America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 255 Gulfstream

Chapter 255 Gulfstream

"Of course I know that Gulfstream private jets are the most famous and the most upscale. But how should I put it, don't you think it's too extravagant for me to directly get started with the Gulfstream G650?"

Qi Ping was a little speechless, some people just watched the excitement and didn't think it was a big deal; when Qi Ping revealed that he wanted to buy a private jet, there were indeed many civil aviation aircraft manufacturers who showed enthusiasm.Of course they know some things, these private jets, these manufacturers often take the initiative, rather than waiting for customers to come to their door.

These are really big items and real luxuries; therefore, these things must be shown with more enthusiasm and thoughtfulness, and the capabilities and needs of customers need to be considered.

"I don't think you need to worry, you can definitely afford it. When you buy Gulfstream, it's not entirely for the customer's use. You have to decorate the facade when you go out yourself. A little modification is actually almost the same. Bedrooms, bathrooms , dressing room and entertainment room, that’s about it. Don’t forget, you have so many family members, so a smaller plane will definitely not work.”

Luo Yi is the type who speaks for himself. He thinks that Qi Ping really doesn't need to be stingy. He can just get started with a Gulfstream G650. This is definitely suitable for Qi Ping's identity. The most important thing is that it meets Qi Ping's needs.Obviously, the Qiping family's private jet can't be too small, otherwise it will be treated as a first-class cabin.

Think about it, that's it, not to mention my brother's family; it's my parents, plus Chipping Kate.Although the three children are still young, they will grow up one day.Even if it may not mean that the whole family will go out to join in the fun at once, but it is certain that the plane must not be too small, otherwise it will not be suitable.

Qi Ping is indeed hesitating now, because he originally thought that the Gulfstream G650 was too high-end and would appear a bit extravagant.But now, he is a little shaken; in the final analysis, it is because Qi Ping has soft ears, and the most important thing is because the Gulfstream G650 is so perfect that it is impossible not to make people feel excited.

Owning a private jet in the United States is no longer a new thing, but it is really hard to wait for a high-end private jet, because owning a private jet takes time in addition to money - it takes years from placing an order to picking up the goods as long as.As for the Gulfstream aircraft, this is definitely the most favorite object of the local tyrants.

Gulfstream aircraft can be said to be the most high-end products among private jets and business jets; although Bombardier's Global Express and Challenger, Embraer's Legacy and other series are very good.But when it comes to private jets, Gulfstream is more famous, and it can even be said that it is definitely the big brother and leader of the industry.

The Gulfstream series aircraft are the fastest and most luxurious business jets in the world. Due to their luxurious features, they have almost become synonymous with private jets.As for the Gulfstream G650, this is an aircraft that can fly close to the speed of sound, and its speed is beyond the reach of other traditional business jets.

As for Gulfstream, the G650 is currently the best private jet among similar products.It can fly nearly 0.85 kilometers at a speed of Mach 650. This is the record for the maximum flight distance of the Gulfstream G[-] while maintaining the record for the highest flight speed.Such a voyage is enough to fly directly from San Diego to the domestic magic capital.

And one thing must be admitted, the Gulfstream configuration is quite good; It is also one of the world's three largest aero-engine manufacturers.

If time is money, the time saved is a new asset. The design of the G650 not only takes time into consideration, but also pays more attention to the comfort and practicality of the cabin, which further reflects the value of the G650 in use.While having excellent flight performance, the Gulfstream G650 adopts a 2.59-meter-wide fuselage to improve comfort. Its cabin area is the largest among business jets, and it also has the largest porthole.

"Don't hesitate, let's not talk about the safety and operability of this aircraft. There is nothing to say about the interior decoration of this aircraft, except that the crew can accommodate nearly ten passengers, and there are private compartments attached, and seats and the like As you know, it can be said to be the largest among private jets!"

Luo Yi continued to encourage Qi Ping, he just thought Qi Ping could afford the Gulfstream G650, which can be said to be the top private jet, and it seemed that it was the most suitable for Qi Ping.He knew very well that the bastard Qi Ping actually made a lot of money. For example, the bastard Qi Ping made a lot of money under the banner of 'selling air'. He earned at least two or three million US dollars once he went out!

"I actually like the G550 quite a bit, and this plane is actually very good. Forget it, since I'm buying a plane now, it would be better if I just buy one in one step. Anyway, this plane is probably the only one in my life. The resort This place is getting more and more prosperous, and the customers are becoming more and more classy; just a little bit, and I will pay a little more."

Qi Ping felt that his heart was still moved after all; it was because he himself was very moved by the Gulfstream G650, but now he just needs a little motivation, and he needs some people to give him more persuasion to pass the test.Obviously, Qi Ping is completely moved now, and he has found a good reason to take down the plane.

"About more than 6000 million US dollars, you kid has always been crying poor, now I see you are still poor! Local tyrants, this is the real local tyrants. I know your urine, you must have saved enough This is how money is played; this is a resort and a private jet, you have really earned too much in the past few years."

Luo Yi felt that Qi Ping must have earned enough, otherwise he wouldn't spend so much money with such arrogance; with more than 6000 million US dollars, perhaps Qi Ping would definitely not be able to take out so much money at once.But one thing is actually certain, it is impossible to require a one-time payment for such a large item as a private jet.It can only be said that Qiping must have money in his pocket, and private jets must be fun.

"I haven't cried for being poor for a long time, okay? In the past two years, I have really earned a little bit. It may be a bit stressful to spend it all at once, but there is no pressure to pay a deposit first. It's not my brother, I'm bragging, as long as They can give me a little speed, and I don't have much pressure to pay a little more money."

Qi Ping feels that now, it is really necessary to think carefully; the type of aircraft has been determined, so now we can ignore manufacturers such as Embraer and Bombardier, and now we only need to communicate with Gulfstream.Obviously, I believe that Gulfstream must be happy to have a cooperative relationship with a rich man; and many people are predicting that if the development speed of Fairyland Forest Farm Resort is followed, perhaps more business jets will be needed here!

In a sense, it is true that a private jet is bought once in a lifetime; but this does not mean that it is a one-shot deal, and being able to afford a private jet means that it is worth a lot of money.And these manufacturers, even if the so-called big shops can deceive customers, they will not ruin their reputations in these things; the most important thing is the social circle of these rich people, which they value more.

Qi Ping, a new big local tycoon, has long been a customer that some big companies are thinking about; luxury cars, private jets or yachts are actually all focusing on these potential big customers.Qi Ping definitely has great potential; not only because he is worth a lot now, but also because he has great potential.

Wealthy and potential customers, such high-quality potential customers, must be seized; although Gulfstream is a big company, they are more often waiting for customers to place orders.But these potential customers really need to be grasped; Qi Ping, this is the most outstanding customer.

"You can ask Gulfstream's account manager to come over tomorrow. I don't have that much time right now. Remember to bring all the information. In fact, there are still many things I don't understand very well. I hope to get some answers."

Although the black gold card is under Kate's name, Qiping is not polite at all when using it; I have to say that the black gold card is really more convenient, at least some business assistant services they provide will definitely bring enough help.

Naturally, Qi Ping will not be polite, and he needs to communicate well now; as a rich boss, of course he needs to plan his time better.Now, he has this capital, he has enough capital to ask others to bring materials to come over; in the final analysis, it is because he is a high-quality customer.

Kate is very happy, although she has never asked to be flush when it comes to private jets, and she doesn't have too many opinions.But this does not mean that Kate does not like or yearn for private jets; although civil aviation is very developed in the United States, there are many rich people with private jets.But it is more certain that private jets are enviable everywhere, especially the top private jets.

"This private jet should have been bought a long time ago, and you have money now. But I heard that this private jet is always ordered by the customer before they are manufactured. If we wait, we may not be able to wait for the private jet when we go back this year. Is it the plane?"

My mother is actually very happy. It is true that the family now has a big villa, which is something she could not imagine before; and now, there are private jets, which is completely worth showing off.These, even things that were unimaginable before, are the lives of those rich people that I heard before.

Qi Ping was a little proud, a little complacent; although what he received was only some basic information, it was enough for him to show off in front of his family.This is almost enough, whoever makes oneself like the most is to be praised by family members!

(End of this chapter)

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