America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 308 Planned Economy

Chapter 308 Planned Economy
Qi Ping can now fully see that it is really hard to say that the children have been suspended from school.

To say that the children were suspended from school, in fact, this matter did not seem to cause any big waves at all; that is to say, the suspension of children may be a normal thing in the eyes of familiar people.It's just that it's a little faster, no one thought that they would be suspended within a few days after going to school.

Very helpless, my brother and sister-in-law also think so, Luo Yi thinks so, and that bastard Steve doesn't think it's weird.Even the parents and the old father-in-law and mother-in-law think this is normal, which is enough to prove how intuitive and accurate everyone's judgment on the destructive power of Xiaoyao and Yoyo is.

Seeing Xiaoyao and Yoyo yelling and urging Pooh to take them to the big mother bear Jenny, Qi Ping felt a headache.Now the children are alive and well, and they are complete bullies when they return home.

You have made a mistake, okay? Now you have been suspended from school, and you are receiving education at home.But looking at it this way, it is completely in the state of playing wildly at home on weekends. It seems that it has not been affected at all. It is still playing here heartlessly. It seems that there is no consciousness to do a deep self-criticism. !

Xiaoyao and Yoyo are very happy. Although they can't go to kindergarten to play with other children, they will not lack playmates at home, and they will have fun at home.And you can play games with brother Yanyan and brother Lele, and you can also go to King Kong and Pooh to play games together.It's just that I can't have too much time to play games at night, and I will be rushed back to the room to reflect and ground soon after dinner.

"I can see now that the two of them are not at all conscious of being a good boy, and their ability to be mischievous is not bad at all." Looking at Kate sitting next to him with a wry smile, Qi Ping had a headache, "I Fortunately, although the children are a little naughty, they are not bad in nature. We have worked hard on moral education, so we don’t need to worry about the children’s misbehavior in the future.”

"They are still young, and we can't make conclusions about their future based on some of their current performances. I have not reduced the education of their ideology and morality, I have been working hard to cultivate the healthy psychology of the children, and they have done a great job!"

With all kinds of heartache and cheek pain, Kate is typical and only sees the cute side of the children, okay?The education of these little guys is really good in terms of ideology and morality. It is true that Qi Ping dotes on the children, but he is absolutely not doting on them. It is estimated that it will be difficult for the children to become the kind of rich second generation who do evil in the future.Anyway, Qi Ping doesn't care if the children are successful in their careers, as long as the children are not a scourge.

A loving mother is such a loser, Kate was moved by the children's instigation, so she drove out of the garage a modified version of the Ford F650 that had just been sent home not long ago.Obviously this is going to find Jenny, this is going to go out to play games.

Pooh and King Kong climbed into the back of the car with ease. They both like this car; with this car, it is much easier to go out to play.Now that these guys have grown up, they can no longer sit in the car as easily as they did when they were young.Such a modified car is actually not only attractive, but most importantly practical.

Kate took the children out to play games, and it is estimated that Kate will have a lot of ideas now.Pooh's daughter-in-law has always been shy. Although it can be said that she has accepted Qiping's family now, she still doesn't like to leave the forest.

What Kate cares about now is actually more about the expectation of Pooh's offspring; she always wants to see if Jenny is pregnant.She is very concerned about this matter, and she has always regarded King Kong and Pooh as family members.The boy King Kong is still a kid now, but Pooh has already entered the estrus period, and he should show some performance.

Qi Ping didn't intend to follow along to join in the fun, he actually had a lot of serious things to do.

Speaking of the financial conditions of the family, there is absolutely no problem, and the family background is solid; but money is something that no one really thinks too much.Don't look at these industries in the family are now on the right track, as long as Qi Ping doesn't make any troubles, then he can just sit at home and collect money, and it will definitely be no problem to make a fortune.

However, Qi Ping has also seen a lot of news that many rich people will go bankrupt due to some reasons.In addition to the extravagant living expenses on weekdays, poor investment is an important reason, which needs to be found from those people themselves.The world is impermanent, and money is perishable. In fact, no matter how much money is not managed properly, it will be squandered.

Wrong financial choices can make you poor at any time, and when you are in trouble.You can get rich overnight, but at the same time, there are a hundred possibilities to destroy it all in an instant.It's easy to go from frugal to extravagant, but difficult to go from extravagant to frugal; now that you have become a rich man, if you let Qi Ping live a miserable life, he will definitely not be able to accept it.

So don't look at Qiping's laziness sometimes, even all kinds of laziness and all kinds of sloppy work, but Qiping is very concerned about the property under his hands.Moreover, many people want to cooperate with Qiping, or various organizations will try to reach cooperation with Qiping and seek his investment. These things really need to be cautious.

After looking at the financial statements given by the private accountant, I feel very satisfied.The financial situation is really good, and I continue to spend a lot of money.Anyway, Qi Ping is very satisfied, he feels that his wealth is constantly increasing; although he has already accumulated a large amount of money in the past few years.

But Qi Ping knows better that he can create more wealth in the next period of time.Anyway, Qi Ping thinks he is a very good investor, he thinks he is still a very good investor.So now those who can do more work, even if they can't build a business empire or the like, they should leave more wealth to the children anyway.

"Hey, your boss is going to open some high-end restaurants in China, how much help can you give here. You brothers should help each other, you have a lot of money now, and you should help your boss make more money .Our little Benben can eat and drink, but it will be difficult for your eldest brother to raise Benben if he doesn’t make more money. And your eldest brother and your sister-in-law have a second child.”

My mother came out domineeringly, looked at the computer, I didn't recognize many words, anyway, I saw that the number representing the income on it was far greater than the family's expenditure, so I was very satisfied.In fact, she has never been very clear about how much money the family has now. Anyway, she just knows that the money in the family is scary.

"No problem, my brother and I have discussed it many times. Don't be fooled by my boss. He is bad. He always encourages me to invest together. It's not that I'm stingy. Now I have Xiaoyao and Yoyo. The family tree farm really can't be released. I just plan to sell the shares, at least so that my children won't worry about being hungry in the future. But for other investments, I will definitely advance and retreat with the boss."

"That's good. I'm actually very happy. Our family now has so much money, which I didn't dare to think about before. But what makes me happiest is that the relationship between you two brothers has always been very good, and you The two brothers are now rich and have not learned bad habits, this is the happiest thing for me."

My mother's comfort is justified. She has seen too many things on TV and movies where men become bad when they have money. Even in real life, there are some people who have a few money and immediately forget What's your last name?

But her two sons are both worth a lot of money. Even if she is always helping her eldest son cry poor, it doesn't mean that her eldest son really has no money. In fact, the eldest son is also a rich man. .However, these two boys are very reassuring. No matter how much money they make, they still care about their families first.

Such a young and promising man with a big pocket is actually super sought-after.Even if they are married and have children, some women who are crazy about money will still rush forward without any scruples.They don't care if they destroy other people's families, they just want to pursue their own 'happiness'.

Of course, those men should also be condemned. In fact, it is those bad men who are not firm enough to cause so much discord.

"The boss has been doing a lot lately. He is doing the domestic market. The products of our forest farm, as well as the resorts on our forest farm, are all controlled by him. Some time ago, he was restless. Controlling the Asian market, it seems that Japan and South Korea have responded well. Luo Yi has protested several times. If the boss continues like this, the American market may not even care about it.”

"Attention should be paid to the American market, but the domestic and Asian markets have to be developed. Don't worry so much about it for you. Anyway, it's fine if the vegetables are sold. Don't you still count the money at home? You don't care if you sell it. where."

Well, this is because Luo Yi is just a godson, so he was naturally excluded at this time.In fact, my mother is also very clear that the US market is actually the top priority, because the influence here is greater, and because it is the base camp.

Qi Ping was cheerful and didn't say much, anyway, he didn't care about the quotas in these markets; for him, it didn't make much difference whether the products were sold in the United States or in Asia.Because the reputation of Fairyland Forest Farm is getting bigger and bigger now, every product is not mature yet, but they are all already reserved.

This is a planned economy, because it is so sought-after, the supply exceeds the demand!

(End of this chapter)

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