America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 287 The Smart Monster

Chapter 287 The Smart Monster
Although the forest is very dense, advancing in such a forest is not an easy task.It's just that there is really no big problem for Qi Ping, he is a strong type, and this small thorny bump is not difficult for him at all.There is no way to do it, who let Qi Ping know that he is very powerful!

If you brag about it shamelessly, it's like walking on the ground; if you exaggerate a little more, it's the so-called one who can travel thousands of miles a day, and walk eight hundred miles at night!

Qi Ping still has some integrity, so he can only say that walking in such a forest is not difficult at all!
With a smile, he took off the fallen leaves on Pooh's round and fat head, rubbed Pooh's furry big head, and was full of pride!These little guys really made Qi Ping very proud and proud, this is his best partner!

These little guys rushed into the mountain, not only to help Rudolph, but more importantly, they seemed to have found some clues.Speaking of which, the black bear's sense of smell is very developed, even dozens of times more developed than those of hunting dogs.Pooh, together with the disobedient few of them, believed that the wild beasts that had rushed into the forest farm had no way out.

"Jenny, be careful, I know you have more experience in the mountains than Pooh and King Kong, but you can't just swagger like this with a backing!"

Qi Ping was a little funny. Pooh brought his wife with him this time; Jenny, the little female bear, was a temporary reinforcement. She had a good relationship with Rudolph, at least she wouldn't hunt moose.Now with the help of Pooh and King Kong, King Kong is a type of walking sideways in the mountains. It knows that it has the most powerful helper, which can scare away any beasts!
Jenny is completely ignorant of Qiping's words. Although it doesn't mind Qiping being around now, it doesn't mean that it likes to act like a baby in front of Qiping like Pooh.

This guy usually has a slow and clumsy gait, but now he is moving quickly in the dense forest; this is a vanguard type, and it seems that Jenny likes to hunt down prey with Pooh and King Kong.

Jenny suddenly roared, because it found its target; the guy hiding in the dark might not have thought that it would be fine if they didn't succeed in hunting. come over.

With gray fur, it really looks a bit like a lion in appearance; it just doesn't have a mane, and its body looks a little smaller. Although its limbs are a little slender, they are not as thick as a lion.

This guy with a length of about 1.8 meters weighs almost [-] kilograms, which is a giant.In addition to its huge size, after seeing Pooh and the others killing them, the behemoth began to growl.

He lowered his body slightly, pressing his front paws hard on the ground, ready to pounce.And its claws are now shining; they are very sharp at first glance, very lethal.

"It's been a cougar for a long time, but now I really met a deadly enemy!"

Qi Ping was delighted, the guy in front of him was no stranger, he was the second fastest cat on earth, and his body shape belonged to a top-notch large beast.These guys are good at climbing and jumping, and they often hunt and kill various vertebrates in ambush for food, and the main food is various deer species.

"Now you know you are afraid. Since you dare to run to my forest farm, you have to think about paying the price."

The cat-like "purr" sound came out from the puma's throat, and it is now a formidable enemy; in fact, the puma can be regarded as a deadly enemy with bears, although black bears and brown bears are the absolute overlords in the mountains.But these cougars may not be afraid of bears. Sometimes they still dare to rush up and fight fiercely, although the price they pay is very high.

But now, the cougar is basically trying to escape with its tail between its legs; if it's just a bear, it's fine, and it still has the power to fight.But I don't know, after a bear that wasn't too big came out, a big bear with a fatter body appeared immediately, and it was obviously a very powerful type.

Forget it, a super big monkey-like thing drilled out right after it; seeing that guy yelling 'oooh' and beating his chest, the cougar really wanted to run away.That super big monkey is definitely not easy to provoke, because it looks a little too powerful.

Three opponents who are not easy to provoke, they appeared at the same time; the most important thing is that these three guys seem to be together.As a beast in the wild, the cougar is intelligent, with strong and keen instincts.It knows that the opponent it is encountering now is absolutely unaffordable, and it is not at the same level at all.

As for running away, of course the puma thought about it; but the four barking hounds got out, which made the puma tangled up.Its speed does have an advantage, but it may not be able to hide fast from these hunting dogs with super powerful tracking capabilities.

And what almost scared the cougar out of the water was seeing a human being and walking out unsteadily; it would be fine if it just met a human being, it wasn't afraid at all.But seeing the guns in the hands of humans proves that the strength is not at the same level!
It wasn't fair, and if the puma could talk, it would have protested;Eggs hit rocks, that's what it is; look at the lineups of both sides, not to mention that this puma is only one, even if there are a few more pumas, then the strength is not at the same level.

Cougars are solitary, usually in groups of mothers and offspring; but this one is a male.Even in the breeding season, the male puma and the female puma are actually together for about half a month; and now it is not in the breeding season, it has no helpers at all.

Qi Ping smiled smugly. It seemed that he was not particular about it, so he looked at the tank car to find the toy racing car head-on.It's really shameless, and this kind of bullying is really despised.

It doesn't matter so much, it's enough to find out the culprit who scares the deer now; Qi Ping thinks it's worth being happy now, and the potential threat is about to be killed in the cradle.And the luxurious lineup on his side is a typical light-packed battle, and some security crises are about to be resolved in an understatement.

Just when Deser's Qiping was still thinking about how to deal with the puma, an accident happened.

According to Qi Ping's previous personality, it would be fine to just shoot the puma down; the puma is not a protected animal, and it's not a big problem to catch or kill it.This seems to be the simplest and without any aftermath, and it belongs to the type of eradication.

Just thinking about it, I still feel a little unbearable. It is really not a simple matter for a puma to grow to nearly two meters.Especially these mountain lions that survive in the wild will encounter various challenges from birth.

To say that this puma didn't pose too much threat anyway, at most it scared the deer herd.This is only because of its instinctive reaction, which is its living habit; hunting and eating deer is a habit that cougars have developed since childhood, and their main food is actually all kinds of venison.

Qi Ping was still hesitating, he couldn't bear to kill the puma; but he let the puma go, and worried that it would come back again.If Rudolph or the herd of deer were lost, or even hurt, because of his momentary soft-heartedness, Qi Ping would definitely blame himself and feel guilty.

Qi Ping was indeed hesitating, but the cougar had nothing to hesitate at all; it was well aware of the strength of its opponent, and never thought of fighting or anything like that.These wild beasts knew very well that if they fought with no chance of winning, they would either lose their lives or be injured; and once the injuries were serious, they were likely to lose their lives.

Obviously fighting is not cost-effective, so let's find another way.

Lie down directly on the ground to expose his belly, where there is still the posture of a puma now, this is still a top beast; this is a docile cat, okay, this is begging for mercy!

Qi Ping was dumbfounded and didn't know what to say; with so many small animals in the house, he naturally knew something.The exposed belly of these animals often means 'surrender' and 'obedience'.

Now the cougar is like this, it has never thought of resisting at all, what it needs now is to show that it is harmless, and hope that in this way, the powerful opponent will be merciful and spare its life!
The simple-minded Pooh was happy, and walked over slowly with his big butt dangling, his fat body rippled; he fiddled with the cougar's head with his paws, and pushed the cougar's body.

The result is very satisfying, because the cougar did not resist at all, it squinted its eyes docilely and continued to lie on the ground and roll.Its stomach is its most vulnerable place. Now that it has been exposed, it shows that it dare not resist at all. It chose to submit to the powerful Pooh Army!
"Fuck me! You've been a scumbag for a long time, and Bai has grown so big! Those who dare to fight and dare not escape, directly choose to raise the white flag to surrender!"

Qi Ping was speechless, and despised this spineless puma very much; Da Daan also lamented the intelligence of this puma, who knows the current affairs is a hero.Since you can't beat it, you choose to surrender directly, so as not to suffer from flesh and blood, and you don't need to worry about life-threatening situations.

You can tell by looking at Pooh's happy face, it is playing with the cougar's head, where there is still the previous vicious and evil emotions.For this clever little brother, Pooh appreciates it very much!

(End of this chapter)

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