping cranes appeared.

This is good, everyone knows that the environment of the Fairyland Forest Farm is very good, which is outrageous; even wild animals come here, and it is an extremely rare wild whooping crane!

"I'm going to put on a show. It's definitely not easy to interview me and enter the forest farm. I have to review qualifications and the like, and I won't let any small media in, and they have to report on the forest farm well. Those are the Wildlife management agencies or some scholars can come to me to do research; let me be honest, I will earn the money I should earn.”

Seeing the children hugging the long-legged Whooping Crane, which is more than one meter tall, Qi Ping smiled very proudly; although these two wild Whooping Cranes do not like to see adults, they are very friendly to the children and have become close friends.The naming rights of these two guys were once again occupied by the children. The taller one was called Dahei, and the smaller one was called Xiaohei.

These two Whooping Cranes were named again vividly by the children just because of some black feathers on their wings. Who told them not to be almost pure white like swans like Big White and Little White!
"It seems that there is quite a lot of movement. Those whooping cranes are so precious. I used to think that there were very few crested ibises, but in fact there are quite a lot of animals similar to crested ibises. You basically raised these wild cranes in captivity. I guess it’s not just the media that’s arguing about Laomei’s side, but some other research institutions are probably making a lot of noise.”

It is normal for Luo Yi to be worried. It is because these whooping cranes have too much influence; so some of the impacts caused at this time are whether Qi Ping can take good care of these whooping cranes, what are these whooping cranes all about? Yes, it needs to be explained clearly.

Let’s not say who made the whooping crane so precious, and they don’t seem to be bought through formal procedures; after all, it’s because the whooping crane is a little bit too precious, so these things are too sensitive. I personally want to know whether Qiping can take good care of them, and for example, if these guys live in Qiping's forest farm, can other people come in and visit them...

"I don't care so much. Anyway, this is my private domain. If you want to come in, you have to accept the conditions I set out. I am a rich man now, and the last thing I am afraid of is causing trouble. I have a lot of lawyers, commercial lawyers. , private lawyers and the like, and I am not afraid to spend more money to form a team of lawyers."

Qi Ping smiled very proudly and arrogantly, there was no way; who made many policies in the United States seem to serve the rich, and even some lawyers were even more scum, and all they saw were lawyer fees.White people can also be described as black, and they always find loopholes in the law to delay and blame.

For example, in the Simpson murder case, those people can always find some reasons or so-called 'evidence', and the final proof is that Simpson is 'innocent'.This is naturally due to spending a lot of money. Rich people can hire the most talented lawyers, the most famous criminal investigation experts, and even scientists.
So now, sometimes it's really good to have money, especially in a capitalist country like America.

The rich are the least offended, their rights are protected to the greatest extent, and they even get a lot of favoritism.And power and the like may actually have some advantages when they are in the country.

Luo Yi is too lazy to say anything, in fact, he is also in such a state; although his assets are definitely not as good as Qiping, for Luo Yi, being worth tens of millions of dollars is safe and there is no pressure.At this time, what I see more is to protect my own interests, rather than the constant hatred of the rich and hot eyes during the hanging silk period.The ass determines the head, and now it is the rich class, of course, there have been a lot of mentality changes, for their own benefit.

"By the way, do you need to pay attention to security and the like. Now the forest farm is getting more and more famous. Although you have a helicopter, you can't manage it by yourself. It's better to find a professional , besides, people who live in resorts and the like are either rich or expensive, if you continue to herd sheep like this, people like fish in troubled waters need to pay attention."

Luo Yi reminded Qi Ping that although the public security in a small town like Ramona is very good, there are some things that cannot be ignored.The law and order and crime rate in the United States actually depend on the location. For example, rich areas and rural areas may be much better; but slums and the like are dirty and messy; rich and educated people do not necessarily mean high quality , but relatively speaking, it is much better.

"I must pay attention to this. Now the reputation is getting bigger and bigger. Two days ago, I noticed that some people seemed to want to rub the air in the forest farm. The area of ​​the forest farm is indeed too large. The key is that it is not like contracting And so on, it’s actually quite simple to sneak in. I plan to set up a security department for the forest farm. It doesn’t matter if you spend some money, the key is to improve our quality of life and avoid some messy things.”

Qi Ping has considered this matter a long time ago. If it’s just growing vegetables or something, it’s definitely okay. In fact, I haven’t seen any security in those big pastures, big farms, etc. The area is too big to handle things. normal.But now there is a high-end resort on the side of the forest farm, so some things really need to be prevented.

"I plan to add two helicopters for patrols and so on. At that time, I will definitely need to arrange people to guard the outside of the forest farm. I have been in contact recently, and I plan to find a reliable security director. I will go there at that time. Dig a few capable security guards and the like, and set up a team first, and that's about it. Anyway, I won't be harassed by those media like I am now."

Qi Ping talked about his plan. For him, these two days have been tiresome. It is really because the whooping cranes here have attracted so much attention and sensation. Who made the whooping cranes so rare.And in order to go to Wonderland Forest Farm, the two Whooping Cranes even violated some of their habits, such as not going to the warm Florida.

In fact, this is just a small matter. After all, there are only two wild whooping cranes, which may not mean too much; but some zoology experts are worried. These two wild whooping cranes are actually very good at surviving in the wild. .Since they came to Wonderland Forest Farm on their own initiative, it may be just the beginning and will attract more Whooping Cranes.

These things are the main reason why the media has paid so much attention to it during this period, and some zoologists have continued to do so.It’s really that Wonderland Forest Farm is too evil, and the environment here is really good; so it’s hard to guarantee that some other Whooping Cranes will be attracted here slowly, and then you will find that the American Wildlife Management Association has worked hard for dozens of years. The results of the year were suddenly picked by Qi Ping.

"By the way, go to my bachelor party in two days. This time we won't play those vulgar things. I invite your whole family to go on vacation together. It's not just men, we just go out to eat, drink and have fun together." Luo Yi has to get down to business now. With a little leisure and the fact that the child is a little older now, he can make up for the wedding.

Luo Yi, this bastard, also has the situation of getting on the bus first and then paying for the ticket; in fact, it is normal here in the United States. Many young couples have children who are several years old, but the wedding is still silent.Nina is actually not in a hurry, it's just that there is no wedding. Her life with Luo Yi is very sweet now, and now she is focusing on raising the children, and she doesn't seem to care about the process of the wedding at all.

"Then I'm going to Miami, the cleanest city in the United States. I heard that the sun is better than California. Plus there are many beaches, small islands, etc., and I plan to go to Las Vegas. Don't go to Las Vegas, It’s so tacky; we live in California and there’s not much to see here. L.A., New York, or whatever, it’s not a good place to go on vacation.”

Qi Ping has a lot of opinions, which makes Luo Yi very despised; inviting you on vacation is to save face, don't pick and choose here, okay? !You are the guest, not the host, and you are not the one to arrange this vacation; when the time comes, just follow along joyfully, don't gossip, it's too cheap, this is a bastard guest!
(End of this chapter)

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