America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 310 Trouble brought by the deer

Chapter 310 Trouble brought by the deer

"Dad is going to work, not to play games. Be patient and play games at home!"

Qi Ping had a headache, and the children popped out.I originally planned to go to the mountains to have a look, but when I saw him pull out the helicopter from the hangar, the children who were playing baseball on the lawn suddenly ran over, even Xiao Le, who was not walking very steadily Ledu followed his brothers and sisters to join in the fun, shouting to play together.

"Daddy's not a job, Grandpa told me that!"

"Dad is going to play, I know it! Dad is playing around with a jerk, dad is not working!"

The black line on the forehead is flush, and Kate is the one who is snickering at this time.It seems that Qi Ping likes to be lazy, not only the parents think so, but they have even begun to pass on such an impression to the children.The result of this is that they are obviously going to do serious things, but in the eyes of the children, they are all going out to play.Even this is not just the opinion of the children, it almost includes all the thoughts of the family members.

Thinking about it, he is really full of grievances. He usually drives the helicopter out for a walk.This is not just for playing or experiencing the fun of flying a helicopter, but for more research.

"Anyway, your helicopter has enough space, and I will take care of the children. Captain, we are now ready to set sail!"

Seeing Kate carrying Xiaoyao onto the plane, and seeing Xiaoyao nimbly taking the earphones and buckling them on, Qi Ping felt that he had nothing to say.Fortunately, he has now switched to the Bell 206 helicopter, which is known as the safest and most reliable helicopter. The number of seats is sufficient, so there is no need to worry about overloading.

"We are the best at Xiaoyao, and we know how to take care of our younger siblings, which is great!"

Kate sat in the side-by-side driver's seat, and looked back at the back seat; the three-person seat sat in the middle, and the little guy's experience of flying a helicopter may be second only to Qiping at home.So the little guy tried the headset, picked up the volume, and then helped his sister put it on.As for the younger brother who is too noisy, Xiaoyao still needs to help the younger brother fasten the seat belt. These younger sisters can do it by themselves, but the younger brother is still young and needs to be taken care of.

"Yes, of course he is very powerful. If you don't occupy the co-pilot, he will definitely sit in. I think his physical fitness is so good. In the future, as long as his eyesight is good, I think he must learn to pilot a fighter jet. Are you sure? Knowing him, watching too many movies, he actually wants me to drive a helicopter to play dive or accelerate. Usually he guides me to fly, he is the brain, I am just an executive without thinking!"

Speechlessly, he looked back at the happy Xiaoyao, this kid's physical fitness was really nothing to say.It's just a trivial matter to knock down taller and heavier little fat guys, and it's a real hero to be able to fly a fighter jet; after all, fighter jet pilots are all non-human in physical fitness, and the requirements are very strict.

Coupled with Xiaoyao's personality, fighter jets may be his favorite, a very high-end hobby.Compared with his old man who likes private jets as a standard equipment for local tyrants, it seems that he is still able to play freely. Three generations of nobles, of course they can play if they are rich!
They are all old couples with Qi Ping, and Kate naturally understands that Qi Ping is teasing his precious son.So you don't need to be polite, just cast a blank glance at a certain guy who doesn't understand the style, and by the way, when the children didn't pay attention, he ruthlessly pinched the soft flesh at the flush waist.Now is the time to fly the plane, don't wander off and think about things like what you have and what you don't have.

The children were yelling excitedly, Qi Ping could tell that the boys in the family were purely 'wild', and they were all bold and fat.It must be said that they are afraid of heights and the like, otherwise they would not be excited to climb up the helicopter one by one, still shouting slogans like 'fly higher'.It is estimated that in the future, there will be no difficulty in bungee jumping.

"I can't fly too high today. I'm going to the back mountain to have a look. There are some beasts there, and there seem to be quite a few of them."

Qi Ping could only shout to the children through the earphones. He always said that he hoped that he would be a hero in the hearts of the children; if it was normal, it would be no problem to drive the plane higher, as long as the children were happy.But it really can't work now, he really has something to do when he comes out this time.

"The beasts are coming? Are there a lot of them? Then we must pay attention to strengthening security protection. Pooh and King Kong followed Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai out this morning. Jenny has been living at the foot of the mountain now, and we need to protect them."

Kate was getting a little nervous, although she was well aware that the little ones in the family were powerful and intelligent.But caring is messy. She really cares about her family.And it’s true that King Kong and them are very powerful, but there are so many opponents; two fists can’t beat four hands, and a good tiger can’t stand up to a pack of wolves. In fact, Kate knows these reasons very well.

"Now only some traces have been found, and they have not yet approached the Muse Lake. It is relatively safe now, they are in the center of the forest, and they have not come to the edge. So Jenny, they are safe, and there is no major problem for the time being. This Once I come here to see these situations, I don't want them to threaten our guys."

Although the helicopter is noisy, but this helicopter is a "high-end product", the performance is very good, and the flight is relatively stable.The most important thing is that Qiping is not stingy. This helicopter has a small modification, and the noise has been reduced a lot, so it will not be unbearable.

Flying close to the sky above the forest, Qi Ping is not an adventure, he now has such excellent helicopter piloting skills.This guy is not just idle, flying a helicopter is really a must-have skill for him.As for the skills that he needs to master, Qi Ping can pat his chest and say that he is an 'expert'!
Although the dense forest did block some sight, it didn't matter, he just needed to find what he wanted to see.When the water is clear, there will be no fish. If there are no forests, then those wild animals will lose their shelter.All of this is very normal, there is no need to require that everything happens under one's nose.

That's too greedy. Too much desire to control is not a good thing. It will make people feel very stressed, and it will increase the workload a lot for yourself.For Qi Ping, who likes to be lazy, those things are not a reliable idea.

"Father, speed up, we're going to fly above Uncle Kentris, our plane is bigger!"

The number of helicopters in the forest farm is not bad, very impressive; there are three helicopters on the side of the security department, Xiaoyao doesn't care about that many, he is just familiar with Kentris.He is very familiar with the aircraft of the forest farm. When he saw the sign, he knew that it was the aircraft of the forest farm, and it was the property of the family.

"Boss, we found two deer tracks. Thomas and Robinson have already gone down, and they are inspecting. According to the information they gave me, these are two relatively large deer tracks, and the scale may exceed [-] deer."

Seeing the flush plane approaching, Kentris started reporting over the radio.

Kentris is very concerned about the security situation at the forest farm; because the salary is generous and there is not much danger, although the matter is a bit complicated, as long as he is patient, he can actually handle it.

In fact, not only Kentris cared about this job, but the members of the Security Department cared about this job very much.It's hard to find a good job. For these rough guys who don't have much other skills, it's more practical to work in the Fairyland Forest Farm.So those guys in the security department don't object to things like rappelling from a helicopter.

Not to mention their job, but also because they have been trained.Protecting the property and personnel safety of the forest farm is the meaning of their existence, and this is the fundamental reason why they can get a good salary.

Qi Ping became a little nervous. It seemed that this matter was really beyond his control.

Qi Ping has never lowered his control over the mountains and forests, and he will patiently count the number and race of the indigenous people in the mountains.The reason is to hope for ecological balance.

The environmental quality of the forest farm is better, and the aura in the air is enough to attract some animals.But in the mountains and forests, Qi Ping didn't have too many spirit-gathering formations at all, and it might not be a good thing to attract all the beasts.At that time, there were too many monks and too little porridge, and it would affect the ecological balance. Some things really didn't mean that there were too many things.

The deer road is actually the road that the deer travel.There are two deer paths, about thirty or so, which is really a lot.Such a herd of deer might not have too many problems going to the forest farm. Thirty deer were not even comparable to Rudolph's deer herd.

But this group of deer 'moved' from the National Forest Park, they may know that the environment here is better and the food is more abundant.They may be just pioneers and pathfinders, and then more wild animals may start to migrate and move into the fairyland forest farm to enjoy a good life with gusto.

When the deer come here, it will actually slowly drive the migration of some carnivores; for example, pumas, wolves, and even brown bears and black bears.These guys rushed into the forest farm in a swarm, facing the fact that the area of ​​the land was not enough; the area of ​​the forest farm was only that big, and everyone who wanted the land would definitely not be able to allocate such a thing.

And Qi Ping can be sure that once the animals start to migrate on a large scale, the National Forest Park will be the first to be anxious and jump.In principle, the national forest park is a protected area for animals and plants, but when all your wild animals run away, it shows that the work of the forest park is not in place, and it can even be said that the significance of the existence of the forest park will be questioned.

Two herds of deer suddenly appeared, perhaps they really were going to bring a lot of trouble.

(End of this chapter)

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