Chapter 275
Xiaoyao and Youyou happily occupy their little sofa, and the two little guys happily sit on the little sofa and eat snacks; the little guys like this plane very much, because they can run around, and there are many delicious food Yes, you can watch cartoons happily.

Now it seems that flying is not a very bad thing, and I can actually play games happily here.

Mom took Xiao Lele to the lounge. The little guy is still a little younger now, so he doesn’t know how to play more games; the most important thing is that compared to the leisurely and carefree days when he was a child, Lele’s work and rest time It's steady, it's time for him to sleep.This child is very delicate and quiet, not like Xiaoyao and Youyou who cried and competed one by one when they were young.

In the words of my mother, I have never seen a better child than Lele; Benben seemed to be difficult to take care of when he was a child, and he liked to make troubles when he didn't sleep at night.This is especially the case with Xiaoyao and Yoyo. Whenever something goes wrong, they cry. When they don't sleep at night or see their brothers and sisters crying, the other one will definitely join in the fun.

Lele is still easy to take care of. Compared with his brothers and sisters, the little guy is simply a little angel.Although Qi Ping knew that Lele was actually very naughty, it was only because his older brothers and sisters were more naughty that he set off the image of an obedient little angel.Perhaps, this is just an illusion, and it is more likely because my family members think that they are all good, especially a fat boy with an extremely cute and innocent smile.

Orlando Disney World is the largest Disney theme park in the world. There are four super-large theme parks here: Disney-Future World, Animal Kingdom, Hollywood Studios and Magic Kingdom.As for water parks and resort hotels or camping spots, international standard golf courses and comprehensive sports parks, there will certainly be no shortage.

In fact, Disneyland is really not only liked by children; adults can also find quite a lot of interesting games here, and there will actually be a lot of fun for them to play here.

This time, the most important task of the whole family is to play games with the children; Benben happily holds the hands of his younger siblings. Run around, looking for fun games everywhere.They are definitely the happiest little group in Disneyland.

"It's all right now, they're having fun. This time, Benben, I think I came to play for two days this time, and I can't take it back for a long time when I go back. I see, there is another one in our family who doesn't want to have a good time." The boy who reads."

Seeing the cheerful appearance of the fat nephew, Qi Ping was joking; this is absolutely true, with such a fun-loving elder brother leading the way, Xiaoyao and Yoyo must have had a great time.As for good students coming out of the family, it may not be very realistic; there are probably more playful kids.

"He just plays now, and he doesn't care about the rest. I'm too lazy to talk about it, just play. Let him study hard when he grows up. In fact, Benben is not bad. He is a bit playful, but Not bad grades."

Qi Lei is actually very satisfied, Benben is playful, but compared to those American kids who are bad at math, Benben still has this advantage.Sometimes the judgment of whether a person is smart or not may be based on his academic performance. It is obvious that Benben belongs to that group of smart people; now he is a little younger, but his learning ability is really nothing to say.

The most important thing is for the children to have fun. The first thing they do when they get a private jet is to come to Orlando. In fact, it is because they want to take the children to the biggest Disneyland to have a good time.Although it seems to be the children's follower now, everyone is very happy and satisfied.

Seeing the cartoon characters of Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs dressed up by actors, the children are the happiest; the little ones swarmed up, nothing more than saying hello to these cartoon characters, and then wanting to Group photo or something.For children, this thing is very interesting, very happy, even more fun than playing games.

The whole family spent two days in Orlando. In fact, if you want to have a good time in Disneyland, it may not be enough time.There are so many interesting things here, as long as you want to play, no amount of time here is actually enough.

The happy moments need to be cherished; Qi Ping feels very happy now, although the children are crying and fussing and don't want to leave the most fun Disneyland.But it doesn't matter, this incident actually makes people feel very happy; now I am not showing off happiness, but experiencing these beautiful moments.

"Then let's go home, King Kong and Pooh must miss me. My brother is too young now, he doesn't know how to play games yet. Let's go home, my brother must be thinking a little bit."

Youyou is like an adult, the little girl is always thinking about her younger brother, so she is considered a qualified older sister; as for the unreliable older brother, she is a typical example like Xiaoyao.Sometimes the little guy can think of his younger brother. When he is having fun, he basically does not think of his younger brother. Sometimes he will tease his younger brother when he is in a good mood. As for Lele crying, Xiaoyao can run as far as he can, anyway. He doesn't have much patience to play games with his younger brother.

This kid might become a good elder brother and protect his younger brother; but it's really unreliable to play games with his younger brother.

Xiaoyao is very happy, because he bought a small remote control plane; this is a very happy thing for the little guy, because he can play games unscrupulously.With the help of his father, the little guy took the remote control and controlled the small plane to fly up and down on the lawn at the door.

"Dad is the best, now it's my turn to play games!"

Xiaoyao is very happy, although he has never played this remote control plane before, but after seeing his father playing the game for a while, the little guy thinks that he is already very good and knows how to play this game.The most important thing is actually because this little plane is very fun, the little guy can't wait anymore, he wants to operate it now.

Teach the fat son hand in hand, and the precious girl is clapping her little hands beside her to cheer; as for King Kong and Winnie, they also raised their heads and watched the little plane take off slowly.At this time, we must pay attention to Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai, because they are very curious about the small plane; they are not worried about the small plane being kicked off by them, but worried that the propeller will hurt Liang Shanbo and them, so they are strictly prohibited from appearing around the plane.

"I dare say that this plane must not be played for two days. The children like this small plane now. But you see, this small plane is a relatively common and cheap product, and the brackets are all plastic. This trip is very direct. If it falls from the air, even if it is iron, it will be broken, let alone it is plastic."

Watching the rickety little plane fall down amidst the screams of the children, Kate had already predicted the fate of the little plane; such a small remote control plane itself is rather rough, and it is actually not very simple to operate.Although the lawn is very soft and thick, the impact of falling on the ground is still relatively large.

In addition, the little guy is still young, every time he sees the plane is about to fall, he jumps up and down, how can he think of operating the plane to remedy it, he wants to use the lion's roar to scare the little plane back to his old age. Keep flying honestly.

Xiaoyao likes this small plane, and Yoyo actually likes this game very much; although the little girl prefers little girl's toys, she is actually very curious about such a new thing as a small plane.It's just that the little girl is not a very good pilot, for sure; it's easy to fly the plane and then see the little girl cheering.

The little girl doesn't have the ability to focus on two things. She saw all kinds of cheers when she saw the plane take off, and then saw the plane plummet. The little girl never expects the small plane to fly or land smoothly. She thinks that the plane should fly Get up and fall down, this is the most interesting game.

Qi Ping agrees with Kate’s opinion very much, children are super wrecking kings, such an impatient aircraft will definitely have a short service life; this also reminds Qi Ping once again that it is a toy at home It is really necessary to ensure that the quality is better, otherwise such a toy will definitely not have a long service life.

And these rough remote control planes are actually very unplayable; the model planes are better, not to mention more formal.It will be more magnificent when flying, and there is no need to worry about falling down once flying.Qi Ping felt that this small plane could only be the destiny for children to practice their hands, in order to get familiar with more difficult model airplanes in the future.

"Dad, the plane broke down!"

While Qi Ping was still chatting with Kate, Xiaoyao ran over with the small plane in his hands; it had only flown a few times, and the small plane was already in some trouble.It was clear that something was wrong with the undercarriage of the little plane; the little undercarriage was broken, and the plane had managed to walk down the brink of destruction under the scourge of the children, and it might be dying soon.

"Then I'll help you fix the small plane later. Let's tie the bottom frame here first. You need to be careful when you play this small plane in the future. The small plane is too small, we have to take care of it." take care of it."

Qi Ping took the children to "repair" the small plane. Although the quality of this small plane is very average, it is impossible not to pay attention to protecting the plane at all.It is obvious that the children have already regarded this small plane as a treasure. Of course, such a precious plane now needs to be taken good care of by the children. Anyway, it cannot be damaged casually like this, and it needs to continue to persevere!
(End of this chapter)

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