America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 266 The little guy is sensible

Chapter 266 The little guy is sensible
"Dad, let's go find Jenny, Jenny is hungry!"

The children who saw Qi Ping carrying a large bag of food and playing games on the lawn were the happiest; You You replied by himself, and then happily ran towards the garage with his brother.Even without father's answer, the little girl has already given the answer.

Qi Ping was thoroughly amused by the children, and Jenny was naturally Pooh's daughter-in-law; this little female bear is now soaring in popularity, this little female bear has basically accepted the new living environment, and now she likes the forest farm very much.Because there are a lot of delicious food here, and it can be with Pooh all day, which is naturally the happiest thing.

As for those strange humans, Jenny has already seen through it; although it will not accept these humans like Pooh, and it is even more impossible to play with them and so on.But this does not prevent it from enjoying these delicious foods, because it knows that these humans are not malicious to itself, because it now knows that these humans are its boyfriend's best friends.

"Dad, Jenny likes me, but doesn't like my brother. It fought with me yesterday, but it ran away as soon as my brother went. It doesn't like my brother, because my brother is smelly, and my brother is very naughty!"

The little girl is a chatterbox, although Qi Ping is still driving, but this does not prevent the little girl from starting to chat about topics of interest to her.It's just that for this little girl, Qi Ping is more and more aware that she is a bit smug, which is a bad habit to learn from her narcissistic mother.

"No, I'm not stinky, I take a shower every day. I got into a fight with Pooh yesterday, that's why Jenny doesn't like me. My sister is a liar, she is not a good boy."

The fat boy started to protest, the little guy didn't care about other things, but he couldn't be said to be stinky; the little guy knew very well that Pooh's girlfriend didn't like other people, but in fact Jenny wouldn't let anyone get close to her, the younger sister just scared her. Ran Jenny, didn't fight Jenny.

Seeing the children making a fuss again, not only Qi Ping laughed, but Kate was also very happy.The two little brothers and sisters are always noisy together. Although they often quarrel and sometimes even fight, the little brothers and sisters are very close to each other.These constant disputes are nothing more than small routines, and these small disputes make their relationship better.

Xiaoyao and Yoyo teamed up to drive away the father who wanted to help, and the little ones happily carried beef, fruits and vegetables and began to arrange them; Peeping in the forest farm, it will come out in a while.

"Dad, go away! Jenny doesn't like you the least, you are a big villain!"

Seeing the children trying hard to get the beef out, Qi Ping planned to go up to help; this time, not only did not help, but he was even disgusted by the children in various ways.Pushing and chasing him away, Qi Ping was completely driven away. It's not that he was not accepted by the children, and now should not be the time for him to appear.

Pooh walked out slowly with his wife. Although this guy still lives at home, I have to say that this guy has changed a lot since he had a wife. For example, he basically runs out every day to meet Girlfriend, she fell asleep every time she went back. This is a typical example of excessive indulgence, and she is quite a jerk character!

It’s good to watch the children make trouble, anyway, the children also know Jenny’s character, and they come back bouncing after putting away the food; cheering for Jenny, watching this special new member of the family Eating beef, vegetables, and fruits in big mouthfuls is actually the happiest game for children.

"I plan to take over a pasture. It doesn't matter if it's a little bigger. I plan to engage in breeding. Our forest farm actually has some poultry. Those native chickens are very good. Several years of development and cultivation have really improved their quality. Now expand I want to start a large-scale chicken farm with a free-range model. And I am trying to enter the animal husbandry industry. Although vegetables and fruits are doing very well now, beef and mutton feel more profitable.”

Back home, the children naturally started arguing on their own; holding cute little Lele, Qi Ping began to sell his business.

"Professor Bruce did say something. The chickens in our forest farm are of excellent quality. Perhaps we have long been used to these delicious chickens, so we don't feel their quality is so good. But Professor Bruce told me that these chickens can be easily To break into any of the top restaurants, I think we could try. I wouldn't think we had much money, especially after learning how challenging it is to keep a private jet running."

Kate nodded straightly, she really felt that she needed a little more money now; it was obvious that the family had a lot of money, but no one really thinks too much of money, especially seeing that the children are constantly growing, which makes Kate feel that she has a lot of money. It is necessary to leave more property to the children.Now that we have the conditions and technology, there is no reason not to work hard.

"I think so too. If we work harder now, we can create better conditions for our children. I plan to buy a ranch in California. Although the land here has always been expensive, it is easy to manage and the environment is it is good!"

Qi Ping has already made some plans. The land in California is expensive; while in Texas and Montana, where agriculture and animal husbandry are developed, the land is indeed cheaper, and the cost may be lower.But this does not meet Qi Ping's needs, because his ranch is destined to take a high-end route; therefore, at this time, California, with its sunshine and better climate, is more suitable for development and easy to manage.

"I support your decision. Although our forest farm is developing very well, I know you can do better. I knew a long time ago that you may have some ideas, otherwise you would not have been doing it for others a long time ago. When designing and improving the environment of the villa, it limited farming and animal husbandry. I believe you, you are a cunning and smart guy, and now that the technology is mature, you may start to let go of your hands and feet!"

Kate is a smart woman, she thinks her husband is not a short-sighted person; although during this time, he will go out from time to time to help people design villa air improvement and make a fortune, but he has strict restrictions on these technologies, and any Qi Ping will never agree to rely on these technologies for production and the like. He will only provide some enjoyment to the rich instead of increasing their wealth.

In fact, not only Kate, but even Qi Ping's parents would get together and whisper together from time to time; they all thought their son was amazing and had mastered a lot of skills.Although it is very profitable to help others design villas, sometimes they feel that their son may not only want to make money, but even use those rich people as experimental products and practice hands, in order to mature the technology for future development.

Qi Ping didn't bother to say so much. He hadn't been involved in animal husbandry before. It was because the stalls under his hands were too wide and he couldn't free up his hands at once.The Juling Formation is the foundation of his own fortune. He has long been familiar with it, and there is no such thing as immature technology.

The forest farm is now on the right track, and the vegetable industry does not need to worry about it; the fruit is also good, and it is slowly beginning to bear fruit.And the resort, a gold-swallowing behemoth and a huge time-consuming project, gradually no longer needs to be watched by Qi Ping all the time.So at this time, Qi Ping naturally seemed to be at leisure, so he needed to find something for himself to do, not to mention that he could make a lot of money.

For Qi Ping, when he reaches a certain position and height, his vision of seeing things will naturally be different; although he may not be able to spend everywhere without pressure, he really does not have much financial pressure.Even if it is true that there is no cash in hand, there are still major banks rushing to give him loans. With the Fairyland Forest Farm in hand, and the ability to generate income from his own industry is extremely strong, such a customer is naturally the best. Resources.

Qi Ping doesn't want to pay more taxes. He spends all the money he spends, so that he can pay a lot less taxes; although he seems to be just an empty-handed rich man, these "real estates" are constantly increasing.Then when Xiaoyao and the others grow up, there will be no such thing as sitting and eating, because they can receive a lot of industrial dividends.

Buy land, keep buying land; then start to make some plans, constantly expand your own strength, and enrich the variety of industries under your hands.It's just a single vegetable, which is indeed too one-sided; and fruit, the output is really limited.Although the resort has increased in size and grade, it does not mean that it cannot continue to improve even if it is equal.

Comprehensive industrial upgrading and various developments are what Qiping is going to do now.He feels that he can do better, and he can create more wealth with his own efforts.This is the most important thing. As for being a little tired, it’s not really worth talking about; when the boss moves his mouth and the subordinates run away, Qi Ping still has the essence of it. When it comes to laziness, Qi Ping feels that Very insightful.

"Dad, grandma said that I am an older child. These lands belong to my sister and brother. I want to see that the land at home cannot be taken away by bad guys. Where is my land? Why didn't I see it!"

Xiaoyao got excited, he heard some key information while dragging the toy car around; the little guy suddenly became happy, because his grandparents always told him to keep an eye on the land at home, those are Xiaoyao and his younger brother, sister's.

"Our land is our forest farm and our home. You are still young, and your father and mother can guarantee that bad people will not take our land away. But when Xiaoyao grows up, we must protect our land and protect our land. Our family!"

Kissed the fat son hard, the little guy became sensible!
(End of this chapter)

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