America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 292 Don't Want To Be Criticized

Chapter 292 Don't Want To Be Criticized

"Children, hurry up and wash my car! If you want to get more pocket money, you need to work hard!" Qi Ping drove the car out swaggeringly. Although the car was clean and well maintained, Qi Ping Don't care about wasting a little water bill, this is the result of his discussion with Kate; the children are now growing up and need to start working!

"Dad, I can apply bubbles. I like taking bubble baths the most. Do you also take a bath in your car now?"

Yoyo, who was wearing a small suspender overalls, ran over bouncingly. The little girl was still very happy to work, and this might be an interesting game in her opinion.The little girl is very obedient, she likes to work.

"I want to flush, I want to play with water!"

The fat boy jumped out happily. This little guy has no resistance to work.Xiaoyao, who has always thought that he has become an older child, has strict standards for himself, and he likes to be praised by his parents and grandparents.Pocket money is nice, of course, but it's not the best; he never knows how much pocket money he has, and always hears from his mother anyway.

Kate watched with a smile as the children began to get busy, and the youngest, Lele, fell on Pooh's thick back absent-mindedly; the little guy wanted to play games with his brothers and sisters, as well as King Kong and Pooh.Now my brothers and sisters have to work, Lele is too young, so I can only watch from the sidelines.

Qiping began to distribute tools, and the water pipe was handed over to Xiaoyao, who was clamoring to play with water; Yoyo, holding an empty small bucket and holding a sponge pad, was put on the hood of the car by his father, and the little girl started to wash the car.

Qi Ping felt very happy when he saw Xiaoyao Xiaoyao, who was as experienced as he was, sprinkled water on the car, and saw the little girl happily cleaning the car.He felt that there was no need for him to drive the car to a car wash in the future, so he asked the children to help him wash the car. This kind of car would be cool to drive out; this is the car washed by the children for him, how proud he is!
Although I always think that the family is very rich, there is no need to think about earning some pocket money; but Yu Lan naturally knows that pocket money for children is actually to cultivate a little common sense for children, including some knowledge about money. concept.For example, Xiaoyao, this kid is the type to spend as much money as possible, and he never saves pocket money.

Labor is the most glorious, especially the children are growing up now, which is what makes her happiest.

"Here's a drink, kids. You must be exhausted from all the work you've done!"

Holding the tray, Yu Lan greeted the children; first of all, it was naturally Xiao Lele who sat on the side and played games with Pooh and the others, and then cheered for his older brothers and sisters. I asked to change the big milk bottle so that it looks more powerful and I can drink more milk.

"Grandma, is it watermelon juice? This is watermelon juice, I also like strawberry juice!"

Xiaoyao holding juice is a typical greedy type. The little guy has always had high requirements for juice; the little guy has grown up now, and he is often dissatisfied when he goes out to eat in restaurants.If it wasn't for the vegetables or fruits produced by the forest farm, the little guy would not want to talk. He is the type who eats too much good food.

In fact, it's not just Xiaoyao, Yoyo actually has very high requirements, the little girl has her mouth in her mouth; the best agricultural and sideline products produced at home, of course, will make the little guys raise some requirements unconsciously.

Qi Ping is even thinking that the family is starting to tidy up the pasture now, so this may mean that the little guys may not even look up to high-quality beef from other pastures in the future.

Thinking about it, I'm quite proud. It's hard for the little ones to 'feed'. This is because he has done such a good job, and he has improved the taste of the children without knowing it.Qi Ping should be happy about this matter, he doesn't care about letting the children know the hardships of life; his child is the second generation of the little rich, born with a golden key in his mouth.

If it is said that in order to let the children know the "all kinds of things in the world" and go to make the children suffer, then it is really unnecessary, and it is even more putting the cart before the horse.Who said that children from rich families must not learn well, and children from poor families must have a great future!

Children can be sensible and sensible through learning and education. Although Qi Ping doesn't like the so-called "elite education" very much, he doesn't reject the "brilliant food and clothing" that allows children to live.The simplest truth is that children are doomed to be "different" from the moment they are born; the large villas, private yachts, and private jets at home are not something ordinary people can afford, and it is no exaggeration It is said that only a very small number of people in this world have such treatment.

Qi Ping is so happy, because he knows that he can create better conditions for the children, and he is very happy to see the children grow up carefree and happy.

"Brother, let's go play!"

Xiaoyan ran over with a chubby American bully dog. Although the little guy liked his younger brother very much, his younger brother was too young to talk or walk, so he couldn't play games.So Xiaoyanyan's best playmates are Brother Xiaoyao and Sister Youyou, who would come over every day to find them to play games with.

It's been a long time, and now the car is washed, and the children are of course happy.Although working is very fun, and it is said that you can earn pocket money, playing games is the most interesting thing for children, and it is also their most important daily 'task'.Now that you have done what your parents told you, let's go play games!

It's time to play games, and the children are instantly excited; not to mention the lawless and leisurely leisurely and leisurely life in the forest farm, even Lele, who is holding a big milk bottle and performing gulps of milk, is all excited.The little guy quickly handed over the bottle to grandma, and climbed onto Pooh's back with his hands and feet; his brother and sister ran away, and they needed to follow quickly, or they wouldn't play with the cutest Lele The game is over.

"Brother, sister, me, and Lele!"

Lele, lying on the back of the bear, was really in a hurry. The little guy didn't ask his father to help him install the seat on Pooh's back now; Not to mention sitting up, thank God if you don't fall down.

Pooh has a lot of experience running around with children on his back. If it is Xiaoyao and Yoyo, maybe he is in a good mood or the children are urging him hard, so he may still trot a few words.It's just that if it's Xiao Lele, it must be walking slowly; Pooh is protecting the children, it is better than Liang Shanbo, Liang Shanbo often quarrels with the children!

"Xiaoyao and Youyou are really wild, and they are full of energy when they think of going out to play. I am starting to worry now, the kindergarten has been contacted, and they are going to study soon. According to their personality, I guess they will be in the kindergarten. It must be able to make a big disturbance in the Heavenly Palace. We agreed that I will not go if I invite parents and the like in the future. I don’t want to be criticized by the teacher all the time. It’s better for you to go. Most of the teachers over there are former colleagues of yours. , will give you some face!"

Watching Xiaoyao yelling and starting a 'boxing' match with King Kong who has already been bouncing around and making butterfly steps, Qi Ping is under a lot of pressure; he seems to have a premonition that once the children go to kindergarten, they will be invited by their parents The odds of that will definitely not be low, it is estimated to be quite high.

Thinking about it, the pressure is relatively high. It is not a good thing to be invited by parents; the most important thing is to face the criticism of the teachers, even if you don't nod and bow, you will be respectful.

This matter must be pushed out, or else he will be reprimanded every now and then, which must be a bad feeling.There are quite a few people who often train him now, and Qi Ping really doesn't want to find a few more people to give him ideological education classes or teach children about pedagogy.

In this matter, I really need to learn to be smarter, otherwise it will definitely cause headaches.

"Educating children is the joint responsibility of father and mother. You cannot be so irresponsible. I know that children may cause trouble. I have long known that this is an inevitable thing in the process of growing up." Looking at the children now Kate started to "beat up" King Kong, or was "beaten up" by King Kong, and Kate was under a lot of pressure; she was very smart, and she knew what her husband was thinking.

She cannot be the only one to take responsibility for this matter; she used to work in a kindergarten, so Kate is more aware of the 'seriousness' of being invited as a parent than Qi Ping.Think about it, I often contacted some parents before, posing as an expert and talking about the "correctness" of educating children.Thinking about it for a while, maybe I just sat there honestly and listened to other people's "instructions", which makes me shudder!
Both Chip and Kate knew how mischievous the children were; there was no need to think about it now, they both knew what the other was thinking.This matter really needs to learn to be smarter.

"We need a clear division of labor, which is the responsibility of fathers and mothers; educating the children is not just my business. If the father's work is not in place, then you need to take this responsibility; if the mother fails to educate the children, I will apologize to the children and guide them. Don't think I don't know what you are thinking, you will definitely accept criticism!"

Gritting her teeth, Kate looked at Qiping, and suddenly rushed over; laughing and jumping on Qiping's back, she shook Qiping's neck vigorously and shouted.

The children don't care about their father and mother playing games, they are very naughty; what the children care more about now is the games they are playing, and that is what matters.

(End of this chapter)

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