America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 273 You Are Still Young

Chapter 273 You Are Still Young (Subscribe)

"The plane will be sent back soon, and then we will be able to take a private jet home directly. The children have not been back to their hometown a few times, especially during the Chinese New Year."

Qi Weihui is very happy, the family's private jet is about to be completed, and I heard that it is now in the final commissioning; this is good news, because now you can take the family's private jet back to your hometown for the New Year, and you don't need to worry about long-distance flights If you are too tired or something, you can go back to your hometown for the New Year most easily.

"This year we will go back to our hometown to celebrate the New Year, and every year in the future we will go back to our hometown to celebrate the New Year. Although the New Year here is the same, we are all reunited with our family. It's just that there is really not much atmosphere for the New Year here, and it will always make people feel a little bit in the heart. It’s empty. It’s good that the private jet is sent back, and we don’t need to worry about the inconvenience.”

What Qi Ping said is the truth, if the private plane is sent back, it will be quite relaxed and enjoyable to go back to the hometown in the future, and the whole family will travel more easily.This matter is gratifying; especially the private airport at home is also in the final school flight work and acceptance work is progressing in an orderly manner, which makes people even more happy.

In fact, private airports are not easy. Although the planes landing here are definitely not large planes, the requirements for runways and the like can never be lowered.And some other equipment is needed, such as hangars, trailers and the like.In fact, these things are indispensable, and even signal towers are needed.

After all, Qiping's private airport can't be too simple, because many rich people have expressed their willingness; if the airport at the forest farm is built, then they can fly directly to the forest farm if they want to come to the fairyland forest farm for vacation. It is not necessary to drive for more than an hour after going to San Diego, which is indeed more convenient.

Two runways, three hangars; plus three oil tankers, two trailers, and tractors, these are actually quite a lot.As for repairmen and the like, they will definitely be needed.In short, it is such a small private airport, it is really not easy to build, and it even needs to spend a lot of money, because it needs to be very perfect.

It is a good thing to have a private jet, although maintenance and other things are not easy, but Qi Ping feels that he needs a plane.As for the air restrictions on private jets in the United States, it is actually relatively relaxed and simple.The government has classified about 85% of the U.S. airspace for civilian use, guaranteeing flying airspace, almost all of which can be used for civilian use.

So at this time, travel will be very simple, and it doesn’t need to be like domestic; generally speaking, even if it’s a private jet, you need to buy routes one by one for each flight, which is indeed a bit troublesome and has more restrictions.Although private jets have indeed become popular in China, we have to admit that it's not that the wealthy people in China can't afford planes, but that private jets and the like may not bring them enough convenience.

The private jet is about to be acquired, which is a matter of joy and congratulations; but this matter is obviously not all good news, because the acquisition of the ranch is basically at the last juncture.Now it is basically a matter of Qi Ping signing the contract, and all the tests are not a problem, and there is no such thing as someone trying to transfer the financial crisis in those ranches.

In short, Qi Ping thinks there is no problem, the price is reasonable and acceptable; the most important thing is that the ranch here is in Ramona, and it will be convenient to manage in the future.Qi Ping doesn't want the ranch to be out of his control, especially this ranch will be a top-notch ranch, and he will try to breed the best beef cattle as possible.But now the ranch is only under construction, so it naturally needs better management.

"It will probably be Christmas when our family's private jet is delivered home. We will go to Orlando together. There is a Disneyland over there, which I heard is the biggest. Take the children to the amusement park, and those two little naughty I've said it many times; it's my sister-in-law who takes Benben to Ocean Park or Disney every now and then, and now Xiaoyao and Yoyo's eyes light up when they hear about the amusement park."

Although the plane has not yet been obtained, the purpose of this private jet has basically been determined; it is not just for the convenience of returning home, but more importantly, it is to take the children to fly comfortably, such as going to Disneyland or something.When the children grow up a bit, perhaps private jets will be used to go to school and back to the forest farm when they are in college.

"You can still go to the game, but the Magic team, it seems that the past two years have been terrible. I will take the children to play games, and you and Kate can go to the game."

Qi Weihui was cheerful, not at all like an ordinary farmer; indeed, he was just an honest farmer when he came to the United States.But he has gotten used to it in the past few years. He is the father of a billionaire, so he doesn't need to worry about such a thing as money at all; when doing things now, most of the time he just looks at it for fun, without considering too many economic factors.

The most important thing is that the money is spent on the children, that is without blinking an eye, and there is no such thing as distressing.

"The Orlando Magic are really bad. They are a tragedy. McGrady and Howard have left one after another. This team has no future. They don't have a part in the Christmas game. I honestly accompany the children in the playground. The game is fine. Christmas, no matter what, you can’t just think about me watching the game. It’s convenient in the future, I want to watch which game I want to fly directly to.”

Qi Ping is very frightened, it is convenient to travel with a private jet in hand; as for going to the game and so on, it is also convenient, let's talk about worrying about gas money and the like.Qi Ping didn't care much, because he now had the capital, and he didn't think there would be much financial pressure to go out with a private jet, because he was a master who was not short of money!

"Sign, sign, the contract has been checked by Dawson and there is no problem. And the test by Bruce and the others is no problem, as long as you sign and transfer the money, our family will have [-] more acres of land That's it. This is [-] mu of land, and our family is really a big landlord now."

Qi Weihui was very happy. The settlement of the land situation is also a plot of the descendants of Yanhuang. Now that his family has so much land, he is of course very happy.The most important thing is that the land policy in the United States is great, and these lands belong to the Qi family, forever!This is naturally a more pleasing thing. As for the low return rate of the land, he doesn't care at all; the value is preserved and the land in the family can make a lot of money, so the land is definitely not too much.

"Dad, don't always teach Xiaoyao that the land belongs to him. This kid tells me that the land belongs to him every day. Grandpa and grandma let him protect the land. Xiaoyao definitely doesn't like to stay in the forest farm. Not everyone likes it." Like me, I like to stay in a small place like a forest farm, and big cities are what they prefer. The most important thing is that I don’t want to design a development plan for Xiaoyao, I just want him to be happy.”

"Just talking casually, I also hope that he can protect the family's good property when he grows up. But I think Xiaoyao is unreliable, a bit like you; he is a bit soft-tempered, doesn't like to fight, and is too easy-going. It's better for you, Always put good things in his own bowl. Xiaoyao always wants to take care of his sister because he always wants to take care of him."

Qi Weihui sighed, the children are growing up slowly now, and they will also show some personalities; it is not an exaggeration to look old at three years old, and the character of Xiaoyao's child cannot be said to be bad.It's just that that kid may really be a bit like his father, he's so talkative, he just wants to take care of others; such a character may be a good big brother, but it doesn't necessarily make him a good helm of the family business.

"I don't care about these things, as long as the children are happy, it's fine to find a professional manager in the future, and the children will get dividends in the future. In fact, I can't wait to find a professional manager now. In fact, I can't play these industries; It is better to have a specialization in the industry, and those people can come up with some development plans and the like.”

Qi Ping is telling the truth, he does not have much business acumen, and sometimes he acts on his own impulse; as for how to maximize benefits or establish a brand effect, integrate resources or development direction and so on.Then there is a bit of a state of black eyes, and the ignorant ones don't quite understand.

Qi Weihui gave this disappointing son a hard look. Although his mentality has changed a lot now, he feels that his family's property really cannot be handed over to those professional managers.Although the family's property is still in hand, it is for no reason to let people pay dividends, and it seems that they don't have much initiative.

He doesn't like this model, and it's better for his son to keep his word; the industry should be in his own hands, and it's no problem for others to work.But it must not be the mode of letting others make irresponsible remarks. You must recognize your own position and don't have some messy thoughts.

For professional managers, Qi Weihui felt more that this must mean that his son wanted to be lazy; he felt that he was such a hardworking person, how could he have such a lazy son.Sometimes he was really discussing with Yu Lan that he should teach this unworthy son a good lesson and get rid of all his laziness. Maybe this would make him a little more ambitious.

Naturally, I know what my father is thinking now, and there is no way to make my father completely change his attitude overnight; in fact, the model of professional managers is very good, but for some people with a strong sense of professionalism, this model is really not good. It's easy to accept, they prefer to have some initiative by themselves, or it may be because they don't trust those professional managers.

As for Qi Ping, let's wait and see, anyway, he is still young!
(End of this chapter)

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