America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 290 The Right Choice!

Chapter 290 The Right Choice!

The Ford F650 ordered was naturally sent for refitting. In fact, it didn’t take too much time; it just needed to tell those professional refitting shops some of my refitting opinions. Professionals have more say.In fact, what Qiping can do is very simple, that is, the car modification shop gives their plan, and Qiping can make the most satisfactory plan.

Wealthy and rich people, such big customers must be seized, and of course the best plan must be made.

"Damn, the relevant departments in the United States are just taking off their pants and farting. You are just slaughtering a cow. I have no objection to standards for hygiene. But what about 'humanitarian' and so on when slaughtering a cow here? I'll fuck him NND! If you really want to protect the cows, don't eat beef!"

Luo Yi has a lot of resentment. After Qi Ping built a ranch, Luo Yi naturally needs to be responsible for sales and the like; A lot of energy.

"Just accept it, it's really not easy to make some money. Some people here are doing such unreliable things. It is necessary for those people to take off their pants and fart. Now the beef rating really depends Judging by the method of slaughter, you really need some snacks here."

Of course, Qi Ping also knows one thing. Since he is going to be a ranch now, he can't be in a state of black eyes; Qi Ping is no stranger to mechanized slaughterhouses and anesthesia for slaughtering cattle.

The two brothers are complaining about some associations and policies in the United States. Those people advertise "humanitarianism" or their extravagant "compassion"; but they don't care about the life and death of other people. ranch operating costs.

Those people, perhaps only caring about their political achievements, branded funds as moral guards; each of these bastards can be said to have gained both fame and fortune.As for those ranchers and consumers, they are paying for their 'luxury morality'.

"By the way, I don't plan to start a slaughterhouse right now. It's really not cheap for me to build a fully automatic slaughtering line. Your pasture here probably hasn't produced much for more than a year."

After scolding for a while, Luo Yi naturally talked about some serious things; the slaughterhouse can be said to be the supporting facilities of the ranch, and Qi Ping does not intend to hand over the products of the ranch to other slaughterhouses, because many slaughterhouses in the United States actually also bear the burden. with sales tasks.Luo Yi, of course, would not hand over this business to other slaughtering companies.

Luo Yi is still a little worried now, because it seems that his slaughterhouse may only be responsible for the products of a farm like Fairyland Ranch.In this way, it is really a bit of a luxury.The most important thing is that such a modern slaughterhouse actually requires a lot of investment.However, Luo Yi is also very confident, and Qiping's products have always been very popular.

"There will definitely be output within a year. My pasture cannot be judged by common sense. Once the pasture grows, I will definitely increase the amount of breeding. You have also seen the breeding density, which is not small. I really pay attention to cultivation now. Cattle breed, but this does not mean that I will not produce. My plan this year is to make a little money, at least to be responsible for the operating expenses of the ranch. Your slaughterhouse still needs to be established. You can check and contact others. Slaughterhouse, let’s open the stall first.”

Of course, Qi Ping knows that it may be difficult for the ranch to see any performance in the short term, but it can’t be that there is no output at all; the ranch has great potential and must be fully tapped, and the progress cannot be slowed down.

"There is only your large ranch in Ramona, and there are actually not many beef cattle ranches in the whole of California. I have nothing to do with beef. It is really difficult to open the situation immediately with this poor and white man. I originally planned to rely on There are products on your ranch to open up the market to attract other ranches to bring cattle over, and now it seems like a waste of time. You are planning to be a shopkeeper, and I will get busy after you."

Luo Yi complained that once the cattle grow up in the ranch, it is basically his business; Qi Ping only cares about raising cattle and nothing else.In terms of sales, Luo Yi really needs to start from scratch.But fortunately, Luo Yi laid a certain foundation in the early stage, and at any rate, it was vegetables, fruits and the like that made a lot of noise; at most, it was just that he didn't understand the beef market.

Xiaoyao and Yoyo started to make trouble again. Seeing the two little guys yelling and taking their brothers to bully Rudolph, Qi Ping could only sigh.If you really want to send these two forest farm bullies to school, the little guys are too wild, so you have to send them to school to learn the rules. They are all typical of lawlessness!

Qiping doesn't need to worry too much about the work and arrangement of the ranch. Although the ranch is newly built, there are still many things that need to be handled by Qiping; Can't do nothing.Besides, Qi Ping is a boss who is quite willing to delegate power and cultivate the abilities of his employees. He will not be stingy, that would be too out of style.

The property under his hands is indeed constantly expanding, and the number of things to be dealt with is indeed constantly increasing; but in general, Qi Ping's little life is still a fun type of life.Speaking of which, even the current Qiping is still lazy. He didn't keep his feet on the ground all day because of his big family business. That's not Qiping's style.

Enjoying life is the most important thing for Qiping, and being with his family is what Qiping cares most about.If it can improve the quality of life of the family members, then of course it will be extremely happy for Qi Ping.

He is thinking about one thing now, although the forest farm at home has nothing to say, living here is a rare enjoyment.But Qi Ping felt that he could do better. He made a sea-view villa, and by the way, a private yacht to take his family out to sea for vacation. Such a thing is actually worth doing well, and he is really tempted.

"There's no need to go to the east coast, Miami is really good, the sun is good there. But the sunshine in California is very good, and it's really too far and quite inconvenient to go from the west coast to the east coast. The kids are too young, Even though we have private jets, it doesn't mean the kids like long flights. Trust me, don't go to Miami."

Kate pouted, and directly ruled out the east coast completely; she doesn't like the east coast, it's too far away.Take the kids to the East Coast, and it's not a vacation, it's a treat.

"But if it's on the east coast, it's not too close. You know what I mean, the west coast in California is very famous. But after thinking about it, it's either San Diego, or Santa Barbara, or Long Beach. It’s too close, especially San Diego. It’s only an hour’s drive to the beach, and our private jet is about to land. I think we should go to the Gulf of Mexico. It’s not far or close, and the scenery is beautiful. good."

Although Qi Ping has always thought that his daughter-in-law is very insightful, but now that he thinks about it, it is the most correct.Since it is a sea view villa, of course you need to choose a good environment.But once it's too close, it doesn't necessarily have any novelty.

"I prefer San Diego, where the ocean is great. Honey, you need to understand; we are not here to see the scenery, we are to enjoy the joy of being together as a family. Most importantly, our vacation home should not be a decoration , or we only go a few times a year. If it is in San Diego, we can go to the sea every week, and we can have the sea breeze at any time, which is what I value most.”

Kate gave her own opinion, which is why she chose the west coast for execution; the sea view on the San Diego side is already very good, and it is very close and very convenient.This is enough to maximize the value of the sea view villa; it is not a so-called high-end enjoyment or decoration, which is very practical.

Qi Ping was completely taken aback, he really didn't think of such a thing; in his plan, the holiday villa should be extremely high-end and elegant.As for practicality, Qi Ping didn't think too much about it; maybe he went several times a year, maybe he just went there when he was in a better mood.

But in Kate's plan, the holiday villa may be more of a 'daily'; if you choose to be in San Diego, you can take the children to the beach every week to play and enjoy the fun of going out to sea.Sea-view villas and private yachts can actually be regarded as daily enjoyment, not necessarily "luxury" such as "high-end".

This was indeed a great proposal. Qi Ping was instantly moved and understood what his wife was thinking.There is no doubt that Kate's opinion is more realistic and practical.According to Kate's opinion, then it's not a vacation; it's a weekend, and there will be enough time every week to take the children to step on the waves and build a beach castle!

Qi Ping felt that he was really too stupid, and had always regarded villas and yachts as superior; his mentality still seemed to have not completely changed, if Kate had raised this opinion earlier.Then it is foreseeable that the whole family has long enjoyed the sea view villa and the fun of going out to sea.

Qi Ping felt that he really didn't need to think too high-end or too complicated about some things; the simplest reason was that his pockets were big enough.Now there is no need to think about appearances or grades. In fact, it can bring enough enjoyment to the family. This is the most important thing.

So now, it is really necessary to consider 'practicability', rather than anything that has face.

Kate is really a good wife who can bring the most correct help to Qi Ping.

(End of this chapter)

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