Chapter 256
"Gentlemen, this is the Fairyland Forest Farm. If you don't have an appointment, you can't go in at all. Of course, even if you have an appointment, you need to change a car. Its displacement is too large."

Scott and his team had just arrived at the Fairyland Forest Farm, and they were stopped; this is understandable, it is a private territory, and this is a desirable forest farm, these are all normal.If anyone can get in, then it is definitely not a first-class resort that people yearn for.

It's just that, looking at a half-grown boy who is a little foolish, he is now guarding the gate of the forest farm; if it's just child labor, forget it, because everyone knows that it must be a part-time job.But there is only one and a half children in such an important position, which is a bit too much, at least there must be some security.

"We have an appointment with Mr. Qi, we are Gulfstream Aerospace's sales team. I'm Scott and this is my team."

Scott naturally knew that he was able to work here, and he still acted like a saboteur, either because he had real skills or because he had something to do with it.As for the seventh-rank officials in front of the prime minister's gate, that's not the case. Scott is an elite talent anyway, and he knows that etiquette is very important, although this fake receptionist and doorman looks fake.

"Gulfstream, I see. It seems that he has such an appointment. By the way, did he communicate with you more? Some time ago, Embraer, Bombardier, and Cessna all came. You are very well informed. He just revealed Just a little bit of interest in getting a private jet, and you all showed up. Actually, I also know that you have never cut off contact with him, it must have started two years ago."

Joshua naturally came here to work part-time to earn some pocket money; after a little look at the IDs of Scott and his group, it is naturally no problem.For Joshua, this is a small matter; as long as the weekend comes, he will come to the forest farm to work part-time, earn a lot of money and it is quite relaxing and interesting, which is really suitable.

Looking at Joshua, Scott and his assistants exchanged glances; it was clear they seemed to be 'underestimating' Joshua.I thought it was just an ordinary part-time kid, but what I didn't expect was that this little guy knew so many things.This can only show that the relationship between Joshua and Qiping is very close.

"Just follow it, it will take you to the villa. This is a know-it-all, the most obedient boy. Also, you should be able to drive golf carts, I don't want to send you there, I'm still busy now."

Joshua blew his whistle, and two mighty and tall German Shepherds ran over, barking and yelling; Joshua smiled and put his arms around a big guy and gave orders. Joshua was very conscientious, even though he got this A job is because of a relationship.But one thing is certain, even if he is muddleheaded or even often deserts, but it is certain that he is very handy for this job.

"Okay, I think that's all right. Hope it didn't delay our appointment with Mr. Qi, although we've heard he has some interesting pets."

Scott actually didn't know what to do, just follow a dog, which is really shameful; I don't know whether to say that Joshua, the guard, is shameless, or accuse Qi Ping, the forest farm owner, of not being sincere at all.

"You made an appointment with him? By the way, I mean did he ask you to come here or did you visit?"

Joshua, who was planning to retire after success, suddenly thought of a big problem. Of course, he knew that Qi Ping was worth a lot, so there will always be some people who take the initiative to visit at these times, hoping to get more from Qi Ping. interests, or maintain relationships.A young billionaire, and his net worth is constantly increasing, such a super potential stock must be taken seriously.

"We got an invitation from Mr. Qi, who wanted to know more about Gulfstream business jets. We are very happy to have this opportunity, and we think Mr. Qi will be an excellent prospect."

Scott is not specifically speaking here. If Joshua is just an ordinary doorman or something, then there is no need to care about it.But how you look at it is that this half-sized kid is likely to be an 'important role' who can influence Qi Ping to a certain extent, so naturally he needs to pay attention to it.

Before coming here, Scott and his team had already investigated Qiping, and investigated some of Qiping's personality and habits; this is a big business worth tens of millions of dollars, so of course it needs to be more comprehensively arranged and considered. more complete.

"Or that damn Gulfstream G550? That guy really made up his mind, God, I despise that cheapskate! If it's just a G550, then I'm really not interested. But it's not bad, it's a private jet anyway, although I'd rather Liked the G650, it looks cooler."

Joshua muttered, and Scott frowned when he heard it; it wasn't that he said bad things about G550, but he felt that he still underestimated Joshua, this is a real big man!
"Dude, it's the G650 information. Mr. Qi seems to be more interested in the G650 information now."

Joshua got excited, and immediately started to run to make a phone call. This is a call for rescuers; at the guard room, just let know-it-alls and sleepy people stay here, and someone will come over soon.As for Joshua, he led the way himself, he is going to see the G650.

Scott was speechless. Now everyone can see that the little Joshua is just a bastard. Lack of interest.But since he had the same initiative and the top private jet, Joshua immediately became enthusiastic.

The very speechless things are still going on. For example, Joshua neglected his duty, but he actually handed over the guarding to the two dogs.But this guy is a standard double standard, others can only drive a golf cart, such an electric car; but this bastard Joshua, his car is an off-road four-wheeler, such a guy has a lot of displacement!

Joshua is leading the way at lightning speed, and there is no pressure on this matter for him; he has long been familiar with these roads in the forest farm, and this is half of his home field.Needless to say, you must lead the way easily, and what you need more is to inquire about some news that you are more interested in along the way; although these news are more tricked out by people like Scott and the others, Joshua is still very happy , because he only cares about what he wants to know.

"Emily, get out of the way and take your buddies!"

Joshua yelled, just arrived at the villa, and saw a pink and fat baby standing in the middle of the road with a pony, it was about to block the road, or more scaring people.

"Uncle, I want to take a car, I like this car!"

The little girl stopped after seeing Joshua, and the little girl became excited; the happy little girl ran to the side of the ATV. She was getting more and more naughty now, and naturally she was very interested in many games.

Reluctantly, he hugged the little girl up, and carefully fastened the seat belt for this playful little girl; now don't think about racing, in fact, every time he drives here, Joshua is very careful, because he Knowing that these naughty kids will climb into the car when they get the chance, their favorite thing is to make 'open tops' like beach buggies.

"Sweetheart, this is a gift for you."

Scott is very good at being a man. In fact, many American businessmen are like this. When visiting customers, he will bring some small gifts. Although they may not be very precious, such an attitude will make people feel very comfortable.Of course, Scott knew that Qi Ping had three children, so the gift he gave to the children was actually a model of a Gulfstream aircraft, although it was not cheap; What is it? !
Youyou is happy, the little girl is very happy holding this white airplane model of about half a meter; but this is a little girl who loves to show off, of course she wants to let her brother see her precious airplane now, it is a new toy.

"I'm so sorry, the kids are totally caught up in the airplane fascination right now."

Qi Ping was a little funny, and Xiaoyao rushed over, not intending to continue to compete with King Kong on the lawn; the twins were happily playing with their plane, although this plane really couldn't fly.But it doesn't matter, the little guys are happily pushing the plane around while they are dubbing the sound of the plane.

"The kids are lovely and I'm so happy they'll love our presents. Here's a model of the G650, this plane is for the lad and I think he'll love the toys soon."

Scott is very thoughtful, three models of airplanes, this is a gift for the children; although he knows that one child is still in the infancy, it does not matter.Now that a gift is given, of course it needs to be perfect, and there is no need to feel that there is no need to give a small gift because the child is too young.

Qi Ping was really helpless, the children were indeed too naughty, Scott and the others were stopped before they entered the house; once the gifts were received, the little ones disappeared in a flash.This really made Qi Ping feel a little ashamed; remembering that he usually had a lot of moral education for the children, why did he forget it at this time?
Could it be that you really like this airplane model?
A few words with Scott, and a brief hello to Gulfstream's sales team; but it must not be just outside, but also bring the guests into the house, to discuss the issue of this aircraft.

Gulfstream G650, this is the best private jet!
(End of this chapter)

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