America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 311 Be a Qualified Boss

Chapter 311 Be a Qualified Boss
Qi Ping really needs to pay attention to the arrival of the herd of deer. In fact, it can be seen now that the two herd of deer are just the forerunners.According to the inspections in the past two days, some other large animals have gradually entered the fairyland forest farm.

This is a major event, a serious matter, and must be taken seriously!

In addition to the fact that the territory may not be enough, the most important thing is actually the food issue.Once there are too many wild animals, it may be a small trouble, and if it cannot be guided well, it may be a disaster.

For example, now that there are signs of brown bears and cougars, this is enough to cause headaches.They are large carnivores and are apex predators.The existence of these guys is actually attracted by the herd of deer, because there is more food here.There are more ferocious beasts because of the large number of herbivores and the like.

But the number of herbivores and the like can't be flooded, or the plants will be hurt.It is even necessary to consider the feelings of rabbits and squirrels, because there are more and more natural enemies, and they cannot survive.

The food chain needs to be complete enough, there really can't be any missing links, and there can't be any deformities.

"Don't just think about your forest farm. If there are more animals, it won't be a problem. You just need to pay attention to it and there is no big threat. If you have that time now, you should visit the pasture more. There are more things over there. Also, don't Always take Xiaoyao to watch boxing or fighting games, he is already lawless, if he learns to fight again, I think you will live in kindergarten every day!"

Qi Ping was still lazily lying on the sofa, consulted the opinions of experts a little bit, and was making the best possible plan.Dad appeared, Qi Weihui really had no choice for this lazy son.Too lazy, it's really not like a billionaire should be ambitious.

"I see, I really don't have much to do there. I'm the boss, and I just need to learn to read the books. There's no need to meddle in the operation of the ranch."

"The decision should always be yours. You can't let other people decide everything! It's like whether those bulls should be eunuched or not. My idea is whether to eunuch, but other people think You want to be castrated. Tell me, what is your idea about this matter!"

Well, the ass decides the head!
Dad's meaning is very simple, because once the bulls that are not suitable for breeding are castrated, this will reduce the growth rate of those bulls.The same is true when you think about it, the most important thing has been taken away, and I have no intention of growing fat.

But the cowboys don't think so. It doesn't matter if the cattle are fattened up slowly. The castrated bulls are relatively more docile and easier to manage.For the Cowboys, they certainly hope that these bulls are easy to manage.As for things like growing slower, maybe they don't care about that the most.

Qi Ping started to have a headache. If you want to say that this matter really has its own calculations, it is difficult to say who is right and who is wrong. Everyone has their own reasons.

As a rancher, of course, I hope that the tonnage of these beef cattle will be larger, and the beef quality of these cattle will be higher.But the cowboys naturally hope to save trouble and make it easier to manage.

Speaking of it, those bulls who are strict will be relatively gentle.And the bulls that weren't neutered, the grumpy ones would like to fight or something.Among them, it is more convenient and preferred for the cowboys to manage a group of "tempered lambs".

In fact, it is far more than that. The cowboys on the ranch have also proposed to buy helicopters; the ranch is really too big, and they have to drive these cows to move around every day.Not only to find delicious pasture, but also need these cattle to be active, which will help improve the quality of beef.

But Qi Ping refused without even thinking about it. Helicopter grazing, thanks to those lazy cowboys who figured it out!

Such things are not without, and helicopter grazing drives cattle in some large pastures.Qi Ping is not concerned about money or anything like that. The large size of the pasture also requires the helicopter to dispatch quickly to facilitate management.However, the cattle must not be driven away.

Once helicopter grazing is used, the moving speed of the cattle will be too fast; in this way, the amount of exercise will be relatively large, which will reduce the quality of beef.The cowboys drive the cattle on horseback, and it seems that it takes effort to stop and go, but the quality of the beef is better.

Beef in the United States is graded. Ordinary beef may cost a few dollars, while the price of first-grade or even special-grade beef is tens to hundreds of dollars per pound. There is a big gap here. !
"It's better not to castrate, and don't use helicopter grazing and the like. We still follow the traditional grazing mode of grazing. Although it takes a little effort, the benefits are greater. The high-quality pasture in our family is just about to mature, and has I feel really unbalanced that such good grass can only raise ordinary cattle.”

"I love to hear this. The number of cattle in our family must be increasing and the quality is getting better and better. Those fattened cattle cost only three to five thousand dollars a head, but tens of thousands of dollars are nothing if the meat quality has improved. Those cowboys , I think it needs to be tapped hard, one by one is just thinking about being lazy."

"It's really going to be beaten. I'm not stingy. The employees on our forestry farm are pretty good. But the quality of those cowboys is really mixed. Let's take these things this time. I don't want to do it. Get out, those who want to stay here, honestly follow my requirements, don't always think about such unreliable ideas. I am the boss, I have the final say!"

"That's right! That's how it should be. You used to be too talkative, that's why they got those crooked thoughts!"

Well, Qi Ping's opinion was not only approved by his father; his mother and Kate also supported Qi Ping's decision. Speaking of which, Qi Ping is a very good boss, and the employees under his opponent are very good.

But some people always like to push their feet, not everyone will reciprocate or know how to be satisfied.They might be getting a good salary now, but he wanted better.Even with a good salary, I hope that my working environment will be better.

To put it bluntly, this is aggressiveness and the pursuit of better things.But to put it bluntly, this is pushing the nose on the face.

"The key is that those cowboys haven't tasted the sweetness. They all think that our family's business is just paid for. Yes, the wages are indeed not high, but the dividends and bonuses here are scary. Every bumpkin , I’m just slacking off here before I’ve made any achievements, it’s worth noting such an employee!”

"I support the decision of my parents, we are entrepreneurs, capitalists, we are not a charity. In fact, I don't want our hard-earned income to be taken away by those moths. In fact, I always think that we can do some charity. cause, but definitely need to be very selective about who they need to sponsor. I hate those adults who are waiting in line for handouts, they should be working, not waiting on handouts."

"It's good to do charity, accumulate virtue, and get a good reputation and some policy support and help. These are all good things for us. But we can support some orphans and donate some teaching equipment to some schools. Anyway , I am opposed to directly giving money to this organization or that organization, and I want to see that our money has really fallen into place.”

Well, obviously this matter is not that simple. In fact, some charities in the United States are not so worry-free.This matter really needs to be carefully considered; at least, the money should fall on the people who should be helped, instead of being used by some people to buy luxury cars and beautiful bags.

In fact, doing charity is one thing, accumulating virtue, the most important thing is that it can bring tangible benefits.

Taxes can be reduced to a certain extent, which is a benefit; moreover, doing charity can gain some good reputation, and doing business can be regarded as gaining invisible welfare benefits.

For example, Qi Ping is now doing some good people and good deeds in Ramona, sending some warmth to some elderly people, providing some good equipment to community schools and so on.So in Ramona, whether you admit it or not, Qi Ping is a good person, and the residents of this small town have a positive impression of Qi Ping.

Ramona is the base camp of Qiping, and it must be well managed here.Anyway, Qi Ping spent some money, but he can get a good reputation and more invisible benefits.A relatively simple proof, if it goes to court, these charity and other things can become the jury's reference opinion, this is a benefit!
"It just so happens that we give them this week's salary, and tell those people by the way that if you want to work here in the future, then just follow my request honestly and don't think about those unreliable things, what I said That's what matters."

Qi Ping is going to be a real boss, a boss who is daunting.Maybe he can have a good temper, but one thing is more certain.That is related to work, and the employees under him need to be careful.The boss is the biggest, and what the boss says is the imperial decree, there is no room for negotiation or discount at all.

Now we really need a little rectification movement, at least before it causes too much trouble.Most importantly, he doesn't want to have unstable factors under his hands.These must be killed in the cradle!

(End of this chapter)

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