America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 286 The Monster is Coming

Chapter 286 The Monster is Coming
Lying lazily on the sofa, watching my little son happily crawling around; resting while taking my son, such a small day is really a little comfortable.

"Boss, we have encountered some troubles. Pooh and King Kong have met their opponents, and they have encountered challenges within their territory. We have found some traces of beasts attacking, and they may bring some danger."

Qi Ping's phone rang. It was Christian's phone number from the forest farm security department, and he was reporting something urgently.These are some requirements from the security department. Those friends who are related to the BOSS need to protect their safety first.Then, of course, immediately notify the boss Qi Ping.

"The deer were being chased and they looked panicked. But Rudolph was fine, he was with Heitan and was protected by Pooh and King Kong. We had the situation under control and we were able to protect the safety of Rudolph and the deer. Pooh and King Kong have entered the mountain, and we will start searching immediately now."

Of course, Christian knew that at this time, he couldn't talk about being a secret; he simply said something about the situation, and the most important thing was to make the boss feel at ease.If there is a big oolong who lies about the military situation, this high-paying and comfortable job may fly away; Christian is not willing to lose this job. In fact, these employees in the forest farm do not want to lose this job. .The centripetal force of the employees in the forest farm is still very good.

Although knowing that Rudolph and the herd are fine, it doesn't mean that Qi Ping can feel at ease; King Kong and Pooh have already entered the mountain, and Qi Ping naturally needs to rush to support.After all, the opponents they encountered were beasts, so naturally they needed to be careful at this time; Qi Ping certainly knew that King Kong and Pooh were powerful, but it must be considered that they did not have much experience in wild life, which might be dangerous.

Concern is chaotic, thinking that King Kong and Pooh may be in danger, Qi Ping cannot continue to lie at home with peace of mind.I have to go out, try my best to seize the initiative and protect my little brother.

Thinking about it, I don't feel at ease. Being able to scare the deer herd where Rudolph is located proves that this matter is very dangerous.Rudolph is definitely a big bully in the forest farm. Except for Xiaoyao, Yoyo and Lele, he dare not bully him, so this forest farm is the biggest one.Now that it can scare Rudolph away, that is the type of beast.

"Mom, I'm going out for a while. It seems that a wild animal has come down the mountain. I will rush there immediately. Rudolph was very frightened. It seems that there is a wild animal trying to catch a deer. I'll go and have a look, Lele, take it with you. "

Qi Ping didn't care too much, and rushed to the study; he took off the Beretta A301 series sports shotgun, checked it and loaded it with bullets.Take off the more powerful Banqui pistol and put it on your waist, and you are ready to go when you are fully armed.

"Then be careful, it's best to bring Rudolph back first."

Holding her little grandson in her arms, Yu Lan gave orders; she was still very confident about her little son.This kid Qi Ping has good physical fitness. The most important thing is that he is restless and always thinks about playing with guns and hunting. And Pooh, they are still powerful.

Catch the little hateful and disobedient dogs into the car. These four puppies are almost one year old, and they have basically grown up now; although they are not as powerful as their parents, they are better than their numbers. little.This is a rare actual combat, coupled with the level of protection, taking it to the mountains to fight mobs to gain experience, actual combat is actually the most able to make people and dogs make progress.

"Mom, if Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai come back, you can let them find me. I don't know where they flew to play. It's not good at all. When the parrot is born, they don't care about anything. Run out and play by yourself."

Responding to my mother, I quickly jumped on the Cadillac; started the car rumblingly, and rushed towards the back mountain quickly.Now I don't care too much, and the SUV is faster. Anyway, at this time, I can't expect some golf carts to drive past so leisurely. I'm in a hurry now!
It's not bad, watching a helicopter fly over directly, it seems that the security department's reaction speed is very fast; don't think that King Kong and Pooh are not taken seriously, these guys are actually the owners of the forest farm .And one thing is certain, that is, that unknown beast can threaten the deer herd, so it is likely to cause more danger.

"Boss, there is no loss. Rudolph and the deer are running very fast, they are very alert, and no wild beast can threaten them. Pooh and King Kong are right here, they react quickly, protect the deer Then it went into the mountains. I think they must have found the beast, and they are guarding their territory."

Christian, who was patrolling here and found an abnormal event, saw Qiping coming, and he began to report the situation; generally speaking, it was very good, and nothing regrettable happened.

Although there are professional security personnel, this does not make Qi Ping feel at ease; especially when he saw Qi Ping coming, Rudolph, who has always been unreliable, leaned over aggrievedly, his big head went straight to Qi Ping She was acting like a baby in her arms.This made Qiping very worried. Although Rudolph was not injured or anything, he was really scared and was now looking for comfort.

I comforted the distraught Rudolph. Although this guy is big, he is very timid; and this guy always looks arrogant, but it is actually an illusion.After being wronged, the first thing that comes to mind is to find someone to act like a baby.Qi Ping is naturally the person Rudolph trusts the most. If he is wronged, he must find Qi Ping to act like a baby and sue.

"Pay attention to the situation here. It is a good thing that the deer herd has not been lost. However, we still need to investigate a little bit, so as not to miss anything. I will go into the mountains and look for Pooh and King Kong."

After explaining to Christian, he took the four dogs and went into the mountain.

Rudolph handed it over to Heitan, and let him and Rudolph go back first with the flustered herd of deer; although this is just a herd of moose, the gray ones are not as good-looking as the sika deer.But it's still a herd of deer anyway, even if he doesn't talk to Qi Ping very much, he still keeps a certain distance from Qi Ping's family; but speaking of it, Qi Ping really doesn't want the herd of deer to be in danger.

Shouted King Kong’s names loudly, hoping to get a response, and asked them to sniff everywhere to find the smell; Qi Ping began to search in the mountains, and it didn’t matter if he didn’t get much response for a while. Because Qi Ping has found some traces.

King Kong and Pooh are very powerful. When they discovered the situation, they immediately thought of protecting their friends and property of the forest farm.As for the attack of wild animals and the like, they didn't care at all; they rushed into the mountains and forests, and they were looking for revenge!The forest farm is their territory, and Rudolph is their friend; now there are wild beasts who dare to break ground on Tai Sui's head, that is really boring, and those wild beasts who don't know the heights of the sky and the earth must be taught a lesson!
The disobedient ones smelled King Kong's scent, and their goals were consistent without any deviation; Qi Ping also saw that some small shrubs and branches were crushed and broken in the forest.Obviously, this is some situation created by King Kong and Pooh when they attacked, and they can be regarded as leaving a signal for Qiping.

Although it is still unknown what kind of beast it is hiding in the dark corner, this does not prevent Qi Ping from being very happy and proud now.King Kong and Pooh have grown up now, although they still often play dumb and cute; but Qi Ping knows very well that they have grown up now, and they are becoming more and more amazing and powerful.

When they are with Xiaoyao and the others, these two little guys are the best playmates; they will take good care of Xiaoyao and Yoyo, and protect them carefully.I will have fun with the children, and will protect the children from harm.

King Kong and Pooh are obviously not just children's special bodyguards and playmates, they are actually the patron saints of the forest farm; speaking of them, they are the most powerful, and these two guys are definitely overlords in the mountains and forests.They are powerful and agile, and don't forget that these two guys are not only well-developed, but also quite smart.This is the best combination, it can protect the forest farm and prevent other beasts from running over.

Don't look at these two guys who are always naive and silly, and always have a gentle temper; but I have to admit one thing, that is, once they want to start showing their power, they feel that their status has been challenged. Then when it erupts, it will show the demeanor of a top beast.

The forest farm is their territory, and they need to protect their partners; so it is certain that those beasts hiding in the dark that scare Rudolph and want to hunt the herd of deer must pay the price!

Disobedient, they barked loudly under Qi Ping's instructions, and in these forests where only insects and birds were singing, their voices could be spread to the greatest extent.This is the signal to King Kong, letting them know that 'reinforcements' have arrived.

Qi Ping, King Kong, and Pooh had a perfect understanding, and soon they heard a thick bear roar; Pooh was telling Qi Ping to join up quickly, and they were going to catch monsters together.

It is everyone's responsibility to protect the territory, and we need to work together; for example, after Pooh's roar, there is a bear roar, which seems to be the roar of Pooh's daughter-in-law Jenny.Obviously, this is a joint effort into the mountains!

Qi Ping is very happy and has to be frightened. With such a luxurious lineup, why worry about it!

(End of this chapter)

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