America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 320 You Can Spend Money

Chapter 320 You Can Spend Money

It took several months, and it can even be said that it has been more than three months; finally, some cooperation intentions in the zoo have been reached, and even at this time, they are finally going to be implemented. "On paper" on the negotiating table.

The establishment of a joint zoo, which is the first large-scale true wildlife park in the United States.This seems very high-end, because the wild animals living here are basically 'free range', rather than keeping animals in cages like those zoos.

In this zoo, we will protect the wild animals here to the greatest extent, and even protect the nature of these wild animals to the greatest extent.Except for some necessary protection, it can be said that there will not be too much interference with the lives of these wild animals.Such a thing, in fact, still has quite a challenge.

Among them, the most important thing is the distribution of benefits, as well as the obligations and responsibilities that both parties need to undertake, and of course the distribution of their work scope.These are very important, because this is power and interest.

First of all, the San Diego Wonderland National Wildlife Refuge; this brand is quite tall, and it also takes into account the face of both parties, and it can even be said to be more attractive.

Santiago, this is a holy place for travel; Fairyland Forest Farm is still very famous.This is strong cooperation, although making a signboard requires a little more waste of materials.But compared to this material cost, the earning will definitely be more.

As for the power and interests of both parties, a fairly good consensus has been reached.

First of all, the government will release [-] acres of forest farms, which is almost [-] acres of forest land.This is only the first phase of land investment, after a certain effect, it may continue to increase.

In fact, these lands can also be regarded as shares; these more than 1000 acres of forest land are actually not cheap.Although the relevant departments will also come up with a capital injection of 1000 million U.S. dollars, it may seem that it does not have an advantage compared to the capital injection of 5000 million U.S. dollars.In terms of funds, both parties are actually quite satisfied and sincere.

On the management side, the National Forest Park is in charge of the daily operation of the wildlife sanctuary.And Qi Ping was only dispatched to supervise finance and personnel.That is to say, Qi Ping will not intervene in management matters.

Technological invention, first of all, is to arrange those amazing technologies that can attract wild animals and improve the air.This is also Qiping's largest capital now, and he has successfully obtained 50.00% of the shares because of these things. In fact, he is the first shareholder, and he can have considerable power.

Qi Ping doesn't mind, and doesn't mind handing over the management rights to the garden; to be honest, those people who are in charge of management may be better at it.Anyway, Qi Ping has always believed that it is a good thing to make a fortune silently. As for those reputations, it doesn't matter if others take them away.The real benefits have been obtained, and this is what he values.

I have to admit that Qi Ping still has a great psychological quality. He has become more and more mature now; apart from showing off his children, he is a down-to-earth and very low-key rich man.Anyway, in the rich circle, media circle, etc., he is almost invisible.

Indeed, many people know about the Fairyland Forest Farm and know that there is a super rich man here.But these are really not the ones that Qi Ping took the initiative to go out to show off.He never intended to become a man of the hour, nor did he intend to become a big star; that would be too tiring, so these years, even King Kong and Pooh have 'quit' from the entertainment industry, no longer shooting commercials, For movies and the like, it is more realistic to eat, drink and have fun in the forest farm happily.

"Our family has poached the corner of the United States all of a sudden. With this contract in hand, although we have not changed the nature of those lands, we all have a say. I think we still have to make money. Less money. It’s like this kid said he invested 5000 million US dollars, but he just means that the left hand goes out and the right hand goes in.”

"Yes, yes, Yushi does cost some money, but his shooting fee is high. This time, he is playing at a more advanced level. I heard that the environment in our forest farm is a little worse. It would be better to pay a little more. .Those people are really stupid, and they must be working for our family in the end!"

Mom and Dad are very happy. Although it is difficult for them to read English documents, there is Kate here.In fact, Kate is also very satisfied. She knows that the family has taken a lot of advantage in this matter.And if we have more initiative in this cooperation, then of course we will be very happy.Don't care about the so-called reputation and the like, as long as you get the benefits.

Of course, it is definitely not enough to expect the National Forest Park to work for my family; those people are not stupid, and they are likely to be real fame and fortune by then, and they are really about to succeed.

Cooperation, isn't it just a matter of trying to have a happy cooperation and make everyone happy.

Now that the contract has been signed, it is time to start preparations for implementation.But for the time being, there are not too many things to be flushed, although it is planned to build a wildlife sanctuary here, under the banner of 'wild' and 'primitive'.But certainly not really the case, certainly still needs some improvement.

Wildlife sanctuary, this is not a charity, it still needs to consider profit.

Then, it needs humanization and marketization, so it needs a lot of transformation and design.These need to be prepared in the early stage, and the next period of time is to start to open up several areas where animals live.The most important thing is to ensure that tourists can enter the protected area safely and enjoy the beautiful scenery here more deeply.

Qi Ping really felt very free, he didn't need to worry about these early preparations at all.He just needs to look at the progress of the construction of the animal sanctuary, and keep an eye on the numbers and expenditures on the books.Speaking of it, Qi Ping is a complete hands-off shopkeeper, and he doesn't have much specific work to do now.

I feel very happy, because this matter has finally been settled, because my career is about to have a new breakthrough.The career is getting better and better, this matter is indeed worthy of Qi Ping's happiness.

Although his property is not particularly large, the wealth that can be created is quite large.As for this wild animal sanctuary, maybe there will not be any output in the past two years, and it even needs Qiping's continuous capital injection; but Qiping believes that more and more wealth can be created there .

Qi Ping is very aware of his own advantages. The matters he is engaged in now are inseparable from agriculture and animal husbandry, and at most they are slightly involved in tourism.For him, these projects are still very confident, because these projects can ensure that he can recover the cost to the greatest extent, and can show excellent competitiveness in the market and make a profit.

Qi Ping is still very keen on making money; he will feel a little bit of pressure now because he has seen the fat son who 'shows off his wealth'.

The kid Xiaoyao started to show off his wealth, and the little guy on a whim pulled out his various toys.In fact, Xiaoyao's toys are quite boyish, such as various car toys, ranging from palm-sized toy cars to children's cars, from cartoon cars to cool sports car models.

Qi Ping was dumbfounded. He knew that his son had a lot of toys before, but now it seems that such a scale has exceeded fifty.This is still a relatively well-preserved type. In fact, Fat Son has destroyed many 'cars' long ago, or the number must have far exceeded the current number.

Xiaoyao's flaunting of wealth is not enough to put pressure on Qi Ping, because this kid still doesn't understand the meaning of money. His current toys are actually more in quantity, but the price is not necessarily expensive.

The one who really knows how to spend money is the little shopaholic at home; Xiao Youyou not only has a princess dream, but also has a lot of shopaholic tendencies.Clothes, shoes, etc. are constantly being bought, and the little girl is still in the rapid growth stage, so why do I need so many clothes.But Kate and her mother always take the little girl to go shopping to buy new clothes, and even some new clothes can't be worn after a few times.

But this thing is still going on.The little girl now has her own wardrobe and shoe cabinet, and the number is increasing rapidly.

Forget it, there is always one piece of clothing missing in a woman's closet, and this matter is absolutely understandable.But the little girl's toys are high-end.Qi Ping thinks that the baby girl must want to buy a complete set of Barbie dolls, which is a big waste of money.

So boys are easy to raise. Although Xiaoyao has a lot of toys, they are all easier to pass away.Look at Xiao Lele again, give him some delicious food, and let his brother or sister take him to play games, this is enough to make the little guy grin for a long time.

To be rich and raise a daughter, you really need to have a certain material foundation.Although these 'enrichment', not just purely material conditions.

Where there is pressure, there is motivation. Who made Qi Ping feel that raising children is full of challenges now, who made him like these little babies so much.So even if it takes a little effort to make money now, Qi Ping feels willing.All his efforts now are actually to let his family enjoy a better life.

This is Qi Ping's responsibility, he is the pillar of the family, so he should show the demeanor of the pillar.In any case, there are old and young, so of course we can't just be lazy at this time.Especially my own family members are very good at spending money, so it is even more necessary to work hard to make money!

(End of this chapter)

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