America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 284 A Very Normal Situation

Chapter 284 A Very Normal Situation (Please Subscribe)

"You two can be proud of this here now. I will send you to kindergarten in the second half of the year. Let's see what you can do well by then."

Seeing Xiaoyao and Youyou hugging Pooh's neck and practicing wrestling, Qi Ping found it very funny.These two boys don't have much awareness yet, and they don't know what going to school might mean.These two little guys are having a great time playing now, although they were just knocked to the ground again by Pooh with a slight flick of their head; but it doesn't matter, they just need to get up, and they can continue to fight.

"It's too young. It's not that we don't have anyone to take care of the children at home. How good they are at home, not to mention the excitement, and we can take good care of them. I think wait a minute, when the children are six years old Just send them to school. The kids are so young, they don't know if they can take care of themselves when they go to kindergarten. Besides, they are still so young, what books do you let them read; don't you and Kate often talk about the children The small task is just for fun, so it’s nothing to talk about!”

Yu Lan was a little bit reluctant, when she thought that her two cute little guys couldn't make trouble under her nose every day, she would be reluctant.Although it was clear a long time ago that the children will definitely be sent to school when they grow up; but when this day really comes, I still feel uncomfortable.

Although these two little naughty people are very mischievous, they are always by my side; now that they are going to be sent to school, of course they will feel uncomfortable.Even the thought of not seeing the children fooling around for most of the day made my heart feel even more empty.

"Mom, they just go to kindergarten to play games, and they don't expect them to read or know how many words. They go to kindergarten to play games, and they don't expect two young champions from our family. I think Benben is a bit hopeful." I don't count on Xiaoyao and Youyou to be a good student anyway; I'm even more mistaken about Lele, I used to say he was shy!"

Looking at Lele who was happily being pressed down by King Kong's big butt, Qi Ping shook his head; Lele looked a little introverted when he was young, but now that he has grown up, his personality has also shown.He is very playful, even more playful than Xiaoyao and Yoyo; and this kid likes to play with King Kong and Pooh, and even likes King Kong and Pooh more than his brother and sister.

"Then don't send it to school. Going to kindergarten is for fun anyway. What's fun in kindergarten, it's still fun at our house. There is a big lawn at the door, and running every day is considered exercise; and King Kong and Pooh can also play with Xiaoyao Play with Yoyo, and take care of our little Lele by the way. Our forest farm is so nice, fun and safe!"

Mom may be here waiting for Qi Ping, since she is going out to play, go to kindergarten, it is better to stay at home.There are many fun toys at home, and there are many good playmates.It is much more reliable than any kindergarten, and the home is very safe. A large number of people can protect the children well, unlike kindergartens, which are no longer under the nose and make people worry.

In fact, Qi Ping is also very clear that his mother just hates the children; as for really stopping the children from going to kindergarten, it must not be like this.After all, the children have grown up, and going to kindergarten is also something that children need to experience when they grow up.

Most importantly, my mother must know that children may learn a little cultural knowledge when they go to kindergarten. Although the cultural knowledge taught in kindergarten is pitiful, more games are played with children.But going to kindergarten will allow children to learn some small rules of school and society, and will allow children to learn to integrate into society and the collective.

In the forest farm and at home, the children are typical toubob characters. In fact, they are still young and need to be cultivated.Going to kindergarten is very good, so that children can learn to learn knowledge and learn to communicate with others.When children are young, their learning abilities are at their best. We can't let them go to school until they have fully grown up and formed their personalities. That would be inappropriate.

"Dad, my brother has run away again! Go and chase after my brother, my brother and I are going to fight, Pooh won't even lie down!"

Qi Ping burst into tears, and Yoyo originally planned to take care of his younger brother, but he forgot in a blink of an eye; King Kong had already carried Lele to the door to play, and Yoyo didn't even react.The little girl was not in a hurry when she finally found out that her brother was gone, she knew that many people in the family would protect her brother.Now playing games is the most important thing for the little girl, let Baba find her brother, who will make her father the best.

There is nothing to say, this little girl is really careless; it is not clear whether the younger brother ran out by himself or was carried out by King Kong, and he is too lazy to find out.It would be all right to just tell Dad, the little girl doesn't have enough time now, she has to work hard with Xiaoyao to bring Pooh down, that's the most important thing.

I'm too lazy to deal with these naughty things, Xiaoyao and Yoyo are fighting with Pooh in the living room now; this basically happens every day at home, there is really nothing new about it.Lele is being taken care of by Kate, and he is probably learning somersaults with King Kong now, so he doesn't need to worry about anything at all.

At this time, Qi Ping felt that he still needed to find something to do. He needed to sort out his work ideas, and he needed to be busy arranging the next work of the forest farm and pasture.Even on the resort side, he can't just be the hands-off shopkeeper. There is always something that needs to be prepared by him.

Holding the information, he flipped through the report; Qi Ping felt very satisfied, and his income was very good.

Vegetables are now the main source of income for forest farms, with stable and high profits; basically there are no fluctuations, so there is not much to worry about.Maintaining this situation is enough for Qiping; it can guarantee its own interests, and there is no need to worry about breaking some of the current market conditions, keep it going!

In the orchard, the effect is very good; the growth of the fruit trees is very good, although the number of fruit bearing is not particularly large.However, these pear trees and peach trees basically bear fruit in the second or third year.Such a result means that the output of the orchard is relatively large, and Luo Yi is doing well, and his income is increasing to a certain extent.

Qi Ping is very satisfied. The orchard really cost a lot of money to develop; not only the time is long or the area is small, but the early stage investment and management need to pay a lot of money.Although we can't expect to pay back the capital immediately, Qi Ping can guarantee that as long as this year goes on, all the capital of the orchard can be recovered, and in the future it will be the type of sitting at home and counting the money.

Congratulations, although this can be regarded as a 'long-term investment'; but the rate of return is high, and it is a long-term return.Qi Ping thinks that the orchard is really the most worry-free, as long as he waits for a few years, until the orchard is fully formed, then he will be really happy and save trouble, and a lot of dollars will flow into his pocket.

"The resort is really a gold rush. My development in the past two years has not seen any results at all. I am always investing, and the construction progress is not slow; the results are good, and I always find that there are still many things. It needs to be built. Fortunately, I’m smart and didn’t plan to build the resort all at once; if I’m a bit greedy and want to open it after it’s built, I don’t know how many years I’ll have to wait, let alone how much it will cost!”

Looking at the financial statements, the pressure on Qiping is a bit high; the income of the forest farm is really great, not just the vegetable fields and orchards, but the "output" of the resort is still quite considerable.However, the development plan of the resort has been going on, and Qiping is constantly pursuing higher quality and better facilities of the resort.

The result of this is that although the resort is able to earn a lot of money, the "income" on the books is increasing.It’s just that management fees and the like are left out, and the remaining profits are basically reinvested; the resort earns a lot of money, but compared to its continuous development plan, it’s really not enough. It needs to be flushed out of the pocket and stuffed in continuously.

If you think about it, your cheeks hurt. Fortunately, our resort’s first priority is that the environmental quality is unique and the best in the world.Without this 'selling point', it might not be possible to make any money; this is at best an ordinary farm resort, not a top resort at all.

If you want to become a top-level resort, you need to continue to invest hard; not only is the environment good, but you also need to spend a lot of money on various constructions.And this is a waste of money and time.Fortunately, Qiping is built and opened at the same time. Basically, it is developed one by one and then opened, and then continues to develop.

Although it seems that there is a little eagerness for quick success and a lack of a big picture, but there is no way; who makes Qiping not have much money in his pocket now, the most important thing is that this resort is too difficult to develop, The construction period is really too long, and it is more in line with Qiping's interests to be "small family".

"How is it? I seem to have looked at my account, and there is a considerable number in it. I know that there are many places where you need to spend money now, and I can take the money out of the account."

Kate entered the study, saw Qi Ping looking at the financial statements, smiled and leaned over to take a look; she felt that this matter was very disturbing, and it was better to leave it to the most powerful husband to solve it.

"No problem, I haven't spent all the loan money yet, and there is no pressure at all. We have a lot of places where we need to spend money, but we earn more. This is a healthy financial situation, you don't need to worry about it .The money in those accounts is our family's consumption money. I have a clear distinction between work and life!"

(End of this chapter)

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