America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 281 Perfection

Chapter 281 Perfection
"Resorts are becoming more and more popular now, and it should be. After the completion of this small airport, it is really convenient, not only because it can make those rich private jets or small charter planes land directly, but also because your plane Green private jets can make it easier for the rich to go to forest farms for vacation.”

Steve took a sip of coffee comfortably, turning a blind eye to the noisy children beside him; he had long been used to this, and he had already seen how naughty the children in the Qiping family were.So now, even if the children are arguing, he can still drink coffee and chat with Qiping about work leisurely.

"I don't care that much, as long as I don't mess up my private jet. I don't usually use private jets, but it definitely doesn't mean I don't pay attention to it." Qi Ping said dryly, for Steve Commenting on the family’s private jets being colorful, Qi Ping was rather unhappy, “I don’t care so much about resort affairs, our current cooperation is very happy, you just need to continue to maintain the current business model.”

"Of course I want to hug your thigh. We all know that Fairyland Forest Farm Resort makes a lot of money now. Those rich people are waiting in line to live in the forest farm. We have basically completed the membership mechanism now. Dude, I don't want to lose this It’s probably the best career choice I’ve made in my entire life.”

What Steve said was true, as long as he managed the Fairyland Forest Farm Resort well, his career would be guaranteed.Obviously, now that he is guarding the Fairyland Forest Farm Resort and making some arrangements, he will be able to count a lot of money.Although Qi Ping earns more, he has to admit that Steve can also get a generous share now.

The development of the resort is too fast. At the beginning, the simple villas and golf courses may have a little attraction. In fact, the most attractive thing about the resort at that time was the environment here.Although all this can show that it is worth to come here for vacation, because here you can breathe the best air.

It's just that it was like this at the beginning. Except for the unimaginable good air quality, there is not much charm in other things.The resort will be one of the best resorts, but it is not top-notch; because some top resorts not only have a good environment, but also need to keep up with many other aspects.

Muse Lake has been developed, not only a top fishing club, but also a small water park; in addition to some motorboats, there are also speedboat water skiing and water parachute games.These are actually quite good games, which also increase the fun of the forest farm resort.

And the games in the resort are not limited to these, many wealthy people like to ride here leisurely and comfortably in the forest farm to enjoy the scenery and breathe the air.And going to orchards, vegetable fields, etc., has become a favorite pastime for children and housewives.There are more ways of leisure and entertainment, which have been continuously appearing. The facilities of the Fairyland Forest Farm Resort are becoming more and more complete, and this place is becoming more and more refreshing.

"Dad, Rudolph!"

Xiao Lele, who was running crookedly, jumped onto Qiping's legs. Now that the little guy was able to run around, he just ran around like a headless chicken all day long, causing the family members to worry all day long.When the little guy can't walk, it will make people feel a little tired to hold him in his arms all day long, but such a little guy who just can walk likes to run around all day, and it will actually be more tiring to take care of him.

Seeing Rudolph with six big antlers standing at the door and unwilling to come in, Qi Ping certainly understands; this guy is unanimously 'disgusted' by the family, because this guy is so hateful, it is difficult to control own body.Once it enters the house, it will always run around waving its big antlers, and as a result, all kinds of furniture are destroyed by it.

"Dad, I want to ride Rudolph."

Fat Son is a restless master, that's for sure; the little guy doesn't like riding around on Diandian anymore, although Diandian likes Lele very much.But it is certain that after Lele has ridden a tall horse like Heitan, a little man like Diandian will not be of much use except that Lele likes to hold it as a pet.

Obviously, Lele likes Dian Dian, but that doesn't mean he likes to ride a pony that can't run fast, or a miniature horse that is destined not to grow up.In fact, Lele is very greedy, he always wants to run faster.So Heitan and Rudolph are Lele's favorites. He always seems to be imagining that he can ride a big horse or a big deer to run around in the forest.

"Dad, I want grandpa, Rudolph is with me!"

As expected, Qi Ping was still in a daze, and the fat son had already started to speak; after buttoning his father's pants a few times, the little guy looked up at his father expectantly with his chubby face.He wanted to find his grandfather, and it was actually Rudolph who went with him. He wanted to ride Rudolph to the grandpa, which was the little guy's expectation.

The little guy is the restless type, and he is actually the most adventurous of the kids.

"But you are still a little young, and you can't sit on its back. Of course, Dad hopes that you can ride a horse by yourself, but you can't guarantee that you won't fall off. You can control the little bit, but the little bit is small, it If you are carrying you, you will definitely not be able to go to the grandpa. Heitan ran out to play games, and it is too big, you can’t sit still. This is very dangerous, and Dad will not agree to you.”

Pick up the little guy, although Qi Ping really dotes on his son, but doting on his son also needs to meet a certain standard; it is obvious that Xiao Lele is riding a big dog now, and it is okay to walk a few steps slowly at the door .But riding a tall horse or deer like Heitan or Rudolph is a problem, a big problem.

"I made an agreement with Rudolph, let's go to grandpa together, and grandma will give me a lot of candies."

The world of children is something adults don't understand at all, and the little ones always think they can understand what Rudolph is saying; this is often the case with the little ones, holding the little animals at home and always talking to themselves .These little guys have always thought that they can communicate with small animals. They always stubbornly think that they have actually talked a lot with these small animals. Children and these small animals at home are best friends. !

"Then dad, think of a way. I'll put a seat on it, and then make it obedient. But you have to make sure that you don't move around. Otherwise, Rudolph will be angry and he won't like you. "

Seeing the fat son looking forward to it, Qi Ping could only make a change; seeing the fat son's happy smiling face, Qi Ping felt that it was all worth it.And that kid Rudolph, although he is lazy, playful, and often unreliable in various ways; but he has to admit one thing, that is, this guy is still a reliable type at critical moments.

Qi Ping knew that in fact, Xiaoyao and Yoyo often rode Rudolph, although Rudolph did not have excellent execution ability like Heitan, and he didn't know any instructions.But it is very clear that when it is carrying the children, it walks very steadily, so it will not run around so unreliably.

For the little wish of the fat son, Qi Ping began to get busy; in fact, what Qi Ping had to do was very simple, that was to make Xiao Lele sit safely on the back of the deer as much as possible.As for worrying about Rudolph intentionally hurting Lele, Qi Ping didn't worry about it at all; what he was worried about was that the unreliable Rudolph might be uncontrollable and would unintentionally knock Lele down.

The child seat is directly removed, and a series of reinforcements are carried out according to Xiao Lele's small body; at the same time, it is also necessary to pay attention to the weight of the seat, although now Rudolph has a length of two meters and a shoulder height of 1.5 meters, even it All of them weigh [-] kilograms.It is no worse than some adult horses, but Qi Ping knows that Rudolph is not a horse after all, and its bearing capacity needs to be considered.

"Dad, here you are!"

The little Lele who was squatting on the side was very happy. The little guy smiled and handed the small board to his father; although the little guy didn't know what a screwdriver was and what a board was, it didn't stop him from becoming a little assistant with great interest.He has received a lot of praise, and now his father is helping him make the 'deer saddle', these are the reasons why Xiao Lele is very happy.

"Lele is amazing, mom is proud of you! But you need to be obedient and not be naughty."

Kate naturally knew what her husband was doing with his little son, and there was no doubt that naughty little guy was thinking about it again, and now the little guy wanted to ride a deer.Although Kate may not necessarily support this matter, since Qi Ping is sure, she will definitely not object, because she also hopes that the fat son will be happier.

"Dad, why is it only my younger brother? My elder brother and I also want to ride a deer!" Yoyo leaned over, and the little girl in a beautiful dress squatted down next to her father, and the little girl started to feel jealous now.Although she and her brother used to sit on Rudolph's back, there is definitely no special seat like now, "My brother and I can also ride horses, Rudolph likes me and my brother very much!"

"No problem, no problem. It only takes a little time, and Dad will arrange it for you. Trust Dad, not only my brother can ride a deer, but you and your brother can too. Dad loves you, brother, and brother!"

Qi Ping looked at the special seat with satisfaction, and carried Xiao Lele into it for a try; seeing the fat son happily supporting the small seat and singing, he could only say 'perfect! '

(End of this chapter)

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