America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 270 Don't Be a Bad Example

Chapter 270 Don't Be a Bad Example

Qi Ping rode his horse for a circle outside in awe. Seeing that his forestry farm was getting better and better, Qi Ping had no reason to be unhappy.At this time, I really need to show off and see my 'territory'.

Just after returning home, I saw Kate sitting on the carpet with Xiaoyao and Yoyo holding Xiao Lele; the little ones were scratching their heads, and the children with very confused heads fell into a lot of trouble.Because there are four chubby puppies in front of them, the children are now worried about these four puppies.

"Father, I know little rascals and rascals. But I can't find little rascals and disobedients. I can't find who they are. Mom doesn't know them anymore. Do you know them?"

Xiaoyao ran over, dragged his father and asked for help; the most powerful father must know the puppy, so he can find the little hateful and disobedient.

Qi Ping suddenly became dizzy, these four puppies are the children of Beifeng; these puppies quickly became the children's favorite, although the puppies are only a week old, they are still very small.But these puppies have become the children's favorite pets, and they are rushing to take care of them.From the names of these puppies, we know that this is the name given by the children. It is very good, and it is the vocabulary that children often appear when they are criticized.

Some time ago, I boasted in front of Joshua that the children are amazing and will take good care of their playmates; but now, the children are slapped in the face, and the one who always likes to think that their children are the best Great, smartest old man.But fortunately, Qi Ping and Kate are the only ones who know about it, so they won't expose the children's background. It's impossible for others to know about these things.

"Tell me who is the little villain and the naughty bag. I want to see if you admit your mistake."

After a serious look, the puppy, which is only a week old, is too small to be recognized at all; but Qi Ping does not intend to let the children know this, let the children point out the little villains and naughty children first.Anyway, the children don't know the little hateful and disobedient, so how to explain it when the time comes, isn't it just to see what Qi Ping has to say.

The children were really amazing, they were able to find the little villain and the naughty boy among the four little things that looked almost exactly the same.Qi Ping even wondered whether the children had the same plan as him, and it was simple and convenient to point out a little guy to be named right; and the correctness was certain, because no one knew the answer, no matter what most correct.

"This one is disobedient, and this one is cute. Dad recognized them, and they are easy to distinguish."

They pretended to separate them, but Qi Ping couldn't tell the difference between these puppies anyway; speaking of the children, they were very good at it, because they might still be able to recognize the two puppies.Qi Ping still feels very proud that the children have lived up to his expectations and will definitely be the best in the future. They will definitely be able to take good care of the small animals at home.

The children are happy now, Yoyo doesn't hug her younger brother anymore, and hands her brother over to her father to take care of her; Yoyo happily embraces disobedience, the little girl has to seriously study disobedience now, so that she won't make mistakes in the future .

Seeing the children happily chatting about being disobedient and being nasty, Kate rolled her eyes at her youngest son Qi Ping; she opened her eyes and told nonsense, deceiving the children here.I have to say that Qi Ping's behavior is very bad, but there's nothing I can do; the children are so powerful, it's impossible not to give them a satisfactory answer, and for the time being, we can only make peace like this.

"Father, if I can't recognize Disobedient in the future, you will teach me. It is exactly the same as Little Desperate. The naughty bag has a big head, and the little villain has black hair on his legs. But Disobedient and Disobedient are not, and I and My brother doesn't know them anymore."

The disobedient Yoyo who was happily hugging her suddenly spoke again, which caused Qi Ping to change his color instantly; this time he got away with it, and the children have observed subtleties, so it will be too difficult to lie to them in the future.This matter must come up with a solution, and it needs to be the perfect solution as possible.

"Children, the mother will put little bells on them, and write them a little ID card, so that you can recognize them later. They are too small now to know their names; To play games with them, to watch them grow, so that there will be no unrecognizable things in the future."

Good wife, this critical moment has been given to Qi Ping, and the most important thing is to find a perfect solution, which can make Qi Ping no longer have to worry about this matter.The most important thing is that the children will not pester him in the future, because the identities of the puppies are already clear, and the chances of the children making mistakes are almost gone.

"But I don't know how to read. I can't write. I can't even write my own name. Mom, let's draw a picture so I can get to know each other."

Xiaoyao came up with a good solution, the little guy is very good at drawing inferences from one instance, and the most important thing is that the little guy knows how to solve potential problems.If you don’t know the characters and don’t know the identity label, then you can just draw a picture, so you don’t need to worry about getting it wrong, because the children definitely don’t know the characters, but they know the pictures.

Kate took the children to draw, although her pen power is limited; but this is not too demanding, no problem!

The youngest son is unhappy, the little guy has just learned to sit up; there is no other way, as long as the fat son likes it.Sitting on the carpet and playing games with his little son, Qi Ping actually thinks it will be very interesting; especially now that the little guy can interact with him more, and the little guy is often amused by giggling and laughing. Very interesting.

"Compared to Xiaoyao and Yoyo, Lele is a bit introverted. Those two little things in our family are too naughty."

Yu Lan clapped her hands, seeing her little grandson drooling happily, she would feel very happy.

"It's just relative. Xiaoyao and Yoyo are very naughty. Children from ordinary families are not as naughty as them. Our children fight with black bears and orangutans, and they have to learn to speak and scold each other with Liang Shanbo. Yes, other people's children don't have this ability."

What Qi Ping said is the truth, children are indeed very naughty, and it is because they have this ability and conditions; for the innocent world of children, being able to make friends and play with small animals will definitely be an incomparable thing. Happy and good things.Qi Ping is actually very proud, because his children not only have a different childhood, but the most important thing is that they will have an extremely happy childhood.

"I don't care about fighting or not, but I can't learn from Liang Shanbo. I don't know if they learned from TV. They always swear, and they are getting slippery. This is really not a good habit. Children like to chat with Liang Shanbo and them, if they follow Liang Shanbo and them, they may be full of bad words at a young age."

Yu Lan felt a little worried. Generally speaking, these small animals at home don't need to worry at all, they can take good care of the children.But during this time, Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai really learned a lot; they were mischievous since they were young, and they also learned a lot of simple words.As for swearing and the like, they really didn't exist before.

But now it's all right, the Chinese curse the Three Character Classic and the like, these two guys pop up from time to time, especially when they are unhappy.As for the worldwide swear words in English that start with F, these two guys even often stand on the big tree at the door, swearing at the sky and the earth, preferring to bully the weak and scold little squirrels, small insects and the like.

"I guess they learned it by watching TV. They like watching TV a lot these days; anyway, I definitely didn't teach them to swear. They are too smart and can learn everything quickly."

Qi Ping lacked confidence, he did not teach Liang Shanbo them to swear; but this does not mean that Qi Ping does not swear, although he is not full of swear words and the like.But sometimes, a few dirty words really pop out from time to time; and Liang Shanbo and the others seem to have learned it now, they know that these words can be said when they are angry, and they can express their feelings.

Yu Lan gave Qi Ping a white look, she knew very well; Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai had learned swear words, and it was reckoned that just a few of them were extremely suspicious.As for watching TV and the like, Liang Shanbo and the others do watch some TV occasionally, but that's really pitiful. They prefer to go out to play and fly around the forest farm, that's their favorite.

Since I didn't learn it on TV, there are only a few people; Qi Ping, Qi Ping's father, and perhaps Luo Yi, probably these few people often swear some bad words, and they will give Liang Shanpo them Take it to the ditch to learn bad.It is certain that only these few people have the ability to teach Liang Shanbo to break them.

I really can't say much about this matter, and it really doesn't do me much good to say it; I am the biggest suspect, and my mother and Kate are often testing him.Say more and make more mistakes, talk less and make fewer mistakes. It is unlikely that you will get out of the body, but you also need to protect yourself better; anyway, you cannot admit this matter, and your attitude must be firm and decisive!
Qi Ping felt that he belonged to the type with a clear conscience, and he himself did not teach Liang Shanbo them bad;

Since the mother wants to bring Lele now, and the little guy has indeed rebelled and squeezed into grandma's arms, playing games with grandma intimately; then at this time, Qi Ping needs to be honest and responsible, because he knows that he is Time belongs to the forgotten type, and the most important thing is that there is no place for him now.

(End of this chapter)

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