America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 318 Attitude is the most important

Chapter 318 Attitude is the most important
I cut down a small tree about two meters high and dragged it back. There is no need for a tree that is too big, otherwise there is really no way to put it home.Not all things can be pursued to be tall, and some actual situations still need to be considered.

Yoyo is Qiping's best little assistant, the little girl dragged a small tree branch to follow Qiping, her little mouth was always muttering.Obviously, the little girl has done a lot of things, and now she has a sense of accomplishment and happiness, so naturally she needs to share the fun and experience of work with everyone.

"Yuyou is the best, mother knows that Yoyo has always been a hardworking child!"

"We Yoyo chopped down this tree! It's amazing, Yoyo is so amazing, he is the most powerful kid in the whole world!"

The main task of Kate and mother now is to circle around Yoyo, and now almost all the compliments are used on Yoyo.

The little girl deserves a lot of praise now, because the little girl has done a lot of things, and the Christmas tree was cut down and dragged back leisurely.So this Christmas tree is naturally the most perfect Christmas tree.Such a Christmas tree is actually not only hung with colored lights, ribbons and the like, it is indeed very beautiful.And this Christmas tree also includes delicious candies and some small toys.

Kate and her mother are going around Yoyo now, and they are all praising Yoyo hard.As for Xiao Youyou, she is now talking about her tree-cutting experience with great interest.It's just that this made Qi Ping on the side feel very sad and angry. Obviously the little girl was just cheering on the sidelines just now, but in the little girl's current story explanation, she completely occupies the initiative in this matter.

Qi Ping finally understands that the little girl is "stealing and stealing", and almost all of the credit that belongs to her father has been transferred to herself.Since it is the father's credit, of course it is also the credit of Yoyo.But the little girl still took care of her father. When she was "cutting trees", her father was her little assistant and did a little work.

"My sister wants a swing and a carriage. Can you help me, let's help my sister fulfill her wish!"

He squeezed Xiaoyao's chubby little face squatting next to him, Xiaoyao is helping now, he and his younger brother are helping Dad decorate the Christmas tree.As for Yoyo, this little girl likes to be pretty, and she is not as down-to-earth as Xiaoyao in doing things.

"No, I don't like carriages. I like sleighs. Rudolph can pull a sleigh. I want to be Santa Claus. My sister wants to be a princess, but I don't like princesses. Princesses are the last thing I like."

"I like princesses, and I like Santa Claus!"

Well, the two little brothers are now in a typical conflict. These two little guys have their own ideas.Because he spends all day with his sister who claims to be a little princess, Xiaoyao no longer believes in and likes princesses, she is not interesting at all.As for the little fat man Lele, he is still at the age where he can say that he will feel good, especially when he is with his brother and sister, he will feel happy.

I blame myself for talking too much, now I don't just want to help Yoyo make a pumpkin carriage to fulfill her little princess' dream.This time, he can't be partial. Since the fat son likes Santa's sleigh, of course he needs to fulfill this wish.Obviously, he still has to fulfill the wishes of the children, the palms and the backs of the hands are full of flesh, so that they will not be eccentric.

Although in some small matters, Qi Ping seems to be partial to Yoyo; it's just because Yoyo is a girl, anyway, Qi Ping is more in favor of the type of daughter who wants to be rich.As for the son, it may be better to raise him free-range, because it will make Xiaoyao stronger and his personality will be more outstanding.

"I agree with your choice, son, and I'm proud of you!" Mark was very happy and proud, he was proud that his son-in-law has always been an outstanding child, "I think I will help you, I am a Very good carpenter, I believe I can give you a lot of help."

"I'm not going to give you any help, you know, I'm not a carpenter. Actually I think I can do a good job, at most I can be your helper. But I think such a thing still needs children It’s better to be involved yourself, it’s really fun for them, it makes them feel more fulfilled.”

Joshua appeared and picked himself out in time; obviously he didn't want to do these things, because once he was arrested to be an assistant, it meant losing his 'freedom', and he couldn't go to the movies with beautiful girls, No way to go to the game, play football.Therefore, it's better to pick him out in time, this matter is not something he should be involved in.

This matter, obviously, should not be of interest to everyone.For Qi Ping, Dad or even Mark, they will definitely put in all their efforts to make more interesting toys for children and create a better childhood for them.It is reasonable to know the kindness of parents only after raising children.

Joshua was naturally excluded. In fact, this matter really has nothing to do with Joshua.This young man is now in adolescence, and he is completely thinking about his own affairs, such as showing off and picking up girls.This matter is really not suitable for him, and it is obvious that he does not have that ability.So, what to do or what to do, it is enough for the fathers to make a move, enough to prepare the wagon or sled for the children.

In fact, these things are easy to say, but difficult to say; after all, these are just a few amateurs here to study the drawings, and they are looking for some experience on the Internet.In fact, it is really quite a headache; this is a layman, and even he has never been exposed to these before.

Everything is difficult at the beginning, especially if you don't have a foundation and want to slowly make some achievements from the time when you are poor and white, this is not an easy thing.Maybe it's easy and quick to spend some money, but that's not the idea of ​​flushing.In the process of creation, especially with the company of children, this is the most joyful and happy thing.

Qi Ping is planning to stay at home, and he is concentrating on studying his carriage, sled and so on; even Heitan and Rudolph don’t know how many times they have been caught, because they will have to bear the burden of pulling Wagon or sleigh tasks.To be sure, this still needs to consider their height and weight, so that they can easily pull the carriage around.

There is really no need to worry, it is more practical to enjoy life now.But some people, they don't have such a leisurely pace as Qi Ping.He is a billionaire, and his family's property is very large, and they are all in a rising period, a rapid rising period. There is no need to worry about money. In fact, he has too much money to spend at all.

"Mr. Qi, we hope you can make some concessions. You should understand that those forests belong to the country, and we cannot make any retreats. The law does not allow us to make concessions."

"Yes, Mr. Qi. Your insistence prevented us from reaching a consensus at the negotiating table, and we fell into a stalemate. We all understand that everyone needs more sincerity, so as to ensure our mutual trust and success."

Well, many people are now suffering from headaches, because they seem to have only two strokes now, which is at the end of their rope.Perhaps the only thing they rely on is that the so-called forest belongs to the country, and the nature of the land cannot be changed in any way.These are the headaches for many guys who want to participate in the cooperation.

Qi Ping just smiled and said nothing, obviously he doesn't care about these things at all, he is not so talkative.These things must be stubborn.Because of stubbornness, it can bring more benefits; on the negotiating table, there is not so much warmth and the like, only by fighting for every inch of land can we get more profits.

"In fact, we all know what kind of reliance and basis this cooperation may have. I believe that you have too much analysis and research. In fact, if it is not because I am a resident of Ramona, I can change it Partners. I admit that I hope to guarantee my tree farm to the greatest extent, but in fact, everyone understands that there are too many people who want to cooperate with me.”

Knocking on the table, Qi Ping became a little impatient; bureaucracy kills people, these guys always do.There are too many things like holding chicken feathers as arrows. Holding the little power in your hand always thinks that the world is invincible and everyone should coax them.Qi Ping has never been polite to those who don't know their own position.

Most importantly, Qi Ping will not let the money in his pocket be taken away by others.He has the initiative in this matter, and the result is that he has enough capital.Now it's not that Qiping is begging to cooperate with others. In fact, those people want to cooperate with Qiping, so they need to show more sincerity, and even beg for Qiping.

"I'm not going to take any steps back, you all know some things. I've given up enough profit margins, I've shown my best sincerity. Gentlemen, if we all respect each other and have sincerity, I believe We probably need to sign a contract instead of sitting here and talking about these topics over and over again. Actually, I don't have much patience."

He unceremoniously issued an ultimatum. In fact, it was because Qi Ping didn't have more patience to grind his mouth with those people.For some things, it is one thing to have a conclusion, the most important thing is that he needs to show his posture.

(End of this chapter)

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