America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 282 The Tossing Children

Chapter 282 The Tossing Children
The chubby pink boy sat happily on the back of the deer. Although he was wearing a small seat belt, which made it impossible for the little guy to grab the antlers; but these did not affect his good mood at all. Leisurely, there's 'Didi Baba' driving a 'deer cart'.

And that's it for little Joy, the little one is happy; Dad made him a great little seat that fits on Rudolph's back.Then riding a deer is naturally no problem at all. The little guy doesn't like riding tall horses anymore. His exclusive mount has been determined to be Rudolph. The task of this big deer is to carry this fat boy, little Lele, everywhere. spin around.

The listless Rudolph is really depressed, being caught and harassed by the children; although he has a lot of dissatisfaction now, the smart Rudolph accepts his fate.

It is very clear that the little devil on its back is the little devil of the forest farm, and it is an existence that cannot be offended; and don't look at Rudolph running around the forest farm all day, he is a typical example of all kinds of unreliability.But it is clearer that sometimes it is necessary to show its "value" here; if you don't see that Heitan is carrying Qiping on his back, Rudolph naturally has nothing to say at this time.

Walking slowly with his head down, the upset Rudolph ignored Xiao Lele's yelling.

"Brother, come ride Pooh!"

Yoyo is jealous, she and her brother can only sit on Pooh's back; riding a bear is really nothing new to them, now they can ride a big deer, naturally they are very jealous.

"No, no!"

Xiao Lele shook his head straight. He was also not interested in the game of bear riding; when Xiao Lele couldn't walk, when he was just crawling around, Pooh was his playmate.Bear riding is not interesting at all, even though Pooh now has a special child seat installed on his back, but it is still not interesting.

Yoyo was jealous, and was arguing with his younger brother; Xiaoyao had an indifferent attitude, the little guy happily sat on the bear's back and ate snacks.There are two sets of child seats installed on Pooh’s back. The small weight of Xiaoyao and Yoyo is not difficult for it; and carrying children is something Pooh likes very much, but it’s a pity that it walks too steadily In addition, it is too familiar, so the children always have various "dislikes" for Pooh.

"King Kong, why don't you run faster and report the news first, please. Let Joshua come over, otherwise we may not be able to catch dinner at night."

Kate was a little amused, this is going to her mother's house for dinner, the children miss their grandpa and grandma; it would be fine if they just drove there in the past, but now the children have to go there on their 'horses'.Seeing Pooh and Rudolph swaying like this, the original 10-minute journey basically took an afternoon; although she and Qiping have a lot of time, they can't just stay on the sidelines like this all the time. 'Let's play games.

The King Kong who was carrying the golden cudgel was stupid, and the grinning King Kong climbed up to the passenger seat of the golf cart with both hands and feet; it just knew that Kate was calling it, and further explanation was needed for the specific instructions, so that it could It is guaranteed that King Kong, a special messenger, will not make mistakes or misunderstand information.

King Kong skipped and went to report first, and it would be more reliable to expect Joshua to come first; ATVs are still very popular among children, as long as Joshua comes, then they can speed up.The noisy children are really difficult to deal with, so I can only find another way to think of some ways to solve the current embarrassing situation.

"Residents throughout Ramona know that we have a few special guys. Now as long as these little guys wearing bells rush out of the forest, no one will feel panic. In fact, they don't go out often. Playing in the forest isn't enough. Kong has grown up and doesn't always stay at home like he did when he was a kid."

Seeing King Kong running away in a hurry, Kate smiled proudly; although chimpanzees, black bears and the like are beasts, the residents of Ramona are familiar with them.Moreover, Eric's farm is right next to him, and King Kong is almost there after leaving the forest farm; the most important thing is that King Kong is very smart and will not be in danger, so Qi Ping and Kate are very relieved to let him report.

"The time they stay at home is very limited now. Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai liked to play outside when they were very young. Rudolph completely destroyed Heitan, and it was basically difficult to catch them. King Kong and Pooh , that is, I like to run outside during this time, especially after Pooh fell in love. They seem to have completely enclosed the back mountain of Muse Lake into their territory, and King Kong always goes to patrol the mountain with Pooh and the others."

Looking at the simple-minded Pooh, Qi Ping will not be confused by the simple and honest appearance of Pooh; this super fat man is the overlord of the forest, and now he often runs to the mountains.Not only will it be a daughter-in-law, but the most important thing is that it now has a sense of territory. The back mountain of Muse Lake cannot be approached by other wild animals; otherwise, you will see two black bears and a chimpanzee screaming and killing them. This is what all the beasts have to scare the shit out of, not to mention that they sometimes have other helpers!

"The kids are all grown up, and they're more and more territorial now. Obviously, the tree farm is their home, and they need to protect it. And you know, Pooh is in love now, and he needs to Protect your lover. I am very proud of him, he is a very good man; and our King Kong is also very good, the martial arts he has practiced for several years can finally come in handy."

Kate is a typical loving mother and loser, the type who thinks her family is good; King Kong knows martial arts?What a joke; it’s the type that dances around with a stick all day long, even if it encounters a wild animal or something, it’s probably just yelling to scare people, and then shouting and drinking with the good brothers Pooh The rushing out is the type that scares the shit out of those wild animals.

"I don't know if they have grown up or not. Anyway, my feeling is that they are indeed a lot bigger. It's just that their personality needs to be improved. I don't know whether it is because their emotional intelligence has not improved or because they stay with the children. It's been too long, and they are getting more and more playful now, and they are still very unreliable."

Qi Ping was a little worried, King Kong and the others were really naughty, and now they just wanted to play; especially as they spent more and more time with the children, they became more and more unreliable.Just thinking about playing, getting more and more mischievous and uncontrollable; these little guys, being with the children is to fully show their 'playability'.

Xiao Lele is an energetic type. The little guy is happily riding on Rudolph and yelling. He is swaying slowly along the way; he is not in a hurry at all. Rudolph is going to eat grass. Rudolph can stop and look blindly.Anyway, Lele doesn't care about these at all, as long as he sits on the back of the deer, he looks contented.

Xiaoyao and Yoyo are grown children now, so they won't be like younger brothers; Rudolph was ordered not to run away.But it doesn't matter Pooh, under the command of the children, Pooh has already started to trot slowly; this made Xiao Lele envious, because he was too small to let Rudolph run.

"Brother, sister!"

Xiao Lele was in a hurry and shouted anxiously; especially when he saw Pooh running far away, he also wanted to follow.But it was useless to shoot Rudolph, it was still swaying slowly.Now, this is getting farther and farther away from the older brothers and sisters; it is not enough to talk to the older brothers and sisters for a while, because the little guy is too small, shouting, simple conversations are fine, and slightly more complicated conversations are all kinds of things. Martian type too.

"Lele, can you change with my sister? Just let my sister ride Rudolph and let my brother hug you. Then you can run together. If my sister wants to ride Rudolph, you can go play with Pooh The game is ready, it likes you the most."

Qi Ping naturally needs to adjust the relationship with the children. Although Lele is still young, he can't blindly be biased; Yoyo wants to ride a deer very much now. Although Xiao Lele still dominates Rudolph, he can consider changing it mode too.The most important thing is that Rudolph is unreliable. It is better to let the older Yoyo and Xiaoyao ride, so that they can 'speed up'.

Lele agreed, because now he also felt that Rudolph couldn't run, so he could only walk slowly; it's better for Pooh, who can run very fast.Anyway, the freshness has passed, and the little guy can actually consider going to Pooh to play games with him now, and playing games with his brother is actually very interesting.

The chubby little Pooh ran over, this guy is fat and strong now, with a fat body and soft black hair, he made 'ripples' straight when he ran.It is really handsome and cute; especially with two cheerful and cute fat children sitting on its back, it naturally looks more interesting and cute.

"Yuyou, you can go to Rudolph, and later you must be obedient with Rudolph, you are not allowed to run in the front, you must follow your mother. Xiaoyao, let your brother sit in front, you have to hug him; Pooh listens to you the most, You can run faster."

Carry the baby girl on the back of the deer, and let Xiao Lele sit on the back of the bear by the way; Qi Ping is still very satisfied, and Yoyo is the older child who can control Rudolph a little bit.As for the little brothers Xiaoyao and Lele, Pooh, the most reliable, happily commanded him to run; even if this chubby black bear trots, it is still very powerful!

(End of this chapter)

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