America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 283 Joshua With Headache

Chapter 283 Joshua With Headache
"Qi, brother-in-law! Take these little bastards away, they are playing the role of robbers!"

Joshua is a little bit broken. The little nephew and niece are really cute, but sometimes they are so naughty that it is unbearable.Once these little guys enter his room, they are wreaking havoc. Joshua always prevents Xiaoyao and Yoyo from bringing Lele into his room like a robber, otherwise those collections will definitely be destroyed. Disappeared a lot.

"Uncle, I like airplanes, and I like gloves!"

Xiaoyao walked out swaggeringly, and he put on a pair of baseball gloves; although it was extremely uncoordinated, he was very happy because this big glove was very fun.

"I can't give you the plane. It took me three months to save the model airplane. It is too advanced for you. You are not allowed to take my baseball glove. Those are my game gloves, not ordinary training. Gloves! Guys, please; your parents have unimaginable wealth, don't think of robbing your uncle's room every time you come here!"

Joshua hugged Xiao Lele weakly in his arms. This little nephew is too young to wreak havoc for the time being; but Xiaoyao and Yoyo are super wrecking kings, and they need to be on guard all the time. Otherwise, no one can guarantee that they will be able to steal something or cause any havoc.

"But I just like this glove! Uncle, grandpa wants to play baseball with me, but I don't have a glove. I only like this glove. I'm the best!"

Xiaoyao is very powerful, anyway, I don't plan to return this glove; now I need various reasons, grandpa likes it, grandma likes it, or grandpa, these are actually all possible.As long as you can take this baseball glove away, then you don't need to worry at all; the most important thing is that you like it freely, so this glove should be taken away.

"Yuyou, these are my baseball caps, you can't put them in your bag."

Joshua was exhausted, and he wanted to snatch the baseball cap from Yoyo's hand; but it was obvious that Yoyo's little hand was holding it tightly, and it was impossible for him to snatch it away.

Resigned to his fate, Joshua knew that as long as the children got their hands, it was basically impossible for him to have a chance to snatch them back.If it's something particularly important, it's okay to say, he can still get a little support; but these baseball gloves or baseball caps, don't say that Chip and Kate always pretend not to know and let the children snatch them.It's that Eric and Caroline are both supportive of the kids, and Joshua is basically the type to be criticized for wanting to complain.

"I made a statistic. Xiaoyao took away almost all of my protective gear, even the catcher's helmet I collected last time. As for my pitcher bag, I found it last time, and it was taken by the children. Beanbags are throwing around. You need to give me a check or I won't even have the gear ready for the next race."

Looking at Qi Ping who was sitting on the sofa and stepping on it, Joshua decided to take the initiative; it would be better to find Qi Ping, a local rich man, who made his children always look like little robbers.

"It's your own failure to protect your own equipment, and it's not the children's fault."

Joshua rolled his eyes. After having grandchildren, his status as a son was completely lost; it was obvious that the children rushed into his room and robbed him wantonly, but it seemed to Eric that he was Joshua Failed to protect his equipment.This matter is not the children's fault at all, but Joshua needs to learn a lesson.

Needless to say, there is no reason to talk about this matter now; especially since the children are still young, there is no reason to talk to the children.Now I can only hope that the children will be sensible when they grow up. The most important thing is that I hope that I can grow up faster. When the time comes, I don’t need to worry about being "oppressed" again and again. When I have no money, I will face Constant suppression can only be honest and obedient.

"I want to tell him that my job this summer is going to be on a forest farm. He should give me a raise. I've been working for him for years, but now I'm making three hundred dollars a week. Man, it's not fair; He is a cruel capitalist, my work is very tiring and complicated, but I have never heard of the news that I will be given a salary increase, but he keeps adding more tasks to me."

Joshua's heart is not dead, isn't it just a set of baseball equipment, anyway, he has a lot of baseball equipment in his hand.As long as he continues to hold on to his job at the forest farm during the summer vacation, let alone a set of baseball equipment, several sets of equipment can be easily taken off.What's more, when doing work, there are still a lot of extra money.

"It's impossible to raise your salary. Your weekly salary is almost higher than that of many illegal workers. The most important thing is that I know how disgusting you are, stealing the fish from Muse Lake, stealing my fruits and vegetables .Man, your side money is much more than your salary. I won't give you a raise, and I even need to wonder if I need you as an employee this summer vacation."

Qi Ping curled his lips, his brother-in-law was very unreliable; he took all the extra money for extra meals, although it was only a little bit away, it would not have any effect at all.But I have to admit, this guy is the standard 'worm' type.

"I support your choice. Last time I asked him to manage the fishing club. As a result, I knew a lot of inside information, such as that he would enrich himself. I now think that he still needs to play baseball well; if let If he is in management, he will definitely become a disgusting embezzler. Facing the temptation of money, he has no resistance at all."

Kate nodded straightly, although these are innocuous little things; but I have to admit that Joshua seems to be all kinds of 'not pass' in terms of economic issues.This guy always wants to dig into the wall that is flush, always thinking of adding a little wealth to himself, thinking of making his pocket bigger.

Joshua was hit. He knew that he didn't seem to have a salary increase, so he just accepted his fate; anyway, his current salary level is very good, and he can't continue to poach the wall, so he can only accept his fate.The best thing is to be content and happy. Whoever makes him a small rich man, he belongs to the type who is not short of money.

"The children are grown up now and they are all cute. But I think Xiaoyao and Yoyo need to be sent to school. They are not young anymore. Although the children are cute and lively, they mostly live in forest farms. They don't have more opportunities to communicate with other children. Qi, you need to ensure the growth of the children, they can't just live in the forest farm, they also need to expand their social circle."

Eric mentioned a serious thing, although the children are very lively, they are playing around with King Kong all day long in the forest farm.But I have to admit that the children know relatively few people now, and they still lack some communication skills.Although the forest farm is very good, children cannot only be in the forest farm. They also need to learn to communicate with other people and grow together.

"I discussed this with Kate. The children really need to be sent to school. The children are very cute, but they are a little too naughty. We all encourage the children to be more cheerful, but they are a little too cheerful. The most important thing The thing is that the children may not realize how special they are now. After all, other children did not play games and grow up with so many small animals when they were young. In fact, I don’t think Pooh and King Kong are ordinary at all. They are So different."

What Qi Ping said is true, the children are all the second generation of the little rich, and they will definitely belong to a very different type in the future.But now the kids are so young that they don't realize how different they are; they still have to be sent to school so they can learn to communicate with people.In fact, schools do more than just teach children cultural knowledge.

"Have you contacted the school? I don't want to send my children to those noble schools. You can choose some schools with better hardware facilities and better environment. But you don't need to make it too special or too special for your children. Exaggeration. I want the children to know some things, and they must not be allowed to compare themselves with those rich children from an early age."

Eric is actually a more traditional western father. Although he knows that his son-in-law is very rich, he really doesn't want his children to go to some noble school and be with the children of those rich families.In fact, a little 'common sense' is needed, not just living in an ivory tower, that would be too ignorant of the world.

"I have discussed with Kate that the children will be sent to the kindergarten where she used to work. She is very familiar with it and she knows it is reliable. We have made arrangements and will send the children there. We also know The children will definitely be enviable in the future, but we hope that the children will not become those prodigal sons who only know how to eat, drink and play."

Qi Ping is very clear that many rich second generations in China are unreliable. In fact, the lives of some rich children in the United States are even more unreliable.Therefore, this matter really needs to be paid attention to; children must not be allowed to live only in luxury and money, but also need to let children know a little bit about things.

"Qi, keep your naughty ghosts away from me! I am not their toy, I don't want to play these unfair games with them. We are fighting, we are fighting, there is no reason why I am not allowed to fight back, It's not fair!"

Joshua popped up again, and the children chased after them with various inflatable weapons. The children who yelled and yelled were very happy; game and have fun!
(End of this chapter)

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