America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 319 Can't be partial

Chapter 319 Can't be partial (please subscribe!!!)
"Daddy, Pooh is unhappy again. I don't like Jenny, and Jenny doesn't like Pooh at all."

The children sat around Pooh lying on the ground, except for the mischievous Lele who crawled around on Pooh's generous bear back to make trouble.Both Xiaoyao and Yoyo are very distressed, tickling and comforting Pooh.

Jenny hibernates, which makes Pooh unhappy.This kid Pooh never hibernates, not only because most of California does not have a real winter, but also because he eats good food and has fun, so there is no need to hibernate.But Jenny is different. Don't look at it catching Pooh, a wealthy son-in-law, who can eat delicious food and drink spicy food, but it still lives according to the habits of wild bears.

"Father and mother are together every day, grandpa and grandma are also together, and grandpa and grandma. But Jenny is not a good girl, and she doesn't come back to live at home. Now she ignores Pooh and just sleeps in!"

It is only right for the children to fight for Pooh, but it is because Jenny is not a good wife, and she doesn't know how to play games with Pooh.Jenny is sleeping late now, and the children have reason to dislike Jenny; compared to Jenny, the children naturally prefer their family members who are closer.Pooh is part of the family, the closest family member.

"Jenny is going to hibernate now. It's not that she doesn't like being with Pooh, that's her habit. And she needs to sleep now because she has a baby, and she can only have a baby after she has enough sleep. We have to protect her now. Jenny, don't let others disturb it. When it wakes up, we can see the cute baby bear."

Now the children were happy, jumping up and down one by one; of course they like the baby bear, now that Pooh has become a super fat man, it is not cute at all, seeing the baby bear in the cartoon animation, the children are very greedy of.Now there will be more baby bears in the family, which will make the children very happy.

The little ones couldn't sit still anymore, and one by one started to push Pooh who was lying lazily on the ground.I was still fighting for Pooh before, but now I'm condemning Pooh.Pooh is not considerate at all and is a big villain. Jenny is already pregnant, so she should take care of her instead of sleeping lazily at home.

If you are serious with children, then there is really a way out; these little guys are truly unreliable, they do what they want to do, and they don’t have too many accurate positions at all, and they are the type that is easy to waver .

Kate took the children to visit Jenny, which is unavoidable; the children's stubbornness is inherited from Qi Ping and Kate, and it is difficult for them to change their minds when they quarrel.This is not unreasonable, so Qi Ping and Kate are still willing to support these choices of the children.

Of course, King Kong and Winnie went to the mountains together at this time; although the black bear will prepare a hidden lair when it hibernates, it is certain that both King Kong and Pooh know where Jenny's lair is.Going to see Jenny now, it's not a problem at all, as long as the children are willing, then they can find Jenny, even if it is hibernating.

"How are you talking with the people over there now? If you want to do that zoo, do it quickly. Now there are so many wild animals in our forest farm, it's too crowded. This is not good. Spending our money to help others Raising animals is not cost-effective at all.”

Seeing her son 'collapsed' on the sofa again, my mother was a little unhappy; this brat is really too lazy, surprisingly lazy.These things really need to be reminded to him again, otherwise, according to his personality, it is absolutely better to have more things than less things, anyway, he doesn't know the character of being anxious.

"It's okay, I've already given them an ultimatum. Those people are just a little too greedy, otherwise they would have signed the contract long ago. In fact, everything that is not bad has been negotiated; the obligations and responsibilities of both parties are clear." It has been clarified, these things are really not difficult. I just wait at home now, and when the time comes, the lawyers will clarify the contract and I will go over it."

Qi Ping is really thick-skinned. Although his mother kicked him several times, he is in a good mood.The cheeky Qi Ping sat up, looked at his mother holding a big cup of hot chocolate, and took it over decisively.The kids are out and these chocolate milk teas are his.Speaking of which, the children all learned to like chocolate from Qi Ping.

Not thick-skinned enough to dawdle at home, leaning back with the milk tea in hand, and decisively drank half a cup of milk tea in one gulp.Then put it on the coffee table, and continued to collapse on the sofa as if being cramped.There is no way, it is more comfortable to lie down. Anyway, the children are not around now, so it is more serious to pursue comfort.

"It's thundering! It's raining! Pack up your clothes!"

"Humans are born of human beings, and demons are born of demons, so to be a demon is like being a human. You must have a kind heart. With a benevolent heart, you will no longer be a demon, but a human demon."

The broken gong voice was getting closer and closer, and there were blue veins on Qi Ping's forehead; only Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai had such broken gong voices, and these two guys are still going to learn nonsense now.The most important thing is that these two guys already have children now, so it's fine if they haven't learned to mature, but they are still rebelling against their growth.Now, it's really on the level of swear words.

Now Qi Ping is not able to lie on the sofa safely, he feels a lot of pressure.The surrounding air has cooled down, because he knows that his mother must have a lot of opinions at this time.In fact, under such circumstances, as long as there are some bad things happening in the family, Qi Ping must be regarded as the object of condemnation and the target of public criticism!

Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai's swear words must be due to Qi Ping's influence.Speaking of it, it is because of these two lively and excessive parrots, the closest person is Qi Ping, and when they first learn to speak, they basically follow Qi Ping.Although now that I have grown up and have a strong learning ability, I don't need to study these things specially.But when you think about it, if the exit of the house is dirty, there is really only Qiping.

"I'm his father, if I let him know that someone dares to mess with my boy, I will beat his shit out!"

The first thing Liang Shanbo does when he gets home is to fly to the bird rack, where there are his children; although he really doesn't like taking care of children, Qi Ping basically does these things for him.But when I got home, I had to say hello to my son and daughter no matter what.

It's just that this way of educating children is really a bit like teaching punks.Needless to say now, Qi Ping felt the sweat coming out.These words were uttered directly, without even thinking about what would happen to him.This is obviously what he said when he was chatting with Luo Yi and Steve. How could he know that Liang Shanbo learned it by stealing his teacher.

Run away quickly, fortunately, it's only my mother here now, if Kate knows these things, it is estimated that a brutal beating scene will be staged.At that time, Kate will severely educate Qiping under the banner of teaching the children badly. By the way, Kate, who is in charge of the family's financial power, will consider reducing Qiping's pocket money again.

I fled back to the study room with chocolate milk tea in my arms, and enjoyed the rare leisure time quietly.To be honest, it is really difficult to have too much quiet time when children are noisy all day long.These little guys are really noisy; although they have a lot of playmates, sometimes they will come out to harass their father. As long as they want to find their father, they will never make any mistakes, and they will catch one.

Qi Ping, who flipped through the materials, felt that during this period of time, he really needed to be a little nervous and to get some things ready.Obviously, it is the end of the year again; there are still many things to do, and only when these things are prepared, can we prepare for the arrival of the new year with a more relaxed mind.

Qi Ping doesn't like that there are still a lot of things to deal with at the end of the new year, and he doesn't like being busy with all kinds of work before the fifteenth day of the first lunar month.Since it is Chinese New Year, it is necessary to ensure the atmosphere of Chinese New Year.So it doesn't matter to be a little busy now, because it's for a better Chinese New Year, so of course there will be no dissatisfaction.

"I'm in the study. I'm busy with the year-end summary. By the way, I'm going to prepare to send out this year's dividends, rewards and the like. I'm a busy person now, unlike you; The whole world is running around, I have a lot of work. I am also busy preparing for the zoo here, so I am even busier."

The boy Luo Yi called, and the first thing he asked was to ask Qi Ping to lend out his private jet.This must be no problem, that boy Luo Yi often borrows private jets.For business matters, he can get a little money, otherwise, at most it will be a gas fee, anyway, he also knows that Qi Ping is not short of this money now.

"I want you to help me make a small pendant for my fat son, who is about to turn one year old now, so you can make him a small pendant. Don't be too partial, please, and change it to a bigger one!"

Luo Yi, who ran over with his youngest son in his arms, had great ambitions, and he must now know some Qiping skills.In fact, the children all have jade pendants. In fact, everyone who is close to Qi Ping has jade pendants designed by him.Not only the quality of jade is very good, but also it feels very comfortable to wear.

"Let me take a look again. My youngest son can't be wronged. I'll make another one for him when I find a good jade. This little Bodhisattva will wear it first, and then we will collectively design a set of jade ornaments for the children." Yes. Although it’s my godson’s first birthday present, the other children can’t be partial either!”

(End of this chapter)

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