America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 265 Pooh's Wife

Chapter 265 Pooh's Wife

Chipping started to get nervous because he found other bears in the mountains; Chipping never thought that there were no other wild animals in this mountain forest, but he was worried that this bear was a threat, especially now Pooh didn't show up at all, which made Qi Ping even more worried, worried that Pooh would suffer and so on.

Just when Qi Ping was a little worried, he suddenly heard a bear roar from a distance; although many people think that the roar of bears should be similar, it's just that when you live with a little guy for several years After that, then surely something can be discerned.

Pooh's roar was thick and powerful, and most importantly, it seemed a little puzzled, without any emotions such as hurt or anger.Then there was another bear roar, which wasn't Pooh's voice at all.

"Damn it, Pooh won't be playing with the same kind of guy and forgetting to go home, right? That's not okay. Although Pooh's hometown is in the mountains, he definitely can't survive in the wild."

King Kong, who was carrying a counterfeit golden cudgel, ran towards the direction Pooh was yelling. Naturally, the sleepy man led the way.Qi Ping, the speed under his feet is not slow, but he seems to be thinking more at this time.

"Pooh, sleep!"

Zhu Yingtai, who was screaming and screaming, came back to report that she had just discovered Pooh with Liang Shanbo.

"Damn it, I forgot to sleep until dinner? I have to teach it a good lesson when I go back. This is so naive, and it makes the family members worry."

I hurriedly made a phone call to go back. Although I haven't seen Pooh yet, I have already found it, which can make my family feel at ease.Especially Xiaoyao and Yoyo, the two little guys have cried several times, just worried that Pooh will be lost.

Finally saw Pooh, but Qi Ping was stunned; at this time, not only Qi Ping was probably stunned, but King Kong and others were also stunned at this time.The one who was more stunned, or completely dumbfounded, was Pooh.

Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai stood on the tree, they were watching the changes or progress of the situation leisurely; King Kong and the sleepy bug were standing together with the golden cudgel, they were so silly that they couldn't figure it out What a situation.

There was a bear next to Pooh, not to mention dirty and not clean enough, the most important thing was that this bear, which was much smaller than Pooh, kept roaring at King Kong and them.Especially when he saw Qi Ping show up, his aggressiveness soared!
"Fuck, you are not going to sleep in the mountains, you are a sleeping bear in the mountains!"

Qi Ping didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He looked at Pooh who seemed a little tired. The most important thing was that guy's "criminal tool". No matter how stupid Qi Ping was, he knew what happened.I also said that bears have such a strong sense of territory, why did this wild bear let Pooh into its own territory; co-authoring is not just that, it also has a self-recommended pillow mat; I don’t know if it’s out of the body, but also out of the territory!

The female bear growled vigilantly, but Pooh seemed a little puzzled and a little happy; Pooh ran over joltingly, and rubbed his flushed thigh affectionately.It seems that Pooh is introducing his girlfriend to him, although his girlfriend is a bit impolite because of his lack of knowledge.

Pooh's daughter-in-law is a little "shy" because there are "outsiders" there. She doesn't know Qiping yet, so she shows a lot of resistance.But with Pooh as the client, there is no need to worry about any mistakes.

"Kate, hurry up and prepare some more beef. Pooh has found his girlfriend, but I think his girlfriend is not very nourished in the mountains, she is thin and small, and malnourished. Pooh doesn't hibernate, but his Maybe a girlfriend, we prepare more food for it, so that it can store nutrients for the winter."

Qi Ping cheerfully started calling to report the situation, and the news naturally made the family happy; Pooh is now four or five years old, and among the bears, he is indeed starting to start a family and start a business.Everyone is happy for Pooh, it has really grown up; as for Pooh's girlfriend, of course the whole family needs to take good care of it, seeing that it may not have enough food in the mountains, it must be immediately provided assistance.

"Really? That's great. I knew Pooh was a good boy. He grew up. I'll prepare the beef right away, but I don't think he likes the beef that is medium-rare like Pooh. We prepare it raw." Beef, so that it will be more used to it. And fruit, I asked Dad to prepare some fruits and vegetables immediately, and we will send them over soon!"

Kate's excited voice can explain her mood. The happiest thing is when Pooh grows up; now the whole family has forgotten the worries caused by Pooh's failure to come home on time, and they don't care about the lunch time soon.In order to meet Pooh's daughter-in-law, the whole family needs to start preparing now. This is the most important thing at home today.

"It's still a little shy, and it doesn't know me yet. But it has slowly accepted King Kong, and it is not as resistant as it was at the beginning. By the way, bring a silver pendant, and let's see if it can accept it too. This sign, it will make it a lot less dangerous."

Qi Ping is a good boss. Although Pooh's wife still doesn't accept him, Qi Ping has already started to worry about him.

"It needs a different bell. I don't know if it would like to live in the forest with Pooh. Its bell can't make too much noise, otherwise it will affect its hunting. But I think it needs a bell, This will teach some hunters not to harm it!"

Qi Ping naturally knew that Kate was very happy, and the family was also very happy; after discussing, Qi Ping saw if he could try to let Pooh bring his wife down the mountain.Everyone in the family wants to see Pooh's wife, so it's not easy for a large group of people to enter the mountain. The most important thing is that Xiaoyao and Youyou are arguing to come over. It is naturally impossible to bring them into the mountain.

Talked about the situation with Pooh carefully, although Qi Ping knew that his IQ must be at a half-knowledge level, but it doesn't matter, as long as he can understand the intention a little bit.And Pooh looks very powerful, although his daughter-in-law still looks a little worried, but she is quite obedient and slowly goes down the mountain with him, provided that Qi Ping stays away from him.

"Oh, what a big battle!"

Qi Ping laughed. Although he hadn't left the forest yet, he had already seen several cars parked beside his SUV; naturally, Kate came with her family, and even Luo Yi's golf balls car.It seems that everyone is very happy and happy, and they all want to see Pooh's girlfriend.

"Pooh's daughter-in-law is a little shy, don't come here, she is very wild now. If you have meat, put it in the woods, let's stay away from it, don't scare it."

Qi Ping started to leave the woods cheerfully, and everyone was disappointed that Pooh's daughter-in-law didn't show up right away; there was no way, Pooh's daughter-in-law grew up in the mountains and forests, and she didn't like playing with everyone like Pooh did. Even very affectionate and not vigilant at all.

Luo Yi started to get busy. This time, he brought more than a dozen catties of beef, as well as various vegetables and fruits, anyway, to treat Pooh's wife well.

"Daddy, Pooh!"

Pooh, who came out shaking his head, was completely stunned. It didn't expect that the whole family was waiting for it; Yoyo, who was hugging the sleepy bug, became happy, and didn't see Pooh all morning. The little girl was really very happy. Think Pooh.The most important thing is that the little girl only knows that Pooh has been found, but she has no idea that Pooh has a partner.

"Daddy, Big Bear!"

Suddenly a round head appeared behind Pooh, which made Xiaoyao happy; the little guy pointed at Pooh's wife and yelled, but almost scared Pooh's wife away. It made Pooh's daughter-in-law, who was seeing so many people for the first time, feel scared.

Pooh swaggered and sat on the ground, and began to eat vegetables and fruits with relish; for raw beef, Pooh really didn't like it very much, and he preferred three or four mature beef.And Pooh's daughter-in-law was very vigilant at first and didn't dare to eat these foods, but seeing Pooh as an example, she quickly accepted these delicious foods; it's just that she was very vigilant, watching while eating the food Follow the movements of the crowd.

"It still looks a bit young, probably about the same age as Pooh. But female bears have always developed relatively early. Look at Pooh's daughter-in-law. She is malnourished and probably started to live independently in the wild."

Seeing Pooh's daughter-in-law gnawing on the beef, Qi Ping naturally began to express his views; because of Pooh's relationship, Qi Ping had some research on American black bears.He felt that Pooh's wife was not too old, and belonged to the age of knowing the beautiful bear.Otherwise, Pooh wouldn't be able to fall in love with her. Think about it, Pooh is so fat and strong, he is tall, rich and handsome among bears!
A large group of people were happily chatting and talking about Pooh's partner; especially when Pooh came over foolishly, they were unanimously praised by everyone.Even the ignorant children are happy at this time, not only because Pooh didn't lose it, but also because Pooh brought home a big bear, a cute big bear!

I ate a full meal, but this may not immediately win the trust of Pooh's wife; watching Pooh's wife staggering into the mountain, although there is still a little disappointment, it really doesn't matter, the future is long Qi Ping believes that Pooh's daughter-in-law will soon accept this inexplicable family relative, and she will happily wear the same silver bells as Pooh.

I am very happy to have found Pooh and found out that he has a wife; now, let's go home for dinner!

(End of this chapter)

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