Chapter 293 Tough
Qi Ping still plans to continue to enjoy the good life at home, and he is still thinking about buying more props to play games with the children.But obviously, not everything is going as planned or anything.

Qi Ping felt that he was really misunderstood, and he often felt that he was really wronged.

People who know him think that Qi Ping is a very lazy person, thinking that he is planning to eat, drink and have fun all day long; time is a good rest for him.

It's really too wronged. Qi Ping has not just reiterated this matter; it's a pity that others don't seem to accept it. They have completely positioned Qi Ping's impression. At this time, don't expect Qi Ping to Ping was able to reverse the stubborn consciousness of those people.

Qi Ping has to admit that his workload is really not that heavy, and he does spend all day in the forest farm; he spends more time with his wife and children than those office workers.

It just doesn't mean that Qi Ping just has nothing to do. For Qi Ping, he never spends too much time with his family. He thinks that being with his family is the most important thing.

Aside from this most important thing, Qi Ping has never slacked off in his career and work.He doesn't know how to do everything by himself, because Qi Ping knows that he is an outsider most of the time; it is a taboo for an outsider to lead an expert.Moreover, Qi Ping knew better that he had to take a long-term view, and he couldn't tie himself firmly to a specific thing.

To be honest, the forestry farm is developing very well now, and there are more and more industries under Qi Ping's hands; of course, it can't be said that he only cares about vegetable bases or orchards, as well as resorts and pastures. These are all his jobs, okay? .

As a 'Chief Engineer', sometimes the time is really not enough; it is depressing enough to be wronged to be idle all day long, but there are still some blind people who are still thinking about giving Qi Ping Find a little trouble.

It's really fucked up!
"Look at my Pooh and King Kong, they are alive and kicking! In the forest farm, apart from Xiaoyao and Yoyo, King Kong is the biggest! Nima, you actually said that I can't take care of them, so fuck me !"

Seeing Pooh running around, looking lively, Qi Ping felt aggrieved.

"You are still too low-key, we have to make those bastards pay. We need to form a team of lawyers to let those guys know what price they will pay for angering us! Maybe they think we have a good character, so they Will want to bully us! But don't forget, we are the real top rich people!"

Kate's face is full of evil, she is very unhappy now.

"Yes, those guys really have to pay the price. If we don't make an example this time and let them know what kind of people they can't afford, those people will definitely make progress. I don't like to provoke others, but I don't like when someone wants to Make up your mind on me!"

Qi Ping really felt that he needed to show off his muscles now, he was indeed too low-key.

As a top rich man, Qi Ping spends all day in the forest farm; for him, entertaining his wife and children is the happiest thing.As for receptions, parties, etc., Qi Ping is really not interested; compared to some rich people's luxury, Qi Ping is indeed like a 'Puritan', his private life is too simple.

Not only is his private life simple, but Qi Ping's "public image" is actually very simple; Qi Ping doesn't like to be in the limelight, and he rarely introduces interviews or goes to financial forums.He doesn't like these things, he thinks he is a local rich man who has made a small fortune, and there is no need to pretend to be some elite person for some high-end interviews.

And one thing must be admitted, that is, Qi Ping does not cause trouble; apart from collecting some guns or occasionally hunting, Qi Ping seems to have no other hobbies.

Negative scandals such as racing cars, taking drugs, or promiscuity have never been related to this rich man; since Qi Ping came to the United States a few years ago, there have been no scandals.As for causing lawsuits and the like, it is even more impossible.

That's good, some people are tempted; this rich man looks too low-key and has no temper.Perhaps, this is a cowardly and timid rich man; then, perhaps he can bite down a big fat meat.

Qi Ping's depression is because he has become a big fat sheep in the eyes of others, and some people have changed their minds now.

Pooh and King Kong are actually very famous. Although the family has been rich in the past two years, there is no need for King Kong to help them make extra money; but these guys are still somewhat famous, and they occasionally get electrocuted and shoot advertisements or something.These guys still have a lot of fame, which naturally means their appearance fee and net worth.

Qi Ping is just the most amateur manager, even he doesn't understand these things.King Kong and the others are small stars at any rate, and they also have managers; they are professional managers who will choose suitable scripts for them or accept commercial endorsements that fit their image.

Becoming a star is not an easy thing, and to some extent it may be an easy thing.

For King Kong and the others, this matter is naturally very simple; their image is very special, and the starting point for becoming famous is very high.And they are very smart, and they are even more sought after at this time.

Children and animals are actually the most difficult to deal with. Filming and commercials are the two groups that give directors the most headaches, because they do not cooperate very well, and sometimes even the simplest action will fail again and again.Some crews are burning money if they can’t keep up with the progress; as for the performances that are not in place, it will even affect the quality of movies and advertisements.

King Kong and the others are very smart. As long as these special actors have Qi Ping or Kate beside them, it is basically a one-way type of filming.King Kong and the others' acting skills are fine, at most it's because the director's narration is not in place, or because Qi Ping's understanding ability is limited, which may require a few more shots; anyway, King Kong and the others are the best actors!

It is because King Kong and others are too showy, and their performance is so attractive; so some people just move their minds, and these people's ideas are sometimes too complicated, and those people are so smart that they are so smart. Totally over the top!

"I can't take care of them? I can't guarantee their rights?"

Qi Ping was very angry at the beginning, and some animal protection associations approached them; they actually used some banners, thinking that Qi Ping could not take good care of King Kong and Pooh, and even thought that Qi Ping might abuse King Kong and them.The simplest reason is that Qi Ping's motives are not pure, and he regards King Kong as a tool to make money, and their "workload" and "rest time" are seriously inconsistent.

This is fucking, don't they just want to take King Kong away from Qiping; these guys think that there are more professional people who can protect and take good care of King Kong, and they think they can bring King Kong them real happiness .

There are always some people who are self-righteous, standing on the commanding heights of morality and condescendingly pointing at others; they make themselves into saints, but in private it is hard to guarantee that they are not male robbers and female prostitutes.Even such bastards may not need the attitude of 'saints' at all. They play the role of bastards in their true colors, just holding chicken feathers as arrows!
"Let Chris form a large team of lawyers, we don't need to be polite now! Anyone who wants to take King Kong away from me is unforgivable! What's more, I suspect that they want to take King Kong away And Pooh may be due to some profit reasons. We want to make them pay the worst price, even if they only show a small sign now, we need to fight back with the strongest stance!"

Kate was really angry. This beautiful housewife cared most about her family; now someone wants to take away her family sincerity, so naturally it is the most unforgivable thing.

"Indeed, I don't care so much. Even if the lawsuit fails this time, I don't care about spending some money. Fortunately, those people have not directly sent me a lawyer's letter or investigation report. Otherwise, I must be with you." They don't stop dying." Qi Ping was very unhappy, he felt that he was too low-key, so people mistakenly thought he was easy to bully, "This time I just said suspicion, I will make them bear the price of slander and infringement of other people's property! "

Both husband and wife were angry when they heard that the Animal Protection Association wanted to launch an investigation, and even said in some interviews that they had already started to form an investigation team.Qi Ping and Kate were furious. Any person or organization who wanted to take King Kong and Pooh away should pay the worst price for those wolfish ambitions that shouldn't exist!
Qi Ping and Kate's opinions are quite unified, that is, they will never allow any person or group to hit their family members with crooked ideas.Obviously, once someone wants to do these things, they will definitely encounter the strongest counterattack from Qiping and Kate; this is the reverse scale of Qiping and Kate, because they do not allow bastards with impure purposes to come close to their families .

"Let them pay the price, and let all those who are open or covert know how powerful I am! If you want to seek improper benefits from me, don't even think about how much you have?!"

Qi Ping was angry, and now he has indeed made a counterattack gesture; Kate is very willing to see such a tough side of her husband.In the end, there is nothing negotiable about protecting your family, and there is nothing you can back down about; you must be tough so that you can protect your family well!
(End of this chapter)

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