America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 303 Children who are tired of studying

Chapter 303 Children who are tired of studying
Qi Ping is still very satisfied, this trip to New Jersey was very successful; the most important thing is to get back an honorary doctorate degree, which is enough for him to have a good time.It's hard to think about it, even if it doesn't mean too much academic ability, but being able to get this honor is a manifestation of strength!

"I don't want to get up!"

Xiaoyao sat up abruptly, yelled, and fell down directly; twisted his small body, and turned his little butt to his father, anyway, he didn't want to get up, Xiaoyao wanted to sleep late!
Finally, I have grown up, and I no longer want to run out to play at dawn like when I was a child.Sure enough, when I grow up, I now know the wonderful thing about staying in bed.

How to put it, still have such a sense of accomplishment? !This is really a bit weird, the fat son likes to sleep late, and Qi Ping, an unreliable father, is still here sighing!

"I can't sleep in late today. You and your sister need to go to kindergarten. You are an older child now, and you are going to school to study and play games. But brother Benben is already in elementary school, otherwise you can still become alumni!"

Qi Ping smiled and picked up the fat son who was still dozing off. The little guy didn't want to get up yet, lying limply on his father's shoulder and unwilling to move.For the little ones, even a little nap is good.

Kate is taking care of Yoyo, the little girl needs to wash up and put on new clothes now.Of course, they need to be sent to the kindergarten. The children are not young now, so we can’t let them stay in the forest farm and dominate. In fact, it may not be the best for the children’s growth. The children still need to learn how to communicate with others. dealing with people.

Lele's performance is very good, the little guy got up relatively early, and he didn't think of sleeping in at all.Playing games is more important to the little guy. He is now happily chasing Pooh around. Although Pooh is teasing him, Xiao Lele doesn't care about it. The most important thing is that he is having fun. .

"Dad, I don't want to go to kindergarten. I want to play games with my brother at home. I like being with Pooh!"

Yoyo is not happy anymore, and she has a bitter face when she hears that she is going to kindergarten; she has inherited the style of Lao Qi's family very well, but she is not enthusiastic about going to school anyway.

Qi Ping thinks that the children may be influenced by him, which is a real inheritance.

Don't think that Qi Ping was admitted to a good university before, it was only because he knew that he could only be successful if he studied hard.In fact, some extreme methods are not ruled out. For example, he was tired of studying at one time; but he was directly dragged to the field by Mr. Qi to rob, not to mention the sun in the summer, and it was still some manual labor.

So Qi Ping has learned to be smart, if he doesn't study well, he may have to do physical work all the time in the future.Although he later learned a lot of things, for example, it is not necessarily that only reading can be successful, and it also includes that reading books may not necessarily be successful.But I do have to admit that there is no harm in reading more books anyway.

In Qi Ping's bones, reading is not a passion; it's just his job, a tool he wants to change his destiny.As for getting pleasure from reading, Qi Ping thinks it's quite nonsense anyway!
Well now, it looks like there are two more little school-weary kids at home; they haven't gone to school yet, and each of them is moving toward not wanting to go to kindergarten.This is just the beginning, Qi Ping reckons that when the children grow up, they will definitely dislike going to school even more, because there will be academic pressure and the like.

Don't look at some domestic media's propaganda that students in the United States have less pressure to study, in fact, this is only one-sided.Kindergarten, elementary school, etc. may be less stressful, and there is no pressure to play crazy.But at the beginning of middle school, you need to consider things like going to school; there are many universities in the United States, but there are also different levels.

The most important thing is that many children from poor families will not be able to find a good job if they are not admitted to a good university!Even though it is claimed that the education system is very advanced and can fully mobilize students' interest, high school students in the United States really value credits, which is the key to their admission to college!
Such national conditions can be found everywhere.However, sometimes some domestic parents play too much. Children start various certificates and interest classes from kindergarten, which is actually to let the children 'win at the starting line'.It's too fucked up, and I don't even think about whether the child's small shoulders can bear the heavy schoolbag.

That being said, the children are still sent to school.

Of course, Qi Ping is very clear that his children don't need to worry about grades and other issues; the best universities are waiting for the children, and as long as they are old, the famous schools can even be chosen by the children .But for now, the children still have to be sent to school.

Maybe we don't care how much cultural knowledge the children have learned, or we don't care about the children's grades.However, children's conduct and learning to get along with others really need to be better accumulated and learned in school.Of course, Qi Ping wouldn't just tell the kids that they don't have to care about their grades, that would be harming the kids.

It is naturally a good thing that children can enter a good university without credits and the like; children from rich families never need to worry about education.The education here is actually worthy of being a good school.

Credits and grades can be ignored, but once the children's small universe explodes and becomes a primary school bully, then it will be a matter of glory and glory, and it will be a great joyous event for the whole world to celebrate.You can ignore it, but that doesn't mean you can ignore it.

"Brother, you have to be good at home, my brother and I are going to kindergarten!"

Depressed, Yoyo touched her younger brother's little head, she is very envious of her younger brother now; younger brother can foolishly hold Pooh's big head and play around at home, but she and her elder brother will be sent to school, which is very unfair!

Lele didn't care, the little guy didn't understand such profound things now; he was having a great time playing now, the little guy's arms and legs were very strong, he hugged Pooh's big neck and climbed onto the bear's back numbly, This is to let Pooh carry him out for a few laps, so that it will be interesting.

Qi Ping was really angry and funny, but he still drove the children into the car; he and Kate had made arrangements to take the children to and from school in turn.Although there is a school bus, it is not very convenient; this time, it was sent to the kindergarten in San Diego. It is nearly an hour's drive, and the school bus will not come here.

Sending the children to school on the first day, Qi Ping was actually a little nervous, and he was also worried that the children would make trouble.

He has seen some situations, that is, some children cry heart-piercingly as soon as they arrive in kindergarten, especially those children who are going to school for the first time, they cry a lot.Thinking about these two little treasures of my own, isn't it a typical performance of being tired of studying? It is really difficult to expect them to be honest in school.

Along the way, I also reminded the children and told them some precautions; there is no need to worry about safety issues. Kate used to work in kindergartens and understands those situations.And for Kate's sake, plus some good 'welfare', these will make the children get more care in the kindergarten.

In fact, Qi Ping repeatedly told the children to listen to the teacher and not to fight with other children. These are no secrets, and basically all parents will remind their children when they go to school.As for things like studying hard, it’s not up to now; the children in the kindergarten are actually playing games happily in the kindergarten, and their academic performance is really not much.

Qi Ping was a little worried, usually Xiaoyao and Yoyo were of the lively type, it was impossible to have a moment of peace; but look now, the two little guys are completely listless.Although there was no crying or making a fuss, it is certain; that is, the matter of going to kindergarten has dealt a great blow to the children, and they cannot accept the attitude of this matter at all.

"Dad, is this a kindergarten? There are no Pooh and King Kong here, so it's not fun at all. I don't like it at all, I want to go home. My brother must miss me, I want to play games with him."

Xiaoyao pulled his father's trouser legs, looking up at his father with anticipation; the little guy knew that his father would not let him down, and his father loved Xiaoyao the most.

It's a pity that this time, Xiaoyao is destined to be disappointed, this kid really needs to be sent to kindergarten now.Qi Ping is not cruel, nor is he unable to spare time or suffer from children's quarrels; he hopes that children can grow up better, not just "carefree" in the forest farm.

"Hey Kelly. Haven't retired yet?"

Met an acquaintance, the janitor of the kindergarten; this is an acquaintance, I met five years ago, when Kate was still working here.Qi Ping, who is a boyfriend, often comes here, and Kelly, who likes to smoke, hides in the guard room from time to time to secretly smoke a cigarette.

"Is this your and Kate's baby? It's really cute, old man, trust me, I'll take care of them."

Kelly laughed out loud. The children of acquaintances naturally need more enthusiastic and careful care.

"Kids, this is Grandpa Kelly. Say hello to Grandpa Kelly, he and Mom and Dad are good friends, we've all known each other for a long time!"

The children are quite upbeat. Although they are not happy about going to school, they have not forgotten the matter of being polite.Now it seems that tutoring is really good.

(End of this chapter)

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