Chapter 271

Qi Ping is a brick of the revolution, and he can be moved wherever it is needed.

When the children like to play games with their father, Qi Ping is naturally happy to play games with the children.As for when the children feel that they don't want to play games with their father, Qi Ping will not complain, and just leave quietly. Anyway, he knows that the children love him.

Since the children don't need him anymore, he is busy with other things; in fact, Qi Ping is still quite busy, especially now that the acquisition of the first large-scale ranch is about to be completed, so naturally he needs to be nervous at this time.One is that the pasture has a large area, and the other is that the development of this pasture is very important.

"It's okay. I heard that the land has been tested for soil quality, and there is no problem. This ranch must cost a lot of money. It is one thing to have a large area, and it needs constant integration. There are indeed a lot of troubles."

Qi Weihui is still very busy now, and his life in the forest farm is quite fulfilling; since his son likes to be lazy, he should be busy.For the forest farm at home, he is more or less clear about various USDA standard-level knowledge now, and he knows that it is not easy to grow the best vegetables, and the requirements are strict.

"The soil quality is fine, and there are no legal substances left, so it will be convenient for us to grow grass and the like in the future. Of course, I also know that these things are really troublesome now, but there is no way, there are really not many large ranches here in California. Especially Our Ramona, let alone; I can't have my cake and eat it too, I can only pay a little more."

I drove with my dad to inspect the new ranch, which is in Ramona; the price is indeed not cheap, but it is good for long-term development, so this is enough.As for the price, of course it is very important, but Qi Ping pays more attention to the long-term interests. It is obvious that his family members support Qi Ping's decision, and the ranch is convenient to manage under his nose.

"Then what are you going to do with what Professor Bruce told you? If you can come up with a design to improve the environment on the ranch this time, is it okay to have an honorary doctorate? I don't think you should think too much about it. You have a doctorate degree. Okay. I have told your mother many times that Princeton University is very good, so don’t be afraid of being tied up.”

Qi Weihui definitely hopes that his children will be better and more promising. As for learning and so on; it is one thing to have money in the family, but he has never given up on knowledge and so on.He knew that Professor Bruce not only paid for research at the forest farm again and again, but also did a lot of things; this time, it was a good thing that he got his son an honorary doctor of science.As for some people who have thought too much there and have not agreed, he feels very dissatisfied.

"I'm rich now, and those famous universities want to have some contact with me. It's definitely no problem for children to go to college in the future, and it's even darker here in the United States; no matter how good a university is, there are back doors, and children from rich families certainly don't have to worry about losing their money." In terms of education. I’m from Princeton University, it’s really not necessarily suitable; their alumni association and the like don’t fight with me, I have never been to Princeton University, and none of my relatives and friends are there. I have read the books. Isn’t this just because I have taken a fancy to my money and research, I am just pretending.”

Qi Ping was dripping with sweat, what his parents valued was an honorary doctorate, which seemed to be a rather prestigious degree; as for other things, they probably didn't think too much about it.As for the "disadvantages" brought about by this honorary doctorate, in addition to making Qiping need to pay a little sponsorship fee, perhaps more is that Qiping will be completely tied to the chariot of Princeton University. A university like that is Princeton University.

"It's not a troublesome thing at all. Princeton University is the best in the United States and the world. You are just too greedy. You always think that you can be a fish in water everywhere. It's not good to have a relationship with two sides and three knives everywhere; it's better to find It is better to have a reliable backer, be more dedicated and stable in the future, and then don’t worry about not being able to catch even a fish.”

Qi Weihui gave his own opinion. In the final analysis, he hopes to find a stable "backer"; it is of course good to have both sides like a courtesan, but it is not that the top famous universities cannot be equal without him.It's a good thing to be more reliable. After finalizing this matter, we have found the best way out for the children.

I had no choice but to nod my head in agreement; in fact, what my father said was fine. Of course, the top universities like Princeton University were not rushing to join them, and they were still very proud.Qiping can indeed bring them certain benefits, but this definitely does not mean that Princeton University must win Qiping; What kind of benefits come.

"If I accept their honorary doctorate, then I will be a member of Princeton University in the future. Our children will be born in Princeton University without accident. From now on, it will be fine. They will think of us when they want to get sponsorship , tantamount to saying that Princeton University is the 'alma mater'."

Princeton University is Princeton University. For Qi Ping, there is really nothing to say now. This is his choice.Anyway, this matter doesn't do much harm to him, so just accept it calmly.

"Princeton University is fine. The only downside is that it's too far away. It's still in New Jersey, right? Our family is on the west coast, but the university is on the east coast. It will be troublesome to see the children in the future. UCLA or California The university is good, but it is not as famous as Princeton University. Anyway, our private jet is coming soon, and it will not be a big problem if we want to see the children in the future. Xiaoyao and Yoyo will be famous college students by then, better than Peking University and Tsinghua University The university is much better than your unreliable undergraduate."

Qi Weihui doesn't care so much, Princeton University is Princeton University!As for the fact that the family can only go to Princeton University in the future, there is no problem; this is the hypocrisy of the rich, and they are picky here; The university in front of it is what a member of the Ivy League is.

Qi Ping curled his lips, his father is suddenly a little 'supercilious', and his eyes are higher than the top; undergraduate, undergraduate is already quite good, when I was admitted to university, the whole family was excited and very satisfied .But now it is good, even Peking University and Tsinghua University are not looked down upon, just because there are better choices.

"They go to mix their degrees. American universities are easy to get into but not easy to get out of. It's not easy to get a diploma. I haven't seen some foreign students in China who come here and can't get a diploma. It's really not easy here. We Jia Xiaoyao and Yoyo are easy to enter university, unlike ordinary people who have to look at their grades when they take college entrance examinations. For graduation certificates and the like, it depends on their ability; anyway, I think that if our boy is as he is now, he can get a graduation certificate It’s really difficult. Joshua must be the first to trick me. He has no problem getting into college, but I guess I won’t be able to get a diploma.”

Qi Ping shook his head straight. In two or three years, Joshua would probably be a student at Princeton University; based on what he knew about his brother-in-law, he would definitely not be able to get a diploma.At that time, it is estimated that Qi Ping will be embarrassed; the first person to enter Princeton University by virtue of his own relationship is probably just dawdling in Princeton University, and may be a good student there.

"Joshua, I can't stand it. He seems to only like to play baseball, and he is very poor in cultural subjects. Our family Benben may be more reliable when he grows up, and his academic performance is good. Let me tell you, I heard that foreigners are poor in mathematics; we How come Jia Xiaoyao and Yoyo got here, they are bad at math, you used to have good grades in science, our family Xiaoyao and Yoyo can't count now."

Qi Weihui shook his head straight, he is a little stressed now, and he is a little dumbfounded; although the children are still young, Xiaoyao and Yoyo, who are almost four years old, will get confused after counting to ten, which makes him dumbfounded.It's just that Qi Weihui's mentality has changed a lot now. He knows that reading is not the only way out for the children in his family; small childhood.

"The two little guys are better at playing games than the other. If you let them read books, it will definitely not work. Playing games, then there is no problem. These two guys only know how to play games. I am afraid of them. They are very mischievous. Great. Kate doesn’t plan to teach them to read now, they played well before they read. Our family has nothing else, but we still have some money; as long as the children are happy, I don’t worry about the rest.”

He parked the car quickly with a flick of the tail, and was naturally criticized by his father; there was no way, Aston Martin could not be driven normally, and it was even more important to be safe with the family.It's all right now, you don't need to pay too much attention when you go out with your dad, it's actually acceptable to show off your skills a little bit and be frightened.

Brothers fighting tigers, father and son soldiers in battle, and now they want to acquire a large ranch with an area of ​​more than [-] acres. This matter is the most important event for the family at this stage.At this time, it is really necessary for the father and son to come over to inspect the ranch.Although there is a professional brokerage team and a research team contacted by Professor Bruce, it seems that there is really no trouble.

But sometimes, you really need to take a little care. For example, come and see with your own eyes. This is actually very necessary, so that you can be completely at ease.It can't be handed over to other people to operate everything, and the shopkeeper can't be a type who doesn't do anything at all.

(End of this chapter)

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