America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 285 Laying the Foundation

Chapter 285 Laying the Foundation (for Subscription)

There is no need to worry about the economic situation at all. Although Qi Ping's loan amount in the bank is hundreds of millions; but his strong "blood-making" ability does not need to worry about repayment at all. In fact, Qi Ping is a relatively conservative person. Without absolute certainty, he wouldn't rush to get a loan in such a careless manner. Who would let the bank's money be the last thing to owe!

Although that is the case, bank loan interest and other things need to be considered; but at a certain level, sometimes loans really need to be considered.

Now the stall is a bit big, if you just earn a little and then develop it, it will be a bit slower; but for Qi Ping, time is actually quite precious now.Investing one day earlier is to get more returns earlier.

Qi Ping is still very confident, who made him worth a lot of money now, and his financial situation is very healthy.Loans, lots and lots of loans, there's no pressure at all.Although there is a price to be paid, there are more rewards to be gained.Besides, the rich people in the United States don't go to the bank to borrow some money to expand their development scale, so they are ashamed to go out and say hello to people!

"The growth of the pasture is very surprising. Under normal circumstances, it takes about two years for the pasture to fully mature. However, we have taken into account the climate in California and the perfect irrigation system of the pasture. The most important thing is the excellent air and soil quality here. They Maybe it only takes less than a year to fully grow up!"

Wearing a gray cowboy hat and a bushy beard, LaMarcus said with some pride and excitement; he is the ranch supervisor invited by Qi Ping, who originally worked on a large ranch in Texas. old cowboy.He has rich experience and rich management experience, although he can't be counted on to herd cattle now that he is too old; but the operation of the ranch and the management of the cowboys do not have the slightest pressure on him.

“The five pastures we have done are doing very well, and the first and second pastures are now grazing. I know what you mean, every rancher wants his pasture to have More cattle, but BOSS, our pasture will take some time to fully mature, you need a little patience."

Lamarcus reminded Qi Ping that he didn't want his new boss to rush for quick success; the pasture is developing very well now, and the growth of pasture is very gratifying.At this time, you can't rush for quick success, that will destroy the ranch.Of course, Lamarcus hopes that the ranch will develop better, because he comes here not only with a good salary level, but also with a certain bonus share.

"I know, of course I do. I'm actually more patient than anyone, and I can take a year or two just hoping to get a stronger foundation. Believe me, I'll take a year to plant Grass; and then it will take at least a year to cultivate the first batch of calves in Fairyland Ranch, I am very confident and sure.”

Qi Ping laughed happily, and he did have enough time; it is not only enough for the pasture to grow out, but also to ensure that the root system of the forage grass grows completely.One year, this is because of the spirit gathering array; if it is just an ordinary pasture, it will actually take more time to cultivate a brand new pasture.

Qi Ping is of course clear about the principle of sharpening a knife without cutting wood by mistake, although he knows very well that the help of the spirit gathering array can make the pasture grow faster.But a little patience will never hurt.

"Now there are 93 cows in the pasture, and their quality is very good. We have introduced [-] high-quality calves, plus [-] calves were born on the pasture. Now we have nearly [-] cows , This is a very good start. If the grass grows completely, we can consider introducing some bulls as breeding cattle. BOOS, I admit that the development of the pasture is very good, it may be better than we imagined!"

LaMarcus is full of expectations. As an old cowboy with more than 40 years of experience in ranch work, he can guarantee that he has never seen such crazy-growing grass.He even suspected that one year might be too much time; a lot of work needs to be started now, because the growth of these pastures is not in line with common sense at all.

Smiling very proudly, who made the gathering of spirits in the ranch his own handwriting; as for Lamarcus, who has never seen the world, Qi Ping is too lazy to explain to him.LaMarcus is a stubborn old cowboy, sometimes because of his rich experience, he fell into a situation of rigid thinking; once Qiping put forward some opinions, he could easily think that Qiping was eager for quick success and so on.

So now, let the reality tell Lamarcus, it will be more convincing; the strength of the fairyland ranch is not comparable to that of ordinary ranches.The most important thing is that there is a spirit-gathering formation, and it is difficult for these grass and beef cattle to grow like crazy!
Qi Ping has invested nearly [-] million U.S. dollars in this ranch. If he can't see some results, then it would be the most stupid thing.No one's money comes from big water, and of course it is the same for Qi Ping.He is very optimistic about the prospects of the ranch, and now he just needs a little patience.

Nearly [-] million U.S. dollars, such an investment is too much; moreover, the land in California is really expensive, and it is a bit extravagant to run a ranch.All these prove that if Qi Ping is not optimistic about the prospects of the ranch, then he will definitely not make such an investment; although he has never played the ranch before, it does not mean that Qi Ping does not know anything about the ranch.

In fact, sometimes Qi Ping will feel more fucked, because many times it seems that the ranch is a bit too "wasteful".

A simple truth is that in the United States, many ranches pay attention to the stocking density of a cow on three to five acres.This seems to be too exaggerated. Raising a cow on tens of acres of land is unreasonable no matter how you look at it.It is too wasteful and too uneconomical.

But this is the case in the United States, because many policies stipulate that the stocking density of some pastures is relatively high, so the corresponding supporting facilities must keep up.Moreover, the stocking density is high, which seems wasteful; but this can ensure that the pasture has enough rest time, and there is no need to worry about hurting the grass roots; with high-density stocking, many American ranchers seem to be exhausted.

Qi Ping is not worried about this. For him, once the Fairyland Ranch develops, it must be a high-density breeding; because the pasture here has enough growth time, and because the environment here is enough to ensure the rapid growth of the pasture, there will be nothing. It means hurting grassroots.

As for the sewage treatment or the perfect ranch community supporting service system, none of this is a problem.Isn't it just spending some money? Things that can be solved with money are really not a problem for Qi Ping; he is worth a lot now, and because he knows that he can reap unimaginable returns after investing. A pretty good investment.

Now it just takes some time, for example, for the pasture to grow completely, for example, to breed high-quality breeding cattle and so on.These are the things that the ranch needs to do now. In fact, Qi Ping is also very clear that it may be difficult for the ranch to produce too much output for two or three years, but it doesn't matter.

Qi Ping is actually very ambitious. He now has the best vegetables in his hands and has completely occupied the top vegetable market.In the current fruit market, although the variety of fruits is relatively limited and the output is not very large, all these are developing in a good direction and can bring more benefits to Qiping.

So now we can consider the animal husbandry industry. In fact, beef in the United States is quite popular; and according to the quality of beef after grading, some of the highest-grade beef still have very large profit margins.Even the top beef may even bring more profits than vegetables and fruits.

Of course, Qi Ping is not worried about this. American beef is divided into eight grades; and the three major classification standards are first to see whether the beef has undergone a process of flesh precipitation after slaughter, the second is the way the beef is raised, and the last is to feed it to the owner. The feed is graded.

And all of this is actually not a problem; because they have the best pasture in their hands, and there is enough environment.Naturally, there is no need to worry about the quality of the beef. At most, it is good to pay attention to the slaughter and transportation.Qi Ping has been striving for the highest quality beef from the very beginning, and he is very sure of achieving such a result.

The Angus cattle raised now are actually the main products in the beef market; Qi Ping feels that it is not only necessary to cultivate pastures, but also to cultivate good breeds of cattle.This cannot be ignored, you can't expect the son of a dwarf to become a giant; genetics still have to be considered, so the focus of the current work is to lay a good foundation!

After walking around the ranch, Qi Ping is still very satisfied with some of the achievements he has made; it seems that there is no possibility of any output for the time being, but with a little more patience, there will be no problems.Tens of thousands of feet tall buildings rise on the ground, in fact, the foundation is quite important, and the foundation can only ensure the stability of the tall buildings!

"Dad, Daddy!"

As soon as I got home, I saw my cute little son running over happily wearing crotch pants; Xiao Lele liked her mother more when she was a child, and the little guy basically ignored his father when he was still in his arms.But now that he grows up, the relationship with his father is getting closer, because he knows that his father can play games with him.

Qi Ping picked up his fat son, smiled and gently bit the little guy's little face; looking at the little guy's chubby face and listening to the little guy's milky laughter, Qi Ping felt very satisfied.Although the younger son might just like his dad playing games with him, Qi Ping doesn't care.

As long as the younger son likes him, then that's enough.

(End of this chapter)

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