America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 276 The Children Chapter is Coming

Chapter 276 The Children Are Back
The children continued to pack their luggage happily, and this time they were going back to their hometown for the New Year; although the children didn't have much awareness of these, it was enough to know that it was a festival and their hometown.

Now that they are packing their luggage, Xiaoyao and Yoyo are very happy. Although the little guys have made the room look like a mess, although they really haven't packed any more luggage now.But it doesn't matter, this is just a game, happiness is the most important thing, you can't expect a four-year-old child to pack his luggage in an orderly manner, it is simply unreasonable, and even more impossible.

"I'm very happy that we don't have little geniuses in our family. It's a good thing not to have little geniuses, so that we can watch them grow happily, and we will have more opportunities to enjoy the happiness they bring us."

He clapped his hands to attract the younger son's attention, but the little guy with a pacifier tilted his head arrogantly and lay in his mother's arms; Lele never particularly liked his father.His mother and grandma are his favorites, followed by his sister; the last ones are his grandpa, father and brother.

"As long as they are our children, they will be my favorite. Whether they are geniuses or ordinary people, I don't care, as long as they are our children, that's enough."

She happily kissed her youngest son's chubby face, and seeing her little son biting a pacifier and laughing, Kate felt very happy.

Glancing jealously at Kate, he pats his youngest son on the bottom; Chipping is about to get busy, because baby girl is signaling that she needs Daddy's help.The closet is a bit high, and the little girl can't take off her favorite beautiful clothes. At this time, Dad needs help. Who made Dad grow taller?

I am beaming, and I am going back to my hometown for the New Year, which of course is the best thing; for the children, this may be a festival, so they are very happy.For the adults, they know the meaning of the Spring Festival, and even more the meaning of their hometown; now they come back to their hometown, and these naughty little cuties make the adults even more happy.

Qi Weihui and Yu Lan were actually the happiest. If it weren't for these naughty people, they would definitely not be able to adapt to life in the United States; they have lived in their hometown for decades, and the familiar accent is something they miss.But now the sons are all promising, and this time they return to the country even in the family's private jet, which is completely promising, unimaginable!
And the lovely grandchildren are even more worthy of their showing off; the future of their children and the fullness of their children and grandchildren may be the happiest thing for them.They went back to the country ahead of time, and they need to tidy up a little to make the children live more comfortably.Although the house in my hometown was newly built and it was very good, there were not many people living there for a long time throughout the year.

For Yu Lan and Qi Weihui, of course the children need to prepare well when they return to their hometown; it doesn't mean that the children are little guests, that is their home, and the children are the little masters.It's just that the children are still a little younger now, and there is no way to take better care of themselves; so now, the adults can only be more busy to take good care of the children.

Qi Ping can understand, because he also hopes that the children will like their hometown and have more sense of belonging.

Qi Ping is actually very happy, not only because he returned to his hometown, the place where he was born and raised; but also because his career developed smoothly during this period and the ranch was successfully acquired.During this period of time, certain transformations are being carried out. After all, these pastures used to be more farms; so now we have to start preparing. This is not just about planting grass, but also requires a series of other arrangements; speaking of it, There are really many things.

Although busy is a bit busy, it is very happy for Qi Ping, because he has a lot of things to do now, and he often runs to the pasture in a hurry; but this is more happy, because it can bring him Come more wealth.This is the most important thing. In fact, he likes to be a hands-off shopkeeper. No matter how busy or tired he is, it is only relatively speaking, because he used to show all kinds of idleness in the forest farm.

"Father, mom is feeding my brother milk again, and I'm not allowed to eat it! I want it too, it's unfair for mom."

Sitting lazily on the large sofa, Qi Ping ran over with pouting aggrievedly; the little girl was jealous, and now her mother only liked her younger brother.Now, it is necessary to constantly show the sense of presence, otherwise the mother really only likes the younger brother.

"You are an older child now, you can't eat your mother's milk, it's your brother's. If you eat it, then your brother will be hungry. You and your brother ate a lot when you were young. When your brother grows up, he won't Will eat, only children will eat."

Qi Ping laughed, the little girl was just curious and jealous, and it is not ruled out that there is a little girl in it, and she really misses it; in fact, Xiaoyao and Youyou were weaned at a relatively old age, and they were both weaned naturally when they were two years old.Although it is a little stressful to bear two little ones, Kate insists on breastfeeding; but now it’s all right, seeing her younger brother always drinking mother’s milk, Xiaoyao and Yoyo are jealous.

"But my brother and I only have one, and my brother has two. Dad, let's discuss it with my brother. He eats one, and my brother and I eat one!"

The little girl quickly climbed onto the sofa and lay on her father's chest. In fact, the little girl was not just greedy, but also because she was really jealous.

Qi Ping laughed, and there is nothing to talk about with this little rascal; the little girl always has some strange ideas, and Qi Ping is sure that it is the little girl and Xiaoyao who always get together, so they won't be serious. They didn't grab their mother's concern at all, they were just too greedy.

There is no way, being pestered by the little girl, now I can only go to Kate to discuss it; first let this little girl fool me, she is already four years old, but this little girl doesn't know how to be shy at all.

I didn't know that there was another one who was shy, Xiaoyao leaned next to Kate, and his little head kept pushing into Kate's arms; but Lele was smart, knowing that his brother and sister were coming to snatch his delicious food again.So the little guy is working very hard now, stretching his little hands hard, trying to hug his mother as much as possible, absolutely not letting his brother and sister snatch away the good things that belong to him again.

"I regret it now, Xiaoyao and Youyou were weaned too late. I always thought that breast milk contains more comprehensive nutrition, and breastfeeding can increase the baby's resistance, and this will strengthen the relationship between me and the children .Two years old, maybe the digestive system is mature at this time, and you can also eat some other foods; but they have already started to remember things, I have a headache now, they always make me embarrassed."

Handing over the well-fed Lele to Qiping, Kate felt very speechless looking at Xiaoyao and Yoyo who were laughing and laughing; these two little guys actually wanted to get closer to their mother, and they were a little jealous of their younger brother.But I have to admit that sometimes these two naughty guys really make people laugh, they are really a headache.

Laughing and playing games with the children, although it was a long-distance flight of ten hours or so, it did make the children feel a little unhappy gradually.But compared to civil aviation, the children are naturally happier; because they can run around, and the children can also go to the bedroom to sleep for a while; these will be the reasons for the children to be very happy, in fact, there are many more here Snacks can be eaten.

The city where my hometown is located does not have an airport, which is actually normal; although domestic civil aviation has developed rapidly in recent years, there are actually not many airports here.But fortunately, there is an airport in the next city about two hours away from my hometown, so it is definitely no problem to land Qi Ping's private jet;

"Grandpa, grandpa, I miss you!"

The children who were still a little listless were instantly happy because they saw their grandpa waiting for them; the little ones were very happy because they hadn't seen their grandpa for several days; Know how happy it will be.

Seeing the children running over, Qi Weihui smiled happily; he bent down and hugged Xiaoyao and Youyou, the fat grandson and the precious granddaughter were in his arms, one on the left and the other on the right, the little ones pouting their mouths repeatedly Kiss on the face.This makes Qi Weihui very happy. Having such a lovely pair of grandchildren, he feels that this is the greatest happiness.

"Lele, don't you like grandpa again?"

Looking at the little grandson who was biting the pacifier, Qi Weihui laughed; the boy stared wide-eyed, but he just didn't want to talk to him.Qi Weihui knew very well that if it was grandma, then Lele would definitely giggle and stretch out his little hands to play games with grandma.As for grandpa, Xiao Lele often has a very cold attitude. The little guy is smart.

"Your boss is doing a good job. He took my previous big Benz and drove it again. This time, we also need a car when we come back, and the seats must not be missing. Originally, I wanted to buy a Volvo with better safety features," he said. I like Daben, and I posted a little money to help me buy a seven-seater Mercedes-Benz GL450. the driver."

Dragging the suitcase, Qi Weihui was very happy; the Daben of more than 100 million RMB may not be his happiest, because he has played with more expensive Aston Martins and the like.He is happiest sitting in this car with the person he cares most about; Qi Weihui is very happy when he sees the noisy children in the back seat, because the children are finally back!

(End of this chapter)

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