Chapter 322 Reality
Human feelings are as thin as paper, and world affairs are like a chess game.No one cares about the poor living in the busy city, but the rich have distant relatives in the mountains.If you don't believe me, but look at the wine in the banquet, and respect the rich and noble people first.A tall horse is tied in front of the door, and it's not a kiss, it's a kiss.Put a begging stick in front of the door, relatives and old friends do not come to the door...

Qi Ping really understands such a truth now, it seems that the ancestors have already seen through the ways of the world.

It would be an exaggeration to say that Qi Ping's relatives and friends are all those who dislike the poor and love the rich, or are worldly and money-worshiping. After all, as his own relatives, there are still very good people.It's just that after his own family developed, Qi Ping knew that some relatives who had little or no contact with him before became more frequent.Of course, some so-called relatives who didn't know before started to come over.

This is normal, who made the current old Qi's family prosperous; this is not something I heard from others, but it is real.Look at the house of Lao Qi's family, a serious villa; this is just a villa in my hometown, and I can't actually live in it a few times a year.But such a villa must be worth hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars.This is in the countryside, such a villa is too extravagant.

As for some news reports and the like, I have actually seen some news; for example, I know that a fairyland forest farm seems to be built by Qiping, and because I know a lot of things now, for example, Lao Qi’s family now has a top-notch Resorts and forest farms make a lot of money.Private jets are available now, and sports cars are nothing new at all.

Lao Qi's family is rich, and it's hard to say how much money they have now, anyway, it's definitely not just billionaires.Even if it is to use a unit of [-] million, it must be based on US dollars or the like. Lao Qi's family is now completely developed.

"Several people came here again today, saying that the Chinese New Year is not good. Why didn't we see how many people wanted to help when the Chinese New Year was difficult in our family before. It would be fine if the relatives who were more acquainted and walked more, the key is these people who came over They are all unreliable relatives or something, not to mention the nonsense relatives, and they have lost contact with each other before, and only came here when they saw our family has developed."

"That is to say, if they want to borrow tens of thousands of yuan, you will be embarrassed if you don't borrow it. The money is really nothing to our family. But if you want to borrow it, our family's money is no more A lot, it can’t mean that anyone can get money from our house. Anyway, I mean, I really don’t want to lend this money. Money is really hard to say, and it’s easy to offend people.”

"I just said that it's fine not to borrow. Every year when I come back, I do it like this. They have a hard time during the New Year, and they have to let our family follow behind to worry about it. It's really hard for those relatives in the past to say anything. For some relatives, I think that if they have such a virtue, they might as well not move around.”

Mom and Dad are a little unhappy. Some poor relatives have come to the door these days; if they are really poor relatives, then naturally they can help if they can.But there are some poor relatives who come to the door, whether they are relatives or not is unclear; there are many people who are unreliable and want to take advantage of Lao Qi's family. This is not to visit relatives, but to give alms.

"Mom and Dad, don't think too much about it. You can't figure out these things. It's not that our Lao Qi's family is prosperous and we look down on some poor relatives, but if you want to say that you are good at everything, you want this reputation. Well then, no matter if they are real relatives or not, they will all come to ask for help. You said that after grandma passed away, did those cousins ​​come here before? But it’s okay now, what are they going to build a house for? Why should our family have to pay for it, at most I can give it as a gift."

The elder brother is not happy, he is disdainful of some top-notch relatives coming to the door; the so-called relatives, they actually disdain family affection, they are actually only interested in money.For such 'relatives', they cannot be regarded as relatives.As for the real relatives, they might be happy to see that Lao Qi's family is well-off, but they definitely won't just look at money while walking around.

"What the boss said makes sense. Just walk around with aunts, uncles, and aunts. These are serious relatives. I don't have any impression of cousins, cousins, etc., really. None. Let me tell you, it doesn’t matter if we get a reputation that they don’t look down on poor relatives, and I don’t rely on them to live.”

Qi Ping also had the same opinion. Anyway, at this time, the so-called face can't be saved.What's more, these face-saving may not be so useful.After spending a lot of money and taking care of these relatives as much as possible, it might not be worthwhile to end up with a "good reputation" who was taken advantage of.

"You two brothers, don't worry about this matter, lest someone poke our backs. If you really meet some relatives who are in trouble, help them if you can. It's a trivial matter if money is not money, anyway They don’t need too much money for opening their mouths. If they really want the lion to open their mouths, then I don’t have to give him that face. Let’s just leave it at that. In fact, everyone is not very rich and has a hard time. I'm a little nervous, now that I have money, I can help if I can."

"By the way, I told you last time that you have paid the tuition fees for all the college students in our village. I thought about it, and there are not many people in our village now, and there are even fewer college students. It won’t cost a lot of money. How about it, I think you should expand the scale a little bit, and we will cover the tuition fees of the students in our village. By the way, we will also bear the tuition fees of the college students in our town. Not everyone wants you To pay, we take the ones that are economically difficult. It is one thing to have a good reputation, and it can be regarded as accumulating some virtue.”

Well, since my mother has already made a decision, Qi Ping has nothing to say.In the final analysis, my mother is the most powerful boss in the family. In fact, my mother is more experienced in handling these things.Although Qi Ping and his brother have a very good career now, they don't necessarily understand things like their parents better than their parents.

My parents are like this, for them they still attach great importance to reputation; Lao Qi's family is indeed well-off now, quite well-off.Then at this time, we also need to pay attention to some influences. Obviously, things that accumulate virtue and good fortune must be done, and things that are good for the reputation of Lao Qi's family must be done as much as possible.Speaking of it, these things don't cost much now, but if you can get a good reputation, it's worth it.

Qi Ping felt that this matter was indeed true. There were too few college students in the village; speaking of itself, there were fewer students of the right age, and there were naturally fewer college students.So now, elementary school, middle school, and high school are all included in the scope. Although the tuition fees for elementary school and junior high school are very low, it is still an expense.

To be honest, the number of these college students in the town is definitely not small. After all, now that the university has expanded its enrollment, college students and the like are no longer the favored children of heaven.As far as the economic conditions in the town are concerned, it's not bad, after all, the town in my hometown is not bad; although it's just a small town in a small third-tier city, it's not considered a poor county.However, there will still be some families with financial difficulties, especially for studying and going to university. These expenses are not small.

It's really not a problem to spend a little money to subsidize college students who have difficulties.Anyway, I already have enough money, so I should do something meaningful at this time.You can't just think about eating, drinking and having fun all day long. Anyway, you also need to see if you can become a meaningful person to society.

"Grandpa, let's go out and play. I want to eat sausage, and I want to eat marshmallows."

"Grandpa, but my brother and I have finished eating the raisins. I still want to eat persimmons, but I don't know where the persimmons are stored. I still want to eat a lot of delicious food."

The bouncing Xiaoyao ran home with his younger brothers and sisters roaring. The little ones must have gone crazy with the little friends in the village just now; when they returned home, the first thing they thought of was their grandparents.As for mom and dad, they have long been thrown aside by the children, because there are delicious and fun things to do with grandparents.

Brother and sister are very good at talking now, they can communicate well with grandpa.Little Fatty Lele is in a hurry, the little guy still stumbles when he speaks.But although the words are not very fluent, but she is good at acting like a baby; she patted Grandpa's thigh, and was immediately hugged by Grandpa.He hugged his grandfather's neck and pouted his mouth to kiss him, and then slowly said what good food he wanted to eat, that's all.

"Then who of you is going to help grandpa get the car keys? And grandpa has no strength at all now, so you have to drag grandpa."

Well, Qi Ping now feels that there is no need to say anything, and it is actually useless to say it.Just look at his father, he really enjoys the feeling of being surrounded by his grandchildren; at this time, let alone take the children to the town, go to the city to buy some snacks, even if he is asked to go to the United States to buy some snacks Come back, this will not be too tiring.

"Let your sister-in-law and Kate follow us, you two do what you want to do. We are two old and two young, and there is nothing wrong. We are going to take the children to buy some snacks , Kate will also try some special snacks at that time. By the way, let's go shopping and buy some new clothes for the babies for the New Year."

Well, it’s time to buy new clothes for the Chinese New Year again; this is an irresistible reason, but it’s just that people buy new clothes for the Chinese New Year every two days, which is really too frequent.

(End of this chapter)

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