America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 277 The determination to eat roasted sweet potatoes!

Chapter 277 The determination to eat roasted sweet potatoes!
Qi Weihui went out for a stroll and dropped by; when he came home, he saw his grandson and granddaughter in cute cartoon coats standing at the gate, seemingly waiting for someone while playing games.

Smiling very happily, he had already taken the children to show off in the village; in fact, Xiaoyao and Youyou have not returned to their hometown, and everyone in the village knows these two cute little guys.But now, the children are growing up slowly, and they are becoming more and more lovely; so there is no need to say, I must take these two cutest children to the village to show off, so that the villagers can praise these two cute little guy.

"Grandpa, let's go bake potatoes!"

Seeing that grandpa came back, Xiaoyao and Yoyo who were playing games at the door immediately became happy; the little ones found delicious snacks, and roasted sweet potato is their new favorite snack now.And these snacks, there is no such thing as not eating too much, the little ones can eat all they want, and they can eat a lot of roasted potatoes.

The children are happy, the hometown is actually very fun; the children have been running around with their grandfather in the village for the past two days, and they also found some interesting games or some interesting snacks.For example, this sweet potato is a new discovery of children. They like to eat roasted sweet potato very much.

Burning ashes is actually a very simple matter, some hay, wet grass, etc., plus some relatively fertile soil; basically it is such a model, the burned ash is basically scattered on the field as a as fertilizer.Although it may not be comparable to chemical fertilizers and the like, this is quite old fertilizer, which can be regarded as the experience summed up by farmers.

Children may be the happiest when the ashes are burned; dig out a few small pits in the ashes, bury sweet potatoes, and bake them for a period of time. This is a rare delicacy.Qi Ping did these things when he was a child. Once someone in the village burns ashes, basically the children will run over to roast the potatoes with their yams; Mess.

Xiaoyao and Yoyo made a lot of money, and followed their grandfather around the village; seeing someone burning ashes, grandpa immediately thought of getting some snacks for the children.Although it doesn't look as tall as French fries, the taste of these distinctive snacks is quite wonderful.

"Where did you get the potatoes? Grandpa didn't grow potatoes this year, and now we can't roast potatoes. And it seems that no one in the village burns ashes today, so we can't roast potatoes."

Qi Weihui hugged his fat grandson and granddaughter on his lap with a smile. These two little pistachios brought him endless joy.

"My sister and I went to Grandpa Zhang's house in front of us to ask for a lot of yams."

"Grandpa, if we burn the ashes, we will have sweet potatoes to eat!"

What the little guys said made Qi Weihui stunned for a while. The potato is actually not a rare thing in the village; although the conditions in the countryside have improved in recent years, some people have bought the potato.This thing can actually be sold for some money now. You must know that when Qi Ping was a child, these sweet potatoes were not considered a staple food at all, not even a snack; it can only be said to be pig food.

This is not a joke. When Qi Ping was a child, the conditions at home were very average. At that time, the conditions for farming and the like were actually not that good.So sometimes, cost reduction can only be done by yourself.

"Okay, let's go get some yams now. If someone in the village burns ashes, grandpa will take you to roast yams. If no one burns ashes, we will burn them ourselves, and roast a lot of yams."

The conditions of the family are good, not to mention that there is no way to spend all the money in the family now, but the conditions of ordinary people in the village are not bad; sweet potatoes are really just snacks now.As for ashes and the like, there really aren't many of them in the village.Qi Weihui reckoned that this meant taking the children out for a walk, and then started burning the ashes himself.

The happy Xiaoyao and Yoyo immediately ran away, the little ones were only thinking about eating and playing; they had already prepared the sweet potatoes, and ran to Grandpa Zhang’s house in front of the house to ask for a lot of sweet potatoes, and now they have packed the sweet potatoes Keep it at home.Now that grandpa is going to take them to bake yams, the children get ready immediately; they pick three chubby and cute yams, and these are the snacks prepared by the children.

"Grandpa, there is no ashes!"

Walking around the village, there was indeed no one burning ashes; the children looked a little disappointed now, they were holding yams in their little hands, and they were almost drooling.Fragrant and glutinous sweet potato is the favorite of children now.

"Then grandpa will go home and burn the ashes for you, we will burn the ashes and roast the potatoes ourselves!"

Not wanting to see his grandchildren disappointed, Qi Weihui immediately made a decision; this is his land, and it's not easy for the children to go back to their hometown. If they don't even want to eat some roasted yams, it will definitely not work.Isn't it just roasting potatoes? It's a very simple thing, just burn a pile of ashes by yourself; when the time comes, you can roast the potatoes as you want!
"Grandpa, come on!"

Xiaoyao and Youyou are happily bouncing around, cheering for grandpa; when the ashes are about to be piled up, they can roast sweet potatoes.It seems like the cart is putting the cart before the horse. Someone else is burning the ash pile to fertilize the fields, and the roasted yam is just a small giveaway.But it’s okay here, the old Qi’s family now burns ashes to roast potatoes, and this ashes can only serve this purpose.

"Boss Qi, leave the ashes of your house to me after the ashes are burnt. You will go to the United States at the beginning of the new year. I will use the ashes to spread the vegetable garden. You are well now, and I will bake it for your two little grandchildren." The yams made such a big noise."

People in the village ridiculed Qi Weihui. It is no secret that the Qi family has made a fortune. A few years ago, it was only heard that Qi Ping resigned and went to the United States to seek a living. Then he heard that he bought a large forest farm, a helicopter and a good car.Later, I heard what the best vegetables were grown, and I saw that the Qi family owned a private jet some time ago; these are indeed things that the villagers dare not even think about, it's too exaggerated!

But there is no way, I don’t know how many photos I have seen, the QQ space of the Qi family brothers is full of these photos; the Qi family is rich, and now not only the people in the village are talking about these, but even the whole city has a lot of them People know the news.Especially in this third-tier town, the youngest son of Lao Qi's family took his foreign daughter-in-law back to his hometown several times, and several children were born.

"Take ashes, as much as you want. I'll burn the ashes for you, and you can just give me a little more sweet potatoes. My family, Xiaoyao and Youyou, like sweet potatoes. I'm going to the United States this time, and I want to say anything Plant some yams. By the way, do you have a lot of yams in your house? I’ll buy some; when the time comes, we’ll do it ourselves and make some hemp sticks for the children.”

Qi Weihui was cheerful. The two little things jumping at the door made him the happiest. Since the children like to eat sweet potatoes, it is better to plant some.Qi Weihui is actually very proud, after all, he is a child of Lao Qi's family; although he usually eats good food, he loves these special snacks more; Farm snacks, I believe children will love them.

"I don't have hemp sticks at home, you can go to Lao Yu to have a look. I'm lazy now, just go to the street to buy some New Year's goods; these melon seeds are fried and fried, and the hemp sticks are definitely gone. They need to be washed and dried again. It's too troublesome. Lao Yu's family should have it, she has always been diligent, and his youngest son likes to eat these snacks when he just started college."

Compared with big cities, rural areas are naturally more humane; everyone knows a little movement and situation in the village.For example, in Lao Yu's family, Lao Yu is diligent, and her youngest son is considered by the villagers to be a child who is too young to keep eating, so this special snack will definitely be prepared.The conditions are indeed much better now, but some things will gradually fade out of sight.

"Then I'll go to her house and ask. The hemp sticks are delicious and crispy. My children will definitely like them. I'll go and see what else is delicious. Look at how well my baby is growing, little face Chubby. There is also a little Lele, who is a bit introverted, and now he is too young and clings to his mother and grandma, so I can't bring him out to play."

He beckoned and called Xiaoyao and Youyou over, looking at the two little guys hugging their thighs, Qi Weihui began to show off.The cute children are what he likes to show off the most; he used to talk about the family's car and house, but now those are not enough, the children are what he is most proud of.

In fact, two days after Xiaoyao and Youyou came back, Qi Weihui took the children around the village several times, and those who were close to him already knew about it.But these two little mixed races are indeed very popular; children are always welcome, especially after the family planning, and now there are not many children in the village; cute children will be teased wherever they go, and even more so. What's more, people in a village prefer to tease other people's children.

"Grandpa, when will the sweet potatoes be ready? I'm hungry, I want to eat sweet potatoes!"

Xiaoyao squatted beside the pile of ashes and watched eagerly. The pile of ashes had just been ignited, and it was still just smoking; it was all right, the children couldn't wait.Children don't understand the reason why they can't eat hot tofu in a hurry, and it takes time to cook sweet potatoes, and the children must not be able to wait; since the children are hungry and want to eat sweet potatoes, it is easier.

"Go to grandma to ask for money, and tell grandpa to take you to the town to buy yams. Grandpa will drive the car out, and we will go to town to buy yams. You can eat as much as you want!"

Qi Weihui made a decision. The children want to eat sweet potatoes, which is not easy; the ashes are piled up to roast the sweet potatoes, which needs to wait.The children are hungry and can't wait, so I go to the town to buy yams, I'm sure I can find them; if it doesn't work, I take the children to the city, I still don't believe that I can't buy yams? !
(End of this chapter)

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