Chapter 262

"You guys go to Luo Yi's house. Nina is pregnant, and she just found out today. I was planning to call you, but it seems that you have no signal on the plane."

As soon as I got home, my luggage hadn't been put down yet, so I got a piece of good news from my mother; this is really good news, Luo Yi's family is also thriving, and she has successfully conceived a second child.

Qi Ping and Kate were stunned, it was really good news; although it was a bit tiring to fly from the east coast of the United States to the west coast, but after encountering such good news, I didn't feel tired all of a sudden.I have to congratulate. As for bringing gifts like fruit baskets, there is really no need for that now.

"The godmother has a baby, and Yanyan now has a younger brother, just like you have a younger brother Lele. Let's go and congratulate the godfather and godmother. You will take your younger brother to play games in the future, and you must protect your younger brother! "

Hugging the cute little Lele, and looking at Xiaoyao and Yoyo who are rolling on the carpet with Pooh in their arms, this is really good news; the good buddies must be very happy now, because Luo Yi has always been very envious of Qi Both sons and daughters are flat.Now it's his turn, with another lovely baby.

"I don't like my younger brother, and my younger brother doesn't like me. My younger brother only likes my younger sister. If I kiss him, he will cry."

Xiaoyao stretched out his little hands and started yelling, this kid is a very wronged type now; his younger brother is too young now, he can't even speak, and he can't even play games.The most important thing is that when Xiaoyao is in a good mood, he thinks of teasing his younger brother, but his younger brother is always uncooperative and always cries, which makes Xiaoyao, who thinks he is the cutest, very hit. , the younger brother doesn't like him.

"My brother is too young, and now my brother doesn't know how to play games with you. And you always like to tease my brother, you don't like to kiss my brother's little face hard, and you can't pinch my brother's chubby face, although my brother is very cute."

Kate, who was holding Lele, laughed. She naturally knew some of the little guy's thoughts; as for the fact that Lele's birth would make Xiaoyao and Yoyo unhappy, that's certainly not the case.Because Qi Ping and Kate have always been fair and just, and Xiaoyao and Yoyo are twins, so to a certain extent they know how to share and will not worry about losing the care of their parents.

Xiaoyao really doesn't like Lele very much, it's because Xiaoyao is a bit unqualified as an older brother; when he is in a good mood, he will think of playing games with his younger brother, but when he is happy playing games, he will never think of playing games. For the fat little brother who was in the swaddling baby, Xiaoyao felt that he didn't have enough time to play games by himself.

Yoyo is better, although the little girl is really naughty at ordinary times, but the little guy is a little girl after all; now the little girl is slowly starting to look like a little girl, even if she sometimes fights with King Kong and Pooh , but she likes beautiful clothes and cute little dolls, instead of just like toys like her twin brother.Little girl, very sensible, likes cute little brother.

The little girl likes to tease her fat brother when she has nothing to do. Although the little girl has always wanted to hug her brother and play games everywhere, she is too young to hug her brother now, but compared to that unreliable Brother, the older sister Yoyo is really a qualified older sister, at least she knows to take her younger brother to play games.

Bringing this pair of cute little brothers to visit, Luo Yi will be really happy now, because this guy has always hoped to have more cute children, and he is essentially a family that focuses on running his own , he enjoys his current happy life very much.

"There is a baby in my mother's belly, I am an older brother!"

Luo Yan is very happy, the little guy is probably the happiest person in the family now; as for worrying about having a younger brother or younger sister taking away the care of his parents, Yan Yan doesn't seem to care at all.He has always played with Xiaoyao and Yoyo. The little guy thinks that he should have a younger brother or younger sister, just like an older brother or older sister.And now, Xiao Luoyan has fulfilled his little wish.

"I don't know if it's a boy or a girl, but I'm very happy anyway. Thank you for not having family planning in the United States. Anyway, I don't envy you. I will definitely have both children in the future. I have discussed it with Nina many times. It’s definitely not too much. It just so happens that my parents can also take care of it, so when the children can let go, Nina and I can consider continuing to have children.”

Luo Yi's face is full of joy. Compared with when he became a father for the first time, he may not be so exaggerated to show off everywhere; but when he knows that he has another child, this makes Luo Yi feel that he has become the happiest person .A lovely child is the biggest pistachio in the family, even the center of the family.

"Although I have three children now, I have both sons and daughters. But I think that the matter of children is natural. Anyway, in principle, I don't think there are too many children. Anyway, now I am not afraid of not being able to support them. My child. Now that I have a little wealth, I can take good care of these little rich second generations in the future."

Watching the children happily circle around Nina, driving the children happily touching Nina's belly and happily communicating with their younger brother or sister; Qi Ping not only finds it very interesting, but actually More still feel happy and happy.These little guys are definitely the happiest and happiest in the family.

This is a happy event, Qi Ping and Kate are of course happy for their friends.And Luo Yi's family was even more beaming; Qi Ping felt that Nina's status in the family must have soared.Because she is now pregnant with a child, Nina, who was already high in the family, will definitely become the real focus of protection during this special period.

As for Luo Yi, don't even think about it, the originally low family status will definitely drop again; but it may be a bit helpless to say it, that is, Luo Yi's family status seems to have always been low, basically firmly established Occupying the last-to-last position.In the same situation as Qiping, it is estimated that Dad can occasionally threaten the bottom one position a little bit.

Although the family status is not very high, it really doesn't matter; because even if it is the lowest position, it is the most important thing to make the family feel happy and happy.Obviously, the men at the bottom of the list all think that it is their responsibility to take care of their families; as for family status, it doesn't matter at all.

Chatting happily, talking about some interesting things, looking forward to the next beautiful life; life is indeed beautiful now, but these greedy people hope that they can be with their families Enjoying these good things and happiness, this kind of life will never make people feel satisfied.

Playing games with the children and watching the children grow up slowly, this is the happiest thing for Qi Ping.But now his career is developing very smoothly, and the wealth he has accumulated is naturally on the rise.Such a thing, of course, is worth being happy; material life is not everything, but it must not be ignored.

"Your dad caught some fish in a good mood today, so you can send a few to Luo Yi. His dad recently went to learn how to take care of fruit trees. That old thing is not reliable. Like your father, he basically goes out early and goes late. Returning. At this time, I should help more at home, how can I not see people all day long, Luo Yi's mother doesn't know how many times she said."

Qi Ping just drove the helicopter out for a circle. Although there is a security department in the forest farm now, Qi Ping has driven the helicopter to inspect the forest farm quite a few times.It's not just about patrolling, but more about looking at your own territory. This is the flat territory, and it's very fulfilling to go around from time to time.

Now that the mother has issued an order, Qi Ping knows what he should do; the highest status in the family is undoubtedly the mother, and the father has never had much desire to speak. Kate can handle the relationship with her mother-in-law very well .As for Qi Ping, he has developed the habit of "obedience" since he was a child, and he dare not resist at all.

For my mother, the three cute little meatballs at home that can make her change her mind are Xiaoyao and Yoyo, plus the ever-growing Lele.

Unreliable men are always worry-free, Qi Ping is, and so is Luo Yi; and Qi Ping's father and Luo Yi's father are typical negative teaching materials, and now they have been marked as indistinguishable from seriousness and getting older. More confusing labels.

"Godmother, my dad caught a little fish today. There is no salmon. You must know that Nina can't eat salmon now. They are all sea bass. These fish are a kind of nourishment and no nutrition for Nina now." The overabundance of nutritious food that leads to obesity is a good product for body building, nourishing the blood, invigorating the spleen and Qi, and benefiting the body and health! My mother loves the foreign daughter-in-law so much, she asked me to send it here!"

Carrying the fish, I rushed to Luo Yi's house. Sea bass is indeed very suitable for pregnant Nina. It is one of the best supplements for expectant mothers and mothers.

"It's because your mother knows these things. All of us mothers know how hard it is to be pregnant. Don't you know how disgusting my old man is, I won't say anything about him going to the orchard every day; two days ago Nina He wanted to eat peaches and strawberries, but he didn’t bring them back. He just brought a little mango and watermelon, mangoes are fine, watermelon is okay to eat a little bit, but you can’t eat it every day, it’s not necessarily good for pregnant women!”

Luo Yi's mother took the perch with a happy smile, which was really good for Nina; but at this time, it is natural to criticize the unreliable Luo Yi's father. Nina is now the key protection object, and everything needs to be careful.And Luo Yi's mother and Qi Ping's mother are the same, they spend all day thinking about what nutrition and what delicious food, they are half a nutritionist; so the number of times that careless men are criticized soars!

(End of this chapter)

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