Chapter 291

"Kate is still virtuous. If you are asked to do these things, you will think of unreliable things one by one. Villas, our family should be happy. You can't live in a big villa a few times a year. They have to pay taxes, that’s unreal. It’s better for Kate, we take the children to the beach to play, and go to sea if we want to go to sea by boat!”

Qiping once again began to be criticized in various ways, especially when Qiping and Kate began to ask their parents for advice, Qiping became a class enemy again.Criticism, that is overwhelming.Qi Ping even started to feel lucky. Fortunately, he didn't go to the east coast or Miami to buy a villa, and now he still has a chance to make amends.

"I'm not as comprehensive as I thought. Of course Kate will help me fill these small loopholes. I think we don't need to make the villa too big, just stay at home. Maybe we go to the forest farm in the morning and return to the forest at night. Yes. By then, the yacht will be bigger, so it should be almost no problem.”

After wiping off the sweat, it's better to hold Xiao Lele who is sitting next to him and playing games in his arms; the little guy is here, and this can help him get out of the predicament.As for the fat son struggling to continue playing games, Qi Ping selectively ignored it; Lele, a brat, didn't even look at his father's situation, so he should help him at this time!
"It doesn't matter if the villa is small, but it can't be too small. There must be at least four rooms, two complete bathrooms, a living room and a kitchen, and a smaller entertainment room. In my opinion, the usable area It can’t be less than [-] square meters, or our family won’t be able to live there. By the way, I heard that many sea view villas here have private beaches, so we should do the same if we buy a villa!”

Glancing at his mother, Qi Ping felt that it would be better for him not to say anything now; his mother's request was really 'low', and Qi Ping was completely taken aback by what he said.Isn't this a bit too exaggerated? Mom not only has no objection to buying a sea view villa, but she is still ready to spend a lot of money!
"As for the villa, you can discuss it with Kate. In fact, I'm not very interested in going to sea. It's also good to buy a villa now. Xiaoyao and the others will definitely like this excitement when they grow up; and the children are young now. There are children who don't like to play with sand. You know this, and you should also consider the requirements of our children!"

Dad also spoke, he has always been the most opposed to Qi Ping's "extravagance and waste"; but now it seems completely wrong, parents must know how expensive a sea view villa is.And now it seems that my parents are very supportive of this matter. Although it is under the banner of "provincial" and the like, the requirements for the opening are really not low!
This is really abnormal, and everything is not within Qiping's expectation; originally, he thought that it might take some effort to convince his parents.He was also ready to accept nagging from his parents while buying a villa.

But looking at the current scene, this is completely abnormal, okay? Nothing is in his expectation at all.It's okay if my parents didn't object, but they still fully support it; the most important thing is that my parents still support Qi Ping's "extravagance and waste". Villa's.

Is this a sea view villa, okay? My parents used to think that they already have a villa at home, so they don’t need a seaside villa to live comfortably.As for the yacht, my parents are even more against it; there is a small yacht on Muse Lake, which is enough to meet the family's requirements for going out to play, there is no need to buy a big yacht to go out to sea, once the meaning is gone, return it waste!
Qi Ping is the type who is completely dumbfounded. He has no idea what happened.And looking at the current pace of development, it is estimated that no one will say anything to him in the end, anyway, it will not be a big deal.Well, the estimate that Qi Ping got was a muddled result, and it was enough for him to know the result.

"My parents are very supportive of my decision. They think my plan is great! Our villa is in San Diego, so we can go out to the sea and play at the beach at any time. I told my mother, and we will go to the beach every weekend in the future; Take the children to build beach castles, take the children to step on the waves. Dad told me that he wants to take Xiaoyao and Youyou to swim in the sea, and wants to take the children to go fishing!"

Kate explained happily, which finally gave Qi Ping a clear answer; for parents, the biggest role of the villa is to make the children happy.The sea view villa may not be the most important thing, as long as the children like it; and once the villa is not far away in San Diego, then you can take the children to the beach to play every week, which is worth the support of the whole family. decisive factor!
"I said, no wonder the attitude of my parents suddenly changed so quickly. If I say buying a villa, vacationing on a yacht, or blowing the sea breeze, my parents will definitely disagree. As long as these things involve children, they I will definitely support it. But it’s good to think about it, it’s good to spend one or two days a week going to the beach to play!"

After Qi Ping figured out the answer, he finally breathed a sigh of relief; his parents didn't have any abnormalities at all, they just didn't want to say more.

It's done, and now it seems that the whole family is looking forward to the sea view villa and the big yacht; this is a major decision that has been voted by the whole family, and even Need and Yoyo have raised their hands in approval.Then, naturally, it is unconditional to start preparing immediately!
Since everyone in the family supports the purchase of a villa, and their opinions are quite 'unanimous', it's time to make a move.He is very clear about his family position, and he can put forward some opinions in many cases. In fact, he may not be able to make decisions alone.And when the family committee agrees, he will start all kinds of errands to implement, this is the positioning of Qiping.

But this is also a matter of division, some big things are actually "arbitrary"; for example, buying a ranch, building a resort, etc., business matters, the family thinks that a certain slacker is usually not very good , but I can figure things out.It's just a matter of 'life'. Qi Ping is actually the one who has the least say in the family organizing committee, and at most he has the right to make suggestions; these matters mainly depend on the opinions of Kate and his mother.

"Ouch, look at our Lele!"

Just after deciding on a major event, my mother was happy; the fat grandson sat on the carpet in a big way, surrounded by four cute big dogs.The little guy is very happy now, because they are disobedient and cute, they are happily sticking out their tongues and licking the fat boy's little face, and they really like to play around with this little playmate.

"Our family, Lele, does have skills, probably because of affinity. Don't think that Pooh and King Kong may prefer to be happy and leisurely, that's the reason for getting along with each other for a long time. Lele has real skills. These small animals at home and him Their friendship is solid; just look at it and you will know, now I only follow Lele. This is especially true for Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai, their favorite child is actually Lele!"

Qi Weihui smiled happily, and he felt very happy seeing his little grandson giggling and playing with the puppies; sea view villas, private yachts and the like are indeed very good, but compared to the cute children, those Not worth mentioning at all.

"The children are innocent and happy, so they can get the approval of King Kong or the disobedient ones. And we have to admit that in addition to the reason why King Kong and them are very smart, there is a guy who has a lot of credit. I heard Professor Bruce say , Our forest farm environment is very good, long-term living here is conducive to intellectual development. I think Xiaoyao and Yoyo are very smart, except that they don't have much talent in mathematics!"

Kissing Qiping as a reward, Kate is full of pride; the children are cute and kind, which is the capital of her pride.As a housewife, Kate is basically concerned about the growth of the children; she likes to 'show off', and Qi Ping often sees Kate talking about the children with Nina from Luo Yi's family or her former classmates The topic, all kinds of compliments and compliments never stop.

"I think a big part of the reason why Lele is liked by disobedient ones is because he is my son, so he was a little sun in the forest farm when he was born. Also, Xiaoyao and Yoyo are too big, they I like to go out to play with Yanyan or Benben who will run around together, instead of Lele who is still wobbly when walking! Of course Lele will play with disobedient ones, this is his most reliable playmate! "

Qi Ping felt that it was necessary to pour cold water on him. Parents are typical representatives of pampering children; even Kate is like this. Don't look at her often talking about some correct ways to educate children, but pampering children Come on, Kate is pretty awesome.

"Get out! It's none of your business! Aren't you going to buy a villa or a yacht? You're so free now, aren't you?"

The mother was angry, and gave Qi Ping a hard look; with such an uneasy son, sometimes it is really heart-wrenching.This is obviously a time when the children should be praised well, but such a bastard who doesn't understand style and right and wrong comes out, that is really all kinds of heartaches.

Qi Ping was speechless. To be honest, he was excluded; he wanted to ask Kate for support, but when he saw Kate with upturned brows, he should leave in despair.As for my dad, who usually belongs to the united front, he also has an ugly face at this time.

Qi Ping understands the despondent getaway; at home, one cannot speak ill of the children, especially when the mother and the others praise the children, one cannot speak against them!

(End of this chapter)

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