America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 264 Is Pooh in Trouble?

Chapter 264 Is Pooh in Trouble?

Qi Ping is actually very busy now, everything in the forest farm seems to be on the right track, he really doesn't need to do everything by himself; but this definitely doesn't mean that he can completely be a hands-off shopkeeper, even if he likes to be idle, this is also true. It doesn't mean that you can easily ignore everything at home just because it is flush.

Driving a helicopter around the forest farm, Qi Ping actually likes to inspect his 'territory' very much. This three-acre land is his territory, and he does not allow some things here to go beyond his control. It is necessary to thoroughly understand everything about the forest farm.

"Dad, Pooh is missing!"

Pooh lost?He had just returned home when he saw the fat son and baby girl running over crying.

Qi Ping was stunned for a moment, but soon laughed; the children are still young, so their cognition is very limited now.The little ones tend to panic easily now, and that's because they care about Pooh.Worried that Pooh is lost, it doesn't exist at all; although that guy likes to go out for a while now, it definitely doesn't mean that Pooh will get lost.

"Pooh has gone to the mountain. It has to work. The forest farm is its home. It wants to see that other bad guys can't destroy our forest farm. And Pooh also wants to find his partner to play games, and he will come back soon. home's."

Holding the children, Qi Ping was explaining to the little ones; don't look at Pooh, he stays at home more, but that doesn't mean he doesn't like to go around the mountains.Pooh has grown up and is already more than four years old; according to the habits of American black bears, it is indeed still in the growth period; but basically it can be said that it has grown up and knows how to fall in love and find a partner.

"But Pooh didn't come home. It went out after breakfast. I called Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai, but they couldn't find Pooh. Pooh was lost, and it couldn't find a home!"

This time, Yoyo's tears were like a faucet, and the little tears burst forth; the little girl was really flustered now, when she didn't have much memory, she knew that there was a big black bear around her all day long.As long as I can remember, the little girl started playing games with Pooh. She and Pooh have a deep relationship because Pooh takes good care of her.

"You should go and have a look, I don't know. Pooh used to like to go to the mountains to play, but he will come back soon. This is about to eat, and he hasn't come back. There was really no such thing before. Although we There is a bell on Jia Pooh's neck, and it is true that no outsiders come to our forest farm, but you should go and have a look."

Kate was indeed a little worried. Firstly, Pooh had never been back for such a long time, and secondly, Liang Shanbo and the others could not find Pooh. Now, the children started to cry and Kate became nervous.

Needless to say, Qi Ping naturally hurriedly started to get busy; Pooh is one of his best partners, and of course Qi Ping couldn't let him make any mistakes.Although Qi Ping can guarantee that the residents of the entire Ramona town know that Qi Ping's family has raised a black bear, and the silver pendant tied around Pooh's neck can also ensure that strangers know that this chubby black bear is raised by someone .

But Qi Ping will still be nervous, because Pooh is his best friend, because Pooh is also his family.Concern leads to chaos, there must be some truth to this, who made himself nervous about Pooh.

The children wanted to go to the mountain to find Pooh, but Qi Ping didn't agree; the children are too young now, and it is really inconvenient to take them up the mountain.Just bring your own exclusive air force Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai, as well as sleepy bugs from the ground search force.As for the personal bodyguard, it was King Kong who had changed into a tiger skin skirt and combat uniform and carried a wooden club.

"It's fine if I carry a gun. The security of our forest farm is fine, and outsiders can't come in at all. The tourists here are all rich people, and they are not allowed to bring guns in. I know some small strongholds of Pooh , I’ll just go look for it on the mountain; I have a phone with me, if I find it, I’ll call you.”

While tidying up, Qi Ping told his family that Pooh could not be found suddenly, which was a bit abnormal, which made the family very uncomfortable.Without that chubby black guy, everyone in the family would feel empty in their hearts. Pooh’s role is definitely not to be cute at home, because he is a member of the family, and everyone in the family watches him grow.

"Don't worry, it's impossible for Pooh to have an accident. No one in our forest farm will hurt him, and this guy is fat and powerful. Ordinary beasts can't threaten him at all."

At this time, the importance of Qiping as the head of the family can be reflected. At this time, Qiping is naturally needed to comfort the family members.Obviously, at this time, Qi Ping showed the effect of Dinghaishenzhen, which made the family feel at ease.

"I'm afraid. Although Winnie is a big black bear, I also know now that black bears are not the biggest, and brown bears are much bigger than black bears. And I heard that black bears are the most widely distributed on the American side, and they are still It has the largest number of bears. The environment of our forest farm is so good, and it is next to the National Forest Park of the United States. I am really afraid that other black bears will run over, and Pooh is only four or five years old, and I am afraid that Pooh will not be able to beat those wild bears."

Mom's worry is not unreasonable, black bear is indeed a small name among bears; and this kid Pooh has been growing in a forest farm, he has strength, but he is really inexperienced in fighting and so on.

Naturally, Qi Ping knew the nervousness of the family, so he set off quickly with a group of good assistants; he didn't need a golf cart, it was too slow.Driving his own SUV, he headed towards the foot of the mountain along the Muse Lake.Finding Pooh is the most important thing. Qi Ping is also a little worried about Pooh now. The kid's behavior today is really abnormal.

"Go to Pooh, you all know where he usually likes to play, go around again, okay, if you missed it just now."

Qi Ping's biggest assistants now are Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai. Although these two playful people are usually unreliable, they are actually very reliable at this critical moment.And one thing is for sure, they are the most familiar with the situation in the mountains, because these two guys usually like to play games in the mountains, and they basically know the situation here.

"Go and help find it too, run faster and sniff around, you know Pooh's breath."

Pat sleepy, this guy's task today is to stay at home; the family's German shepherds are so sought-after, they are needed by the security side, and they are also needed to patrol the vegetable fields and forest farms.So the children can only be a little bit wronged. Only one of the puppies who grew up with them can stay at home to play games with them every day, and the rest of them have to work.

Sleepy is gone, and this guy is sniffing around, looking for clues about Pooh.So what is left now is Qi Ping and King Kong who is knocking on the tree with a stick.King Kong doesn't seem nervous at all. Although he and Pooh have been together since he was a child, it also represents his confidence in his good brother. It is true that he can't find Pooh now, but King Kong knows that his good brother must not be there. Trouble; this time entering the mountain, just treat it as playing a game.

The sleepy wagging tail has not moved much, and it seems that there is no sign of Pooh at all; in fact, black bears have a strong sense of territory, such as urinating, rubbing bark, etc., which are common to them The way of enclosing the territory proves that this is an owner's land.

But now, there is no sign of it at all; even if Pooh is often playing in the mountains, it doesn't look like he has any intention of enclosing land.From Pooh's point of view, the entire forest farm is its territory, and its life here is like a fish in water, and it can be sure that it is its territory wherever it goes, and there is no need for other means.

I'm really a little nervous now, because all this seems so abnormal; Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai have both returned, and they haven't found Pooh.This means that Pooh didn't go to the places he usually goes to at all. It either ran to other places to play, or it was 'missing'. It didn't come to the mountains at all.

Qi Ping is calling Pooh loudly, Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai, even King Kong and Sleepy are actually calling Pooh; but in this quiet mountain forest where only insects and birds are singing, there is no response at all. .This shows that Pooh is not here at all. If someone greets you, Pooh can't say nothing.

It is true that my heart is getting more and more uncertain, and now I feel a little uneasy; all of this is really abnormal.Pooh, this kid, suddenly disappeared without any warning, which is completely inconsistent with his usual style. You have no idea what happened to this kid, or what happened to make Pooh Suddenly, he showed a completely different style from before.

Continue to search for Pooh, and at this time naturally need to go deeper into the mountains to search; Pooh is gone, and there is no trace of him in the places he frequents.So now it is natural to need some changes, to find a place that is more likely to have Pooh.There is no doubt that Pooh has encountered something, but he doesn't know whether it is a good thing or a bad thing.

"Huh? Something is wrong with this situation. It seems that there are some other bear movements!" Qi Ping suddenly became a little nervous, because he found a little movement and some discoveries under the leadership of the sleepy bug; the bear poo, It's the presence of some bears found in the mountains, and the discovery makes Zipping nervous; it's some bear poo of some time, which means it's almost certainly not Pooh's poo.

With other bears, Pooh won't be in trouble, will he?
(End of this chapter)

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