Chapter 309
"Are you saying that I am too generous? I should ask for a little more appearance fee, so that it is in line with my worth. Anyway, for those rich people, it doesn't matter if they pay a little more, the most comfortable thing is to live. important."

After sorting out those applications, Qi Ping felt that his asking price was a little too low.

Back then, in order to get more cash to buy a private jet, Qi Ping threw out the Ju Lingzhu.Although it is a castrated version of Ju Lingzhu, this kind of formation can still improve some aura and improve the environment.

Although the price given by Qiping is quite high, after a period of observation, some people are finally willing to try it.Especially those who have been to the fairyland forest farm, they have all seen the mouth-watering air quality of the forest farm, and they all want to live in a better environment.Obviously, the pursuit of the rich is a better quality of life.

"I think you should raise some prices. I know you are a bad guy. You have always kept our tree farm absolutely superior and unique. But trust me, my dear, those rich people are not stingy people, they always want a better quality of life.”

Kate looked over, the kids were playing outside now, so Kate could act like a baby.Kate actually loves her husband very much. She knows that Qi Ping is a lazy guy; but Qi Ping still needs to go out every now and then to help other people renovate their villas.Although he can earn a lot of money, the family is not short of money now.

At this time, you can continue to raise the threshold, so that some people who are eager to try will retreat.If it is really those people who are not short of money, then there is nothing to say, the price you offer is really exciting, and I will not refuse.

"Actually, I have talked with my mother many times. We all know that you have been working hard. At least you have created an unimaginable wealth. But we know better that you can actually work harder, because we can get more. My mother and I have calculated that our forest farm may be entrusted to professional brokers in the future, and the children will only be given dividends before they have enough ability. But this is not enough!"

"Isn't that enough? Even if we only take out a part of the dividends at that time, each of the children will have hundreds of millions of dollars in dividends. I think your appetite has been raised now, so much You don’t even think it’s enough to spend your money! You prodigal bitch, you’re really amazing!"

"Haha, it's too late for you to regret it now! I just hid it very deeply. In fact, I am a woman who worships money. I will stare at your wallet and your bills every day. What makes me feel more gratified is You never let me find out that large sums of money went unaccounted for, and your bills are fine. I have seen your credit card records, so be honest!"

Kate felt complacent, and by the way, tapped the flush again, which was very necessary.

Chip's bad friend Steve is having a big problem now, and that playboy is having a lot of fun now.

At the beginning, it was like a planter going out to mess around, but now it's all right, a woman came to the door directly with a child.This time, Steve really felt that the fun was too great.

An illegitimate child is really expensive.In the United States, illegitimate children need to be paid for, and Steve must have a lot of money for alimony.Especially that child, he would not be able to raise it by himself even if he wanted to take it back.

It's very simple, the woman who gave birth to Steve's child is very smart; if she gave the child to Steve, she would be the one with millions of dollars at best.But if the child is by her side, she can get a lot of money every year and every month.This is a long-term meal ticket, and a rich man will certainly pay a lot of money.

This is the reality, raising an illegitimate child still depends on assets, and alimony is paid according to your assets and so on.So now Steve has a headache, although he doesn't really want to encounter these things.But in fact, what he needs to do is to go to court to try to get the child back without any hassle, and he just needs to continue to pay.

Kate's worry is very reasonable. Although she knows that Qi Ping is an honest and good man, it's just that sometimes the temptation he needs to face is too great.So we must let him hold on, and we must not make mistakes in such a major matter.Because things like illegitimate children not only require money, but may even have the right to inherit property.

The most important thing is that Kate regards her family as her whole, and she doesn't want anyone to destroy her family happiness.

"Mommy mommy!"

The two were still talking sweetly, and there was a lot of movement here; Xiao Lele was very anxious, the little guy was weak and small and couldn't push open the door of the study, so he could only pat The door yelled.Of course he knew that his mother must have run into the study, the little guy was a local snake, and he knew exactly what was going on at home.

"Mom, let's go play a game!"

Well, this brat just wants to follow mom, he's so clingy to mom.This brat was not very enthusiastic about his father.Anyway, as long as you can follow your mother, it doesn't matter if your father is there or not.The boy who has just learned to speak fluently, always pulls his mother to chat with him, and the type of topic is endless.

Sometimes Qi Ping really admires Kate. Kate is really patient when facing the children. She never feels annoying. When she is with the children, she never dislikes the children. .

Kate loves being with the kids and can have a crazy day with them.Even if it is some simple and childish games, Kate actually has a lot of fun playing with the children.This is where Qi Ping admires Kate very much, because no matter how much he loves the children and loves being with the children, but letting him be with those naughty ghosts sometimes makes him dizzy, and the children's nature is to toss The truth is too strong.

But Qi Ping is very clear that Kate's 'beating' is really normal, and it can even be said that these beatings are really important.

Although Qi Ping really doesn't intend to mess around outside, he is very content and satisfied, he likes his current life very much, and he feels very happy.As for those momentary pleasures and the like, there is really no need.The simplest reason is that those are just moments of joy, for those families who betrayed themselves, it is really not worthwhile.

That boy Steve has stumbled now, but in fact, these things are not necessarily troublesome in Qi Ping's opinion.That boy Steve is worth a lot now, but at most he is just a little disgusting.As for the influence of the illegitimate child on his career, or even the right to inherit in the future, it is not necessarily true.

Rich people often have some troubles of one kind or another. In the final analysis, this little thing is that Steve didn't take care of his belt.Although this may have happened a few years ago, Steve was still a standard playboy at that time, but after all, he gave Qi Ping and Luo Yi some reminders, and by the way, there were more gossips in daily chats.

Women, beautiful women and the like are not what Qi Ping is pursuing now, and there is no need for that at all.What he values ​​now is his family and his own life.And those beautiful women and the like are just pink skulls, without any attractiveness.

Kate is beautiful and virtuous, and the relationship between the two is really good, so there is no need to worry about Qi Ping's empathy.It's not just Kate, there is also a 'caring little padded jacket'; this little girl, Yoyo, has a great ability to toss people, and her father is her big toy.The most important thing is that there is an 'Lafayette' on his head. Don't look at Qi Ping who is in his early thirties, don't look at Qi Ping who is now a billionaire; but if Qi Ping did those messy things, his mother must be a broom and mop Smash it over!
There are already three most important women in his life, which is enough to make Qi Ping satisfied.As for the others, anyway, Qi Ping doesn't think he will have any heartbeats. He is not the kind of person who likes luxury and money, he is not the kind of corrupt and depraved rich man.

"Boss, we may need some of your help. We found some problems, maybe you need to help us deal with these things."

The phone rang, Security Director Kent Reese's phone.

Qi Ping is still very satisfied with Kentris, the security director; such an experienced and capable security director is really good, and the security department he leads protects the forest farm tightly.Although there must be Qi Ping who spent a lot of money to 'arm them to the teeth', but the more important thing is that these people work very hard.

"The second team found some movement during the patrol today. We found many signs of wild animal migration on the back hill of the forest farm. I think this may need to inform you, I may be very good at holding them down with a shotgun , but I'm not good at taking care of or getting rid of them."

Kentris' call made Qi Ping startled, he really didn't expect such a thing.Moreover, this matter is really a thoroughly important matter, which cannot be taken lightly.

"I'll rush over there right away, you don't have to come and pick me up, I'll drive the helicopter over by myself. By the way, you can expand the scope of the patrol now, help me see how big it is, and see if you can find these species of wild animals and their paths of travel."

After giving the instructions, Qi Ping also needs to get busy.

It's really like this, don't think he's idle, but once something happens, he has to solve it!
(End of this chapter)

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