America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 304 Xiaoyao got into a fight

Chapter 304 Xiaoyao got into a fight

"Dad, hurry up, we are going to kindergarten!"

Xiaoyao is urging the slow father, the little guy likes going to the kindergarten now; there are many children in the kindergarten, they can play games together.There are also teachers, who can learn nursery rhymes and play games under the guidance of teachers.These are very attractive to Xiaoyao and Yoyo. The children quickly fell in love with the kindergarten, and it is no longer the initial resistance.

In fact, Qi Ping is also very clear that there is another very important reason why children like kindergarten; that is, the time in kindergarten is not very long, and they are sent there at nine o'clock in the morning and arrive home at four o'clock in the afternoon.This will allow the children to have enough time to have fun with Pooh and King Kong in the forest.

For the children, they have found a new way to play, and this does not delay their game time in the forest farm at all.This is naturally the best thing, and for the fun-loving Xiaoyao and Yoyo, this thing will definitely be liked.Don't let it go, the kindergarten doesn't have any homework; for children who are difficult for uncles, they don't need to worry about homework and the like now, they just need to play happily and that's enough.

"Xiaoyao, I heard the teacher's report yesterday that you hit other children. This is wrong. You went to the kindergarten today to apologize to the children. If you encounter problems in the future, you can't just think about solving them with your fists."

Kate was educating the children while eating breakfast. After a few days in the kindergarten, there were some minor problems.In the beginning, Xiaoyao and Yoyo stayed together wherever they went, and they didn't play with other children at all; this was actually just an illusion, not that they were not cheerful, but that these two little guys thought about it after grabbing a fun game. They don't share with other children.

In addition to the two strong little guys grabbing toys and so on, it also included fighting; Qi Ping had expected this a long time ago, just think about the children's playmates since they were young.He grew up fighting with black bears and chimpanzees, and besides, he was still pulling the children to practice kung fu, and he was still serving delicious food.

If this can't beat those little brats, then there's really no reason for it!

"But Jim bullied my sister. He grabbed her hair. You can't bully your sister. If someone bullies your sister, I will beat him. Grandpa and Uncle Joshua have said that I want to protect my sister. Dad and grandpa also said, I It's my brother, I want to protect my brother and sister, and I can't let bad people bully my brother and sister!"

Qi Ping's eyes filled with tears, not because he was cheated again, but because of pride.

Look at Xiao Xiaoyao, although this little guy is usually very naughty, he always grabs toys or snacks from his younger siblings, and sometimes he dislikes his younger siblings.It's just that when the critical moment comes, Xiaoyao is the most reliable and outstanding brother. He knows how to protect his younger brothers and sisters, and will not let them be bullied.

This is a good brother, which makes people feel very proud!

Don't look at Kate's fierce white glance at Qiping, but the smile on the corner of her mouth can't be hidden no matter what.At this time, not only Qi Ping and Kate are happy, but Qi's father and Qi's mother are also very happy at this time.Fat grandson is sensible and knows how to protect his younger siblings. This is the happiest thing!

Kate does often teach children not to just talk with their fists, but she doesn't want them to be weak either.Although Xiaoyao likes to talk with his fist a little bit now, there is a reason for it.Kate felt that she needed to have a good talk with her fat son. It was best not to use fists in the future, and she could go to a teacher when encountering such a thing. This was the best solution.

Qi Ping just curled his lips and made a small report, how annoying it is.It would be wise not to talk, though, as this is Kate's time teaching the children.And one thing is for sure, snitching is indeed annoying, but it is indeed the best way for children to resolve conflicts now.

"I heard that your sons are all grown-ups in the kindergarten? This Xiaoyao is really good. This kid is usually a bully, but he is really a bully when he arrives in the kindergarten. It's enviable, your son is so promising and sensible!"

After sending the children to the kindergarten, when I returned to the forest farm, I saw Luo Yi sneaking over; it seemed that Kate had publicized it everywhere, maybe it was under the banner of a happy fight, but more importantly, it was to highlight the fight The reason is that Xiaoyao is protecting his sister!
"That's right, your family's Yanyan can be sent to kindergarten in the new year. At that time, my family Xiaoyao and Youyou will cover him. If someone dares to bully him, I guarantee that my brother and sister will come out. I'm not bragging. Wait until your family Yanyan arrives at kindergarten." , the kids on our side will immediately become the super bully in the school, and the kids in the big class will just beat them up!"

Qi Ping was in high spirits, he felt that the children's fight was really promising.Relying on such a fight, Qi Ping felt that Xiaoyao, the little king with a big appetite, didn't waste all the good things he usually ate, and even the little guy should eat more, so that he can be stronger and better able to eat. Protect younger siblings!
Qi Ping, now he has completely tasted the sweetness, the sweetness of the fat son's future!

The two big men were discussing, and it was obvious that they were not very resistant to the fact that children were fighting, especially since it happened for a reason, and it was even the type that should be 'encouraged'.

Qi Ping and Luo Yi also had the same opinion, that is, it is one thing for children to eat and drink well now, and exercise also needs to keep up.Only in this way can we be stronger and be guaranteed to be the one who will not be bullied in school.

School violence in the United States is very common. Anyway, Qi Ping doesn't want his children to be bullied; if he encounters school violence, he must be on the bully's side.There is no way, who makes parents always have some partiality; even if they know that such things are bad, they don't want their children to become 'victims'.

Xiaoyao got into a fight, and even made a kid cry, and the news spread instantly.

Qi Ping happily answered the phone, discussing with his old father-in-law how to raise children well.Eric naturally doesn't want the kids to get used to solving problems with their fists, and he doesn't want to see the kids become bullies everywhere.But he must be an old-fashioned westerner, that is, to a certain extent, he likes to use his fists to solve problems; he thinks that Xiaoyao has done a good job in this matter, and when someone bullies his sister, he just hits him directly.

"You need to teach the kids that you can't show your fists. Kate is not doing that, we can't let the kids get punched and wait for the teacher to deal with it. You need to let the kids know they're watching When it comes time for someone to show their fists, then you need to fight back. I support the boys, the way they handled this time was really good!"

Eric was very happy, and he decided to teach Qiping a good lesson, let him know how serious the problem of violence is in schools here in the United States.By the way, let me sell my own point of view, such as not causing trouble but not being afraid of trouble, and the point of view of taking action when it is time to do so.

By the way, I also imparted some experience, for example, no matter how to anger the other party, let them make the first move.This will take the initiative, so that you can be the one with a reason in the next fight.Obviously, Eric is a smart person. He has long known how to not only take the initiative in the situation during the fight, but also minimize the influence as much as possible in dealing with the results.

Qi Ping's cheeks hurt from listening to it. At this time, he can only listen here, and he has no way to explain or question it.He knew very well that Eric couldn't talk to Kate, so he came to his son-in-law to sell these ideas.

It's kind of funny, but it does seem to work; listen to it now, and teach it to the kids when they're a little older.Xiaoyao is too young now, and there is no way to pay attention to so many advanced 'tactics'.Besides, now that Kate is educating the children, she can't give the children two completely different theories, which will make the little guy's head unable to turn around.

Anyway, Qi Ping felt very happy. He didn't object to the fat son's fight at all, and he didn't dislike it at all.Maybe he really doesn't want to see his fat son become a bully, but when he knows that Xiaoyao is protecting his sister, Qi Ping is the type who can understand everything, and even applauds secretly!
The family members are actually very happy and carefree, but due to some reasons, there is no way to directly praise them.Xiaoyao did a great job. This is a young man who knows how to be a hero. He is a real little man who knows how to take on the responsibilities of a man and how to protect his family.These are the qualities that Qi Ping and Kate value a lot, even the most important qualities in their opinion.

Qi Ping and Kate did not expect that the children adapted to the kindergarten life quite quickly, and even this progress far exceeded their expectations.After all, children were quite resistant to going to kindergarten at first, but now they become eager to go to kindergarten, where they can have a lot of fun.

And one thing that makes Qiping and Kate very gratified is that the children have learned a lot in kindergarten.

Now it seems that the easiest thing is to socialize with others. They can make friends with many children now, and they can play games together. I heard that they are still very popular.

These are actually very good things, very gratifying; and Xiaoyao implemented the theory of protecting younger siblings in school, this may be an unexpected surprise, a surprise that people can't help being proud and applauding secretly!

(End of this chapter)

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