America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 263 Development is the Most Important

Chapter 263 Development is the Most Important
After being dragged and chatted for a while by Luo Yi's mother, Qi Ping naturally could only listen with lowered eyebrows; Qi Ping knew very well that this seemed to be blaming Luo Yi and Luo Yi's mother, but there must be some beatings in it A flushed mind exists.

Qi Ping and Luo Yi have long concluded that the women have long been united fronts, beat these unreliable men from time to time, and by the way continue to strengthen some of the concepts of these unreliable men; let them completely It is important to understand the situation at home, and to make these unreliable men honestly dare not have any thoughts of 'rebellion'.

"Luo Yi is in the study, saying he's dealing with business matters, but I don't think it's reliable. He usually doesn't work much when he's at home, but he still talks about work when he's at home. He just wants to be lazy. You can go find him Now, I'm going to deal with these bass, I don't have time to chat with you."

Qi Ping was speechless, but there was nothing he could do; everyone knew the situation of the two families, and it was even clearer who had the head of the family and who had the right to speak.This is the Queen Mother, how dare you show the slightest disrespect; as for Qi Ping and Luo Yi, of course it does not mean that they are emperors, at most they are unreliable nine-rank sesame officials, and they are the ones who work hard to fulfill the orders of the Queen Mothers. work.

"Greg, we are very good friends, but I can't help you with this matter. You know, although I am in charge of the sales of Wonderland Forest Farm products, it's just that I can't decide these things alone. Your restaurant , don’t have the ability to handle these fruits well; no offense intended, but you really can’t tap the potential of these fruits.”

Seeing Qi Ping come in, Luo Yi, who was leaning on the boss's chair with his legs on the table, took a look at the person who came and continued to busy with his own affairs; of course he was not busy with business, he was just playing games, okay?The phone, the hands-free mode is enough, and a few small talk is enough, and he can't delay his time playing games.

"I can increase the supply of vegetables for you a little bit, but the fruit is really not good. So I'm sorry, I can't do anything. There are too few fruits produced in the forest farm now, and I can't provide some fruits to your restaurant, and You know, our products have strict standards."

Luo Yi continued to struggle, and now is the critical period to pass the test; so that Greg was basically completely ignored by Luo Yi, he didn't care what Greg said, Luo Yi just said what he wanted to say.

Greg must have hung up the phone depressed. In fact, being able to supply some vegetables from Wonderland Forest Farm must mean that the restaurant is definitely not low-grade.It's a pity that good products are always popular, especially some vegetable products that are becoming more and more famous, and even hailed as the most advanced and delicious vegetables.

"A restaurant owner in Boise, the restaurant is not bad, but I don't plan to supply. The fruit production is not increasing now. I don't know how many supply applications I have received. Where can I supply goods like Idaho? It’s a small place, it’s not bad to give him some vegetables, but he also wants fruits!”

Luo Yi looked very contemptuous, this is a typical shop bullying customers; the fruit production is really not enough, firstly, the fruit trees have just bear fruit, and secondly, these fruits have not even come out of the forest farm, which has already been taken by the senior managers. Restaurants are booked.One radish and one pit, there are really no products for some 'small' restaurants.

"You still know how to do business. If it were me, I would sell it if someone bought it, as long as the price was good. But it's different for you. This is qualification certification and some kind of regional exclusive agency. It’s really good. The grade of the product has gone up all of a sudden, and the price seems to be getting higher and higher.”

What Qi Ping said was the truth, Luo Yi was really a profiteer; when the quality of the forest farm's products improved and its reputation became bigger and bigger.Luo Yi started to be 'tsundere'. Generally speaking, it is the manufacturer who begs the merchant; but when your product is popular enough, then you can make a change in this position.

"It's okay, you must understand the brand effect. USDA standard grade is a hard currency, this brand is enough for us; and the environment and air of the forest farm are so good, that old guy Professor Bruce will spend money, but it's too late. A while ago, a study was thrown out saying that these products are nutritious, delicious, etc., and we laughed secretly. And this old guy is really good, his research team always gives advice, what kind of products are the most suitable, etc. It’s really good.”

Luo Yi was startled, he really did a great job; although he didn't study trade or something, he had good products in his hands, even when he was about to sit on the throne of the world's number one vegetable and fruit, plus With the assistance of some professionals, Luo Yi really thrived. At least he has successfully sold the products of the Fairyland Forest Farm, and he has also built a very good platform.

"Anyway, I think these cooperations are very smooth. I basically don't need to worry about other things. You can handle them. I hide in the forest farm to collect money, which is almost the same. In fact, I also know that brand value is very important. It's okay. , Now the brand of Fairyland Forest Farm is established, and it basically represents the best products."

Qi Ping feels very happy, and will be very grateful; he is enjoying the good life now leisurely, and the fairyland forest farm under his name is becoming more and more famous, and now it belongs to the top position.

Although the resort is still under continuous development, thanks to the good environment here, it has become a place where all the rich want to come and enjoy a comfortable and comfortable life.And the vegetables in the forest farm have long been the best in the world; although Americans often advertise that their products are the best, there are naturally some facts in it.

For the products of Fairyland Forest Farm, there is nothing to say; just think about it and you can understand, because the crops here are nourished with sufficient aura, so these crops are not only nutritious, but also have the same properties that ordinary vegetables do not have at all. delicious.Qi Ping doesn't think it's a waste. There are a lot of vegetables cultivated by Reiki, which are for making money; and at home, they actually cultivate a lot of good things for their own food, such as ginseng and ganoderma, which are nutritious and delicious!

"Famous brands are such a thing. They have more recognition and even represent the quality of products to a certain extent. Now I have a little plan to make boutiques, real boutiques, as long as they bear the name of Fairyland Forest Farm head, then the quality of the product should represent the top among similar products. And I plan to slightly expand the types of crops. Professor Bruce is going to build a research institute, and I plan to create an agricultural and animal husbandry product from the Fairyland Forest Farm. Already!"

Although Qi Ping has made a lot of money now, the industry is naturally increasing now; but Qi Ping is not satisfied yet, he has laid a very good foundation now, so naturally he can consider continuously expanding his industry.The most important thing is to have a cornucopia that can't be dug at home. Qi Ping is planning for the children and leaving more wealth for the children.

Indeed, for Qi Ping, the dollar may have become a number, and his current worth is enough to ensure that he can enjoy the top life.But people have short-term worries without long-term considerations. Children are constantly growing up. Qi Ping, a usually lazy guy, will not be satisfied just because his current life is good. He hopes that he can do better.

Luo Yi is very satisfied with Qi Ping's aggressiveness, and the development of the forest farm is indeed very good now; but he feels that if Qi Ping works harder, he will definitely be able to develop even better.If Qi Ping is well-developed, Luo Yi will naturally not be bad. His business is basically managing the products of the forest farm. Of course, he hopes to have more high-quality product resources in his hands.

Qi Ping talked about some of his plans, and didn't think too much about vegetable cultivation for the time being; limited land is one thing, the most important thing is that there is no need to increase production, the top market is easily saturated, Qi Ping will not let His own products are 'unsalable', he needs to cultivate the hunger and thirst of the market, so that he can ensure that he can sit at home and count the money.

As for fruits and the like, Qiping is indeed still developing some mountain forests; the fruit market is really big, and the most important thing is that the output of his own forest farm is really too little.Now, plant more fruit trees and enrich the variety of fruits. This is actually quite important for Qi Ping, so that he can earn more money.

"Enjoy animal husbandry? Breeding? Can you still get money now?" Luo Yi was stunned for a moment. The bastard Qi Ping really has a lot of ambitions, but this guy is probably a little too big. I know how much money Qi Ping spent during this time, "Your private jet needs to be delivered, and the resort has to invest 3000 to [-] million dollars a year. Are you investing your fart money now? And you are engaged in breeding and animal husbandry. Have no experience?"

"Money doesn't matter. I really don't have much money in my hand, but it doesn't mean that I need to take out the money immediately. The output of the forestry farm is very good, okay? And my buddies now know very well that I used to be a little bit petty; I still need to pay in the bank Loans are good, so that the development can be faster. Don’t look at those rich people who are all worth a lot of money, but they don’t know how much they owe the bank. Development is the most important thing, anyway, I don’t worry about repayment.”

Qi Ping is telling the truth, he feels that the most important thing is to speed up the pace of development; as for loans and the like, it really doesn't matter.Repayment is not a problem, who makes the output of the forest farm bigger; for Qi Ping, the most important thing is to speed up the pace of development now, because he has laid a very good foundation, and now it is time to accumulate.

Qi Ping is relatively unfamiliar with farming or something; but my buddy has technology, and he has a big killer like the spirit gathering array in his hand!

(End of this chapter)

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