America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 323 Teach a Man to Fish

Chapter 323 Teach a Man to Fish
Some relatives have already come to ask for help, which is really difficult to deal with; if you are really unfeeling or something, then you will really become a lonely family.Poor relatives are actually very important.To a large extent, making a fortune is less about showing a sense of accomplishment in front of strangers, and more about 'showing off' in front of relatives.

If you talk about some relatives, those so-called relatives are still relatively unreliable. If you think that Lao Qi's family is well-off, then even if you don't follow and make a fortune immediately, anyway, you should get some benefits from Lao Qi's family.It’s not that there are such people, in fact there are many of them; it’s like seeing some news that some people got state subsidies after being in an unjust prison, and immediately a large number of relatives came rushing in, just to borrow money!

Although such relatives are chilling, Qi Ping really does not intend to talk to those people; but Qi Ping knows better that there are still many good people among his relatives. A relatively honest person.Of course, they also have their own pursuits, wanting to live a better life.

For these relatives, Qi Ping is of course more important; just like uncle, aunt or aunt, these are the closest relatives who have left these years.Of course, I visited many times when I was a child, and I was very cared for; after I developed myself, the help to my relatives was actually relatively limited.

After discussing with his elder brother and mother, Qi Ping felt that his plan was actually very good; his father doesn't need to know these things now, he just needs to take his grandson and granddaughter to eat, drink and have fun. Driving all day with the kids to the city to eat a mouth full of oil and then go home.

"Auntie, I have something to discuss with you this time, let's put it this way. I have made some money now, and I have some capital now. However, I want to help my relatives if I can. As for me, I may not necessarily be able to make everyone rich, but I still have some ideas to help everyone live a better life."

"We have discussed this matter. Speaking of which, we are all broken bones and connected tendons. It is true that our old Qi family is doing better now, and it is considered a bit capable. I will tell these two boys If we have the ability, we will help our relatives a little; for outsiders who don’t matter, we are serious relatives. Some people say that the first relative and the second representative will be pulled down by the third and fourth generations. I don’t want this, we are so close In the future, it’s good for the children to get closer and help each other.”

Qi Ping just started, and his mother started to become the 'host'; although the relatives get along well, but sometimes there are some stumbling blocks.As for some small showing off, getting the envy of relatives, these are all very normal things.

Qi Ping can understand the little showing off of his mother.After all, the conditions of the family were definitely not good among the relatives who traveled a lot in their own home.But now, it can be regarded as a real elation.

In fact, these relatives who are closer to each other also went to the United States with Qi Ping's parents; seeing the private jet of the old Qi family and Qi Ping's industry with their own eyes, this is the only way to truly know how developed Qi Ping is now.To be specific about how much money Qiping has, it is really difficult to accurately describe; there are private jets, villas, sports cars and so on.

It must be a lie to say that these relatives and elders are not envious or jealous. It is normal that cousins ​​and cousins ​​have made a lot of contact with Qi Ping over the years.Just like some relatives said, a little leakage between flush fingers is enough for them to survive.

"I mean it's not a problem to always work for others. If my cousins ​​want to do something on their own, I can borrow money. What I mean is to try to help everyone live a good life."

Qi Ping's words made the relatives happy. They felt that Qi Ping had finally taken the initiative.Although the gifts that Qi Ping has given over the years are very good, the most important thing for relatives is to hope to live a good life, a better life.Gifts are only given by others. It is fundamental to have a good job and more property.

In the past, there were also relatives who were thinking about some messy thoughts, but more people knew that it was really unnecessary.That money may seem little in Qiping, but it seems a lot to others.But this mouth is asking for money, which is offending people. It's the same thing whether Qi Ping gives it or not. In the future, he basically declares that it's useless to ask for money.

In fact, some elders are happy to say that they are happy because of Qi Ping's prosperity; they are also happy to receive Qi Ping's gifts during the festivals, and they may sometimes show off their nephew's achievements.They can eat enough and wear warmth, and their lives are pretty good, and basically they don't have too many pursuits.

However, their children and grandchildren still live in small cities and in the countryside; if they have limited education, they may not be very capable.So it is really difficult to get ahead.In this world now, with no capital and no connections, it is really difficult to make a profit.

"I discussed it with Qi Ping. We have a proposal here. Let's see if it is suitable."

Qi Lei interjected, and held a family banquet at home, inviting these close relatives; fortunately, it was the end of the year, even relatives who were working outside had returned home, and the old Qi's family now had face and Car pick-up and drop-off, basically all relatives at home came over.It's not so exaggerated to say hello in advance, and it's not so particular in the countryside; the most important thing is that it's between relatives, and there's no need to be so exaggerated and out of place.

"I think so. We take the family as the unit, and I will provide funds for those who want to start a business. In principle, it is 200 million for each family. If it is really a big project and I approve it, add It is also possible.”

This time, Qi Ping's words excited all the relatives; although he didn't speak, his eyes and complexion could show it.200 million per family, this figure is really quite a lot, even enough to buy a decent house in some big cities.

"Let me make it clear, it is a villain before a gentleman. The money is borrowed, not given." Of course Qi Ping knows that these things may be misunderstood, so he still needs to declare in advance, "That is to say, the funds Well, you can only take it out to start a business, and you still have to pay it back.”

"Let's put it this way, if someone wants to get 200 million venture funds, no problem. I don't want interest or anything, you can just give me 5.00% of the principal every year; that is to say, for the 200 million, I can pay me back 20 every year. I will pay it off after [-] years, and I don’t want a penny of interest, and I will pay back how much money I borrowed.”

Qi Ping said with a smile, it's just that some relatives are starting to get serious at this time; the 200 million is really hard to get.It can even be said that the 200 million yuan may not necessarily be available at all.

This is a start-up fund. Maybe Qi Ping's family doesn't care about it. They don't pay any interest or anything but help their relatives start their own businesses.But this has to be repaid every year, and the amount may not be small.Of course, if you borrow less, the repayment amount will be smaller.

This should be a good thing. Nowadays, many people want to start a business but have no funds; especially these relatives of their own, after all, it is unlikely that they will be exposed to those millions of millions of investments.This 200 million investment is actually very good for them.

"Qi Ping, we haven't studied much, and we don't have much ability. So much money is used to start a business. What if we lose money? If we can't pay it back, it will be difficult for you? "

The third cousin, who was more active in her thoughts, spoke, and she spoke about a very crucial issue.This number is really too big, and it may not be that every investment can make money.So it is very likely that the money will not be repaid.

"Then I think this way. There are definitely risks in investing, so you need to be more cautious. After careful investigation and steady development, there is still some room for development. What I mean is that if you really lose money, you will have no way to pay back the money." I also admitted it; we are all relatives, and it is impossible for me to force everyone to pay back the money. However, there is no way to do business after the proof of not being able to pay back the money. Let’s make investments and things like that.”

Qi Ping's words were very calm, but the third cousin blushed a little, and even at this time, it wasn't just the third cousin who blushed a little.Obviously, some people just move their minds. If you can't pay back the money, Qiping will never force you to come to the door.Is that still a relative? You, Qi Ping, are so rich, why do you still care about us? !

Therefore, Qi Ping laid an ambush; if everyone pays more attention, then well, I will provide you with funds, and everyone's life will be easier in the future.Of course, Qi Ping doesn't care if he 'steals' the money under the guise of investing in a careless manner; at most, he has known people's hearts, so it's fine if he doesn't move around in the future.This amount of money is a lot to some people, but it is nothing to Qi Ping.It's only two or three million US dollars, which is not as good as his car.

"Then Qi Ping, if I use this money to buy a house, will it work? Now the price of houses is rising very fast, and we have no skills or skills. I plan to buy a few houses in the city and put them there. When the time comes You should be able to earn some money for retirement by changing hands."

At this time, the eldest aunt opened her mouth to break the silence again. This idea is really good, and it looks like real estate speculation.

"What I mean is that you find ways to invest yourself, and I basically don't interfere much. It's your business to not have a house or something. Anyway, you can just give me 5 yuan or 10 yuan every year. What? Do it, and do your calculations."

(End of this chapter)

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