America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 327 Who Has No Secrets

Chapter 327 Who Has No Secrets (Please Subscribe!!!)
"I think you have to be frightened now that you have two dollars. The job I am looking for you is so good. If you get more than 100 million US dollars, you can get it if you get it, and this is a long-term cooperation. In the future, there will be more money." Earn money. It doesn’t take you much time, and it’s not very tiring, you’re still picking and choosing!”

"Aren't you tired? I follow you all over the mountains and plains every day, and I have to learn how to parachute the paratroopers. In order to make this little money, I am really tired. I can see now Yes, you just want to capture me as a coolie. You have bad intentions, and you want to save yourself money, so you squeezed me."

"If you find a coolie for me, you can get more than 100 million US dollars a month, and maybe you can earn more in the future! You did the fart, didn't you just give me something like a rangefinder? Coordinate value. I’m here to take care of you, and I plan to put on an expert’s coat for you so that you can go out and deceive. You are now Dr. Qi Ping’s assistant, which will improve your grade!”

"Dr. fart, you are an honorary doctorate, not reliable at all. You didn't see how many times Professor Bruce told your nephew not to learn from you. By the way, Xiaoyao and Yoyo don't seem to be good. Student, you have a lot of mischievous skills; I think your elder brother's Benben is pretty good, and Professor Bruce always praises Benben for his good academic performance and smartness."

"My Xiaoyao and Yoyo are already in the Princeton University reserve team, and they can get in without taking an exam. But my fat nephew is really capable. If he can get into those good universities by himself, I will send him a car when he goes to university. A Lamborghini or a Porsche 918. The kids in my family probably have no hope, they all got in through the back door with my face and money.”

High-quality educational resources are scarce, but the scarcity will not wrong the children of the rich; they don’t need to worry about Xiaoyao, and those top universities will still warmly welcome them.Especially now that there are more and more cooperations between Qiping and Princeton University, so of course the connection is getting closer and closer.

Attracting the children of Lao Qi's family to Princeton University is a good relationship; it is said to be an "alma mater", and when the time comes, donations and the like will be more sponsorship from these rich people.

Besides, Qi Ping is now a great expert; his research 'involves' agriculture, forestry, biology, tourism, and natural sciences.Don't think that his honorary doctorate is just for the sake of money, it's more because Qi Ping has some unique skills, which are only mastered by him in the whole world.

Luo Yi, who was lazy, thought about it and carried the rangefinder on his shoulders. Pooh and King Kong could carry them on their backs, as the instruments were not heavy at all.But these things are carried by these little guys, it is really inconvenient to walk. After all, this place is in the deep mountains and old forests, so it is easy to stumble.

In fact, this matter is not too difficult; that is, Qi Ping said that he needed more inspections of the wildlife sanctuary that was about to enter the construction progress, so he came out with his full-time assistant Luo Yi.This is a field that does not flow to outsiders. Qi Ping is the only one in his own hands. He has completely monopolized the market. Of course, it is a fact, no one can bargain with him.

"Go and give me more accurate data here. Although you are here to make soy sauce, you can't do too badly. In fact, I have to pay a lot of money for this investment."

"OK, I see. The key is that you let the helicopter position me more accurately, so that I can clarify the surface of this place. The fuck is actually these big trees and the like, there will always be some Interference, a little change is needed."

Bringing a few hounds who were called back up the mountain, and greeting Pooh as a bodyguard by the way, Luo Yibiao set off in a hurry; he brought a luxurious bodyguard group, and there was no need to worry that some wild animals here could threaten his safety.In fact, this time into the mountains, generally speaking, it is quite enjoyable.

Being able to make money is of course a good thing. Although Luo Yi is indeed a multi-millionaire now, he must be happy if he can earn more than one million US dollars from a part-time job.The landlord's family doesn't have much surplus food, especially now that they have two children, they need to earn a little more money.

The things he is doing now are still a little technically difficult; but Qi Ping is right, since Qi Ping thinks that only Luo Yi has the level to be his assistant, then the management of the reserve can only accept it.It is impossible to reason with Qiping. Whoever makes Qiping an expert is the biggest.

Qi Ping is still very satisfied, an expert should have the style of an expert; the appearance fee is just a small performance, and it includes bringing his own assistant.Therefore, now everyone is making a fortune together; it cannot be said that Qi Ping just put money from the left pocket into the right pocket. A large part of the money is actually paid by the relevant departments and is the taxpayer's money.

So Qi Ping will not be polite, he finally saw the money back!

It's actually a good thing to have a thicker skin, so that you can make more money; in fact, this is what it should be like.Monopoly can always bring the most lucrative benefits, and knowledge is wealth; such experts should be valued.

King Kong and Pooh are actually very happy, not just because Qi Ping is home now and can play games with them.In fact, it also includes going into the mountains together now, this is their territory, and they can take better care of and help them to be even.These things are the reasons why King Kong is happy, because they always want to prove that they are very sensible and capable, and in fact they are, they are the most outstanding existence.

It is indeed beneficial to take them into the mountains. Although Qi Ping and the others have done a lot of security protection, it must be mentioned that there are still many wild animals here.The existence of King Kong and Pooh is the best bodyguards, and it is very rare that they can threaten their existence. This is definitely the toubob in the mountains.

In fact, before Qiping started working, the management of the reserve has already started to get busy; roughly doing some surveying and mapping, dividing the area, and even roughly surveying the animals and plants in this forest. Some investigation and more.These are their jobs, and they did a good job, at least they gave Qi Ping a good information.

Everyone performs their duties, and Qi Ping doesn't want to interfere in management matters, as long as the people over there don't make any mistakes, it's fine.As for Qiping, although Qiping's technology is an exclusive monopoly, everyone can see the effect.

So it's rare to be confused, each of them just needs to do their own things well; as for other people who have some small thoughts in this cooperation, there is really no need to make it clear.

Luo Yi is actually an expert pretending to be confused. He is not an expert assistant at all. Now he can do these things well as long as he gets a little hint.But it doesn't matter, just pretend to be an assistant; as for impersonation, morality and the like, it doesn't matter, the most important thing is to secure more than 100 million US dollars into the account.

In fact, Luo Yi is very clear that the external news is that Qi Ping discovered some unique technologies after he acquired the forest farm.But Luo Yi feels that what can guide and improve the air quality is actually Qiping's hands and feet, not the so-called masterpieces of nature at all.

To put it bluntly, in the past, everyone studied law, and did not study the natural environment or biological sciences at all; it is an unsolved mystery from whom Qiping learned the technology here.So there is no need to ask. Everyone has their own secrets. If you have nothing to do to break the casserole and ask the end, you are actually asking for trouble.

"By the way, what kind of animals are you going to raise in your zoo here? I said that if it is turned into an animal sanctuary that is close to the wild state, it doesn't seem to work at all. There are trees all over the mountains and plains. It is difficult for ordinary people to come in. Sightseeing Tourism is one thing, and you usually have no way to detect and take care of these animals."

"It must be somewhat different from the wild state, but the wildness of these animals will be guaranteed to the greatest extent. Actually, some things still need to succumb to the market. Our idea is to open up several characteristic animal living areas; It’s definitely not possible to drive a passenger car or the like, but a smaller beach buggy is fine. Besides, since it’s a wildlife sanctuary, hiking is also a pleasure.”

Luo Yi suddenly seemed to understand something. In fact, whether the animal sanctuary makes money or not is actually a lot of special value.Maybe this zoo can make some money, but it's definitely not too much; what Qi Ping wants is to use this zoo to establish relationships with some departments, and by the way, use some small favors to hang those people, so that they can feel at ease Hanging on a wildlife sanctuary that can generate some interest.

As for why this matter can be seen, it is too simple; at any rate, he is also a close buddy of Qi Ping, and he can actually see many things by looking at Qi Ping's current state.

Speaking of Qi Ping, he paid a lot of money; but money is nothing at all, because Qi Ping is very rich.Qiping did produce some techniques, but these are quite a few of the best techniques, and Qiping also charges an appearance fee.

Such a state shows that Qi Ping didn't pay much attention to this matter at all, and even this guy was planning to protect his own interests when he was doing this matter.

He is very insidious and cunning, drawing a delicious pie can actually attract many people, and can indeed produce some benefits.

But in the end, these people will be led by the nose by Qi Ping in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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