Chapter 274
Qi Ping was still very happy. The long-awaited private jet was finally delivered;The most important thing is for the crew members to directly drive the plane back to the forest farm. Qi Ping needs to be ready to take the family to enjoy the private jet and start the first flight.

"Dad, can I take a lot of things?".

Yoyo dragged her small suitcase and prepared happily. The happiest thing for the little girl was to go out and play games.But now the little girl is very smart, since she is going out to play, of course she needs to prepare luggage; not only beautiful clothes, but also cute toys, this is the most important thing.

"Okay, it doesn't matter how much luggage you want to bring now, we have our own plane, and you can bring a lot of toys in the future. But you have to make sure that my mother and I will not help you with your luggage, too much You may not be able to drag your luggage. Don’t bring too much luggage, or you won’t be able to play games in the playground. "No <wrong"."

Qi Ping was teasing the baby girl, the little girl is still young, he must still need to carry these suitcases; this is just to scare the baby girl, otherwise depending on the character of the little guy, let alone that cute little box is definitely not enough, Not even a large suitcase.The little girl wanted to take away too much luggage, and she had to be restricted a little before she could pass.

The little girl cheered and ran to pack her luggage. Going out to play will make her very happy, and both parents have said that she is going to the playground to play, which makes her even happier.So now I need to pack my luggage properly. The little girl thinks it is very important to carry a lot of luggage.You just need to listen to your parents.Playing games is actually the most important thing.

Qi Ping happily watched the little girl packing her luggage.Although the little girl is not very old, she already knows a lot of things; the little girl has her own small cloakroom, beautiful clothes, shoes and so on.Now the little girl is slowly choosing, although some clothes are not suitable to take away now, but in general, the little girl's choice is very good.

"Daddy, I'm going to pee! I don't want Mommy taking me to the bathroom, Daddy, I'm going to pee standing up!"

Qi Ping is still helping his precious daughter as a staff officer.The fat son ran over and slammed into Qi Ping's arms; the little guy knew he was a boy now, and he couldn't go to the women's bathroom, and he didn't like squatting to pee, it would be very embarrassing.It's better to find Dad, so you won't be shy, and you can pee standing up.

Qi Ping is sweaty, when I met such a mischievous fat son, I often lamented that I was cheated; this kid always made trouble for him, and now Kate always thinks that Xiaoyao's "bad problem" is to learn from her father of.When I was young, I was entangled in these side details again and again.Even the little guy doesn't like grandma and mother to help him take a bath now, and only wants to take a bath with his father or grandpa.

Under Kate's meaningful eyes again and again.Qi Ping took his chubby son to the bathroom; the little guy was jumping happily, and now he knew the difference between men and women.Although he grew up with his sister, the little guy no longer sleeps on the same bed with his sister; but after all, he was reluctant to part with his sister, so he just separated the bed, and now he doesn't plan to ask for a room by himself. The little guy woke up I have to see my sister, otherwise I will be unhappy.

"Be careful, you are still young, and you need more patience and don't be in a hurry." Qi Ping, who was rambling, was nestled in the bathroom, teaching his fat son to solve some minor problems.

Looking at the fat son who is grinning and peeing happily, Qi Ping is ashamed; the little guy is too young now, and he has to teach everything.Especially this kid is growing up slowly and needs to learn more things; Qi Ping needs to get busy at this time, he needs to teach his fat son more things, so that the little guy will have less Take some detours.

These seem to be the most insignificant little things, but it doesn't mean that Qi Ping doesn't care at all; as for saying that setbacks make people grow up, Qi Ping is even more farting.Perhaps for some people, setbacks will make people progress and mature, but how much bitterness will there be in it; he hopes that the children will grow up smoothly, and he does not want them to encounter any setbacks and the like.

There can be strength and the like, but if it needs to be based on the children's constant grievances and setbacks, then Qi Ping doesn't need these strengths.Anyway, now he is considered to have some capital, he can better protect the children, make them suffer less grievances, and make the children's growth process as smooth and happy as possible.

"Dad, can I have a lot of toys? My brother has a lot of toys. I like small tanks, cars and airplanes. My toys are not fun anymore, but my brother's toys are more interesting."

Don't think that acting like a baby is just for little girls, Xiaoyao is actually very good at acting like a baby; after washing his little hands, Xiaoyao wanted to be hugged by his father, and the little guy showed his trump card at this time.He has always been very keen on toys. He often stays in Yan Yan's brother's toy house, and prefers to play toys with his brother. These are his hobbies.Just like my sister's enthusiasm for beautiful clothes, the little guy is actually all about toys, and doesn't seem to be particular about clothes and the like.

"Then Dad can buy you a toy remote control plane, just like Dad's helicopter."

Qi Ping thought about it, the little guy's toys may need to be considered for "renewal"; the big kid is already four years old, so naturally he needs some toys that match his grade at this time.Although there are indeed many toys in Xiaoyao, there are never enough toys for children; it is a trivial matter to give the little ones more toys at this time.

Xiaoyao happily announced loudly that he was going to have a new toy; this matter must be known to everyone, this is a child who can't hide his words, there is a little trouble at home, he will definitely be able to play in an instant Spread the word.The most important thing is that now with new toys, he can make the whole family happy.

"You are always pampering them. You obviously have no pocket money this week, but you still agreed to his request to buy toys. And you are hateful. You can tell him not to know some things, but you don't, he Now he realizes that he is a boy, and once I educate him, he will be refuted, he knows that he is a boy, and a boy should have his own style of doing things!"

Seeing Xiaoyao boldly pulling out clothes from the closet and stuffing them into a small suitcase, Kate had a headache; the cute Yoyo would pick out clothes slowly and organize them carefully, even if she couldn't fold them herself, she could ask for help .But Xiaoyao can't, the little guy doesn't seem to look at the clothes, he just opens his own closet, pulls a lot of clothes and stuffs them into the suitcase; as for tidiness and the like, he doesn't really care.

"I'm just wondering, isn't it that the twins have very similar personalities? Why do these two little things in our family often look like they are not twins at all? I admit that they are very similar in appearance, and they are both beautiful and cute; in terms of personality, although Naughty and playful are similar, but in other respects I think these are two extremes.”

Qi Ping looked at the children having fun in the room distressedly, the personalities of Xiaoyao and Yoyo looked more similar; but in more personality manifestations, they were really opposite, it seems that this should not be the personality of twins , the gap is really too big.Surprisingly, the twins don't seem to have much 'in common' at all.

"One is a boy and the other is a girl. They have inherited my appearance and your playfulness. The most important thing is to be like you. To put it nicely, it is unrestrained and chic; to put it badly, it is lazy and careless. .And Yoyo, like me, likes cleanliness and tidiness, we like the quality of life very much, and we live a quality life.”

Kate is definitely bragging about herself. The good things about the children all follow her genes. Anyway, those who feel unsatisfactory become Qi Ping’s powerful genes.That's it in general, the good ones are all Kate's influence and genes.The bad aspect can be traced back to the source, that is because the children have a bad father who does not live up to expectations; not only bad genetic inheritance, but also a bad role model.

For his daughter-in-law, Qi Ping can't say anything now, but it's useless to say it; if he wants to seek justice in this matter or prove that he has not brought bad influence to the children, then it is wrong Sensible.Don't look at Kate's usual image of a good wife, but it will be a headache when she explodes. Anyway, Qi Ping is not at the same level as Kate in terms of refutation.

Smart people don't do things like humiliating themselves; Qi Ping knew his family status a long time ago, and he didn't intend to resist or improve his family status.The reason is very simple, I tried my best to fight, but every time not only failed to achieve the expected status, but was even taught a lesson again and again; this has explained a lot of problems, and it is more reassuring to be honest.

The children are happily preparing their luggage and going out to play games, which will make them very happy; as for the private jet at home, they may not have much impression of it now, it is just a toy at most. Mom and Dad's toys have no other meaning.

But the adults are very happy, even a little excited; the private jet is finally available now!
(End of this chapter)

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